One second. Org, free of charge!

Fu Zichen smelled a bloody stench, and her ears were slightly wet.

He stretched out his hand and touched the blood on his hand. Unsurprisingly, he was touching the blood on his hand. However, his face was still smiling. However, he lifted the bird off his shoulder.

The black bird, however, refused to let him go. It could not talk about the top of its head, and even hid the remains of its bloody flesh into his hair.

Fu Zichen clenched her teeth a few times, but because she remembered how pitiful this bird was when Liu Wei was not around, she didn't dare to provoke it anymore. She immediately begged for mercy, "Alright, alright, I won't tell you anymore.

The blackbird seemed incredulous, its claws still clamped to his hair.

After coaxing for a while longer, the proud black bird gracefully got off his head, spread its wings, and flew to a nearby broken Buddha statue, looking down at them.

Finally saved, Fu Zichen quickly tidied up his hair, but Liu Mo stared at the bird with his arms crossed, his brows knitted.

Liu Mo's gaze was somewhat subtle. The pearl sensed it and turned away, staring at him with humanity in its eyes.

Liu Mo didn't know if he was mistaken, but he felt that this bird had a pair of talking eyes. At this moment, the black bird tilted its head and looked at him inquiringly. Its expression was as if it was asking him, "Who are you?"

As this thought entered his mind, it was quickly dispelled by Liu Mo. It was just a bird, how could it be so mysterious?

After a long while, Fu Zichen finally turned herself into a handsome young master again. She raised her head and asked the bird on the worn-out Buddha statue: "How come you are here?"

Pearl understood, raised her head, and began to shout with jie jie jie.

Liu Mo was startled for a moment, he turned his head to look at Fu Zichen and asked: "It's answering you?"

Fu Zichen looked at Liu Mo as if he was looking at a fool.

Fu Zichen continued: "Even if you come out to hunt wild food, it's too far. This place is half a day away from the capital, you travel so far, aren't you afraid of your master worrying?"

Liu Mo: "…"

Fu Zichen and Pearls chatted for a while, but the pearl remained standing on top of the Buddha statue.

This was not the first time Liu Mo felt that Fu Zichen was sick, but it was the first time he felt that Fu Zichen was that sick!

Compared to Fu Zichen, the pearl was much more stable.

Its pair of black eyes, which were like peas, continuously wandered around Liu Mo's body. Liu Mo also noticed it and also looked at it.

However, every time this happened, Pearl would turn her gaze away and pretend to comb her fur or flap her wings, refusing to meet Liu Mo's gaze.

He really tried to guess the inner thoughts of a blackbird?

Fu Zichen sighed, then looked at Xiao Yu outside, and said: "Pearl, come down to my embrace. After the rain stops, let's go."

The pearl continued to nest.

The rain was really not heavy, and it was soft. Liu Mo really did not know the reason behind Fu Zichen's delay.

Liu Mo was filled with unhappiness.

Seeing the sun gradually setting and the sky turning dark, Liu Mo finally couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up, walked to the temple door and looked outside.

At the same time, Pearl, who had been snoozing on the Buddha statue, suddenly opened her black eyes and stared at Liu Mo's back.

He didn't move his eyes away from them.

Liu Mo's sharp senses detected something. He furrowed his brows and turned around, but the pearl had already closed its eyes once again. It looked no different from before.

Liu Mo looked around at the people in the temple and saw that everyone had lowered their heads to do their own things. There was nothing abnormal with them.

He couldn't help but be puzzled. Could it be that he was overthinking it?

"Gu gu gu, gu gu gu …"

A burst of crowing suddenly sounded out at this moment.

Liu Mo quickly looked towards the source of the sound. However, he did not see even the shadow of a chicken. He only saw a huge shadow flying straight into the temple from afar.

Liu Mo was at a loss. He watched as the shadow got closer and closer. It took him a long time to see that it was an eagle. Its sharp beak was pointed at him.

Liu Mo wanted to dodge but before he could do so, his arm tensed up. Turning his head to look, he saw that Liu Mo was staring into Fu Zichen's serious eyes and following that, with a penetrating force, he pulled him away. When he regained his senses, he was already pulled behind Fu Zichen.

At this time, they instantly leapt into the air, and then, with a casual swipe of their hands, each one of them wielded a sharp blade.

One of the servants cursed, "We've entered the outskirts of the city and there's still a Sky Bird. How unlucky!"

The birds in the sky, the tigers on the ground, the sharks in the water, the bees in the forest.

Everyone was waiting solemnly.

Liu Mo saw that Fu Zichen also had one in her hand. It was completely black, and the blade that was covered in the hazy light reflected a sharp light.

But after thinking about it again, with Fu Zichen's status and status, it was not strange for him to have such a body protection.

Before Liu Mo knew it, the black hawk had already dived in. Just when Liu Mo thought there would be an all-out war, he heard the black bird sitting steadily on top of the Buddha statue behind him raise its head and cry out, "Hehe!"

As the sound of his voice faded, the black hawk, which was rushing towards them, suddenly turned around. After that, its huge body landed on the pillar of the temple, looking down at them condescendingly. However, it didn't use any force.

Liu Mo frowned.

Fu Zichen held her subordinate back, and said indifferently: "So it's Pearl's friend, we almost hurt each other."

It was only then that Liu Mo could clearly see the dead wild chicken that was being held by the eagle's claws.

Suddenly, another eagle appeared in the broken temple, causing the surrounding people to become vigilant.

The broken temple quieted down.

The blackbird was full and happy, so it closed its eyes again.

Seeing that the blackbird seemed to be sleeping comfortably, the large eagle, who had been extremely well-behaved from start to finish, used its beak to touch the little head of the blackbird to show its affection.

"Interesting." Fu Zichen, who was watching from below, couldn't help but laugh when she saw the end.

Liu Mo replied, "I don't know if there will be any other birds living in the mountains. Let's hurry on our way before the sky turns dark."

Fu Zichen looked at him and said: "With the pearl, there shouldn't be any safer places around here than this one."

Liu Mo frowned and wanted to say something.

Fu Zichen looked at the color of the sky, and said indifferently: "However, it's about time. Any later, the city gates will close."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, signaling the departure.

Before he left, he had asked 'the two' if he wanted to go together, but he had been ignored.

Fu Zichen could only give up.

When everyone was on the carriage and it was about to leave, Liu Mo specially lifted the curtain of the carriage to take a look into the temple.

Liu Mo was able to see Black Bird Black Star with a pair of bean-like eyes looking back at him.

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