Liu Wei's face was extremely ugly, and whenhee thought about how he had already drank that bone soup for ten days, she felt nauseous. When she was pregnant with Xiaoli, she didn't have anything to worry about.

Not long later, Ming Xiang brought the soup over, Rong Ling once again put down the huge matter of the nation in her hands and focused on Liu Wei.

Liu Wei also looked at him, not saying a word.

After Ming Xiang took the empty bowl and left, Liu Wei stared at the ashes on the table and said: "He only wanted to see you, and you really don't want to hear it. What does he want to say? Even if he was in the wrong in the past, since he has come to the capital this time and has yet to leave, and has yet to give up, he has always sent over invitations. Why don't you just go over and find out his purpose?

"Tian Ya Country." Rong Ling coldly said these three words.

Liu Wei then continued: "Although the Tian Ya Country is just a small country in the Western Regions, I do not believe that they truly have this kind of ambition to take advantage of the Qing Yun Sect. At the end of the day, the Tian Ya Country is still too weak.

What Liu Wei said was the truth that could be seen at the moment, but Rong Ling did not think so.

It was because Tian Ya Country was weak that they chose to use their brains to attack. If Tian Ya Country truly had plans for Qing Yun, she would definitely cooperate with the other small neighboring countries, and if they decided to attack Qing Yun together, they would lose control of the situation.

This was the so-called ant biting the elephant to death.

The Tian Ya Country was truly weak, but she could not rest. Rong Ling did not want to see that person, for no other reason than that she could guess what that person would say.

In the beginning, it was nothing more than telling him everything that had happened in the past. The end would be the main event.


When Rong Ling first received the invitation card, she had already thought of this disrespectful term.

Rong Ling didn't want to talk too much with Liu Wei. National affairs were related to too much, so rather than letting her waste his time thinking, it would be better to just let her rest in peace.

The most urgent matter was not as important as the child in her womb.

After missing out on Xiaoli's birth, Rong Ling did not plan to miss out on Xiao Ye's birth again.

Rong Ling was about to say something else, but she quickly retracted her gaze and saw the good news in her hands.

This was a piece of newspaper that was sent over from Qingzhou. It said that Fu Zichen had already arrived in Qingzhou and would head back to the residence to rest up for two days.

Rong Ling looked at the time marked on the victory report, it was nine days ago.

In other words, Fu Zichen was going to return to the capital in the next two days?

Rong Ling pondered for a moment, she pursed her lips and stood up, then extended her hand out towards Liu Wei.

Liu Wei stared blankly for a moment. When she saw the palm Rong Ling had placed in midair, she subconsciously reached out to grab it.

Rong Ling helped her up and walked outside. "The Imperial Physician recommended that you take a walk three times a day."

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Wei knew that Rong Ling had been to the Supreme Hospital before and had gone there personally. She asked a few imperial doctors about the daily care of pregnant women.

It was hard for Liu Wei to imagine how shocked the old imperial physician s would be when they heard the question that General Rong Ling asked.

The old imperial physician s would never have thought that Rong Ling had really written down all that they had said. She remembered the things they had written down in their notes, and in the following few days, Liu Wei lived a life of strict rules and regulations.

Rong Ling had also mentioned this before, when they had walked three times a day.

But Liu Wei didn't feel that it was too important. After all, he hadn't shown it off yet, and it had only been a little more than three months.

But now, with Rong Ling holding onto her tightly, walking in the courtyard, Liu Wei felt that the situation was a little complicated.

A man was pulling another "man" with him in the yard. Slowly, slowly, they were walking in circles.

This scene, no matter how one looked at it, was extremely strange.

At the same time, at Guyong Mansion.

Ji Xiaqiu held the scissors, looked at a pot of self-raised tea flowers, and started fixing the leaves.

Hong Jie'er walked over from the back with a cup of green tea. Seeing that the flower had almost been repaired, she said: "leader of the studio, it's time to rest. The doctor said that your body is not fully recovered yet.

Ji Xiaqiu sized up the flower from head to toe, then said: "It's just a fluke, it's not like it's a big problem."

Hong Jie'er frowned: "The doctor said that if the wind cold worsens, it can be very small."

Ji Xiaqiu also did not say anything, she could only shake her head, and return back to the house.

Hong Jie'er followed him in: "leader of the studio is interested in training flowers, she must have thought of a way to deal with Zhong Ziyu, and she has been here for two days already, and King of Quan even asked, should I behead him, or should I split her body into five horses?

Ji Xiaqiu rolled his eyes slightly, lowered his eyes and looked at her smooth and pale fingernails, then asked: "What do you think?"

Hong Jie'er thought for a moment, then said: "This servant has heard that Zhong Ziyu loves to use cruel methods to take a person's life, I think, whether beheading or dismembering, it is not exciting enough, why not skin it first, then dissect it, then burn it?"

Ji Xiaqiu listened and did not say it out loud, nor did she say anything wrong, but slowly sat down and picked up the cup of tea that Hong Jie'er had put down, opened the lid, and looked at the flower stalks floating in the air, then said: "Is that enough?"

Hong Jie'er was startled.

leader of the studio was not a cruel person. I thought that leader of the studio would not agree to what I said just now.

It looks like, really, only the matter of the young miss could cause the leader of the studio to deviate from its true nature.

The one that leader of the studio had always thought about was her young master, but the one that her heart had always been with Miss.

If he angered the young miss, it was comparable to hurting the leader of the studio itself and being hated by the leader of the studio.

After rolling his eyes for a while, Hong Jie'er tactfully said: "leader of the studio, please give me a way to die, I will carry it out right now."

Ji Xiaqiu calmly thought for a moment, and said: "Bring him over."

"Bring it here?" Hong Jie'er was slightly startled.

Ji Xiaqiu drank some tea and slowly nodded her head.

Hong Jie'er could not help but ask, and immediately replied and turned to leave the room.

Just after dinner, someone reported from outside the entrance of the restaurant.

Hong Jie'er went to fetch the person. When she brought the person to the backyard, the servant girl said that leader of the studio went to the Miss Zhimeng's room.

Hong Jie'er had no choice but to find someone in Yun Zhimeng's courtyard.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they saw the leader of the studio and the Miss Zhimeng talking about something. When they saw her coming over, the two of them stopped talking.

Hong Jie'er did not think much of it, she went up to pay her respects and said: "leader of the studio, we've brought the person over, they are outside."

Ji Xiaqiu acknowledged his presence, and looked at Yun Zhimeng: "Are you busy?"

Yun Zhimeng said: "Does leader of the studio have any orders?"

"Just nice, recognize me." With that said, Ji Xiaqiu led his men to bring Zhong Ziyu in.

When a difficult looking man with a gunny sack on his head, cut his hands backwards, and a stench was brought in, Yun Zhimeng subconsciously covered the tip of his nose.

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