One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Ling did not even look at Liu Wei in the beginning, after hearing what he said, she directly turned her gaze towards the carriage window, her gaze cold as she looked at the scenery of the streets, her entire face tensed up.

Liu Wei was still blabbering on, and said: "Speaking of which, I remember the last time Rong Fei gifted you two jars of Primrose, where did you put them? "The next time Mo has opened it for Mo to try, I think Mo likes it as long as he likes it. However, Mo's alcohol tolerance really isn't good. After drinking it a few times, Mo will become drunk, like a child stealing wine from an adult."

"Child?" Rong Ling raised her eyebrows, her tone full of ridicule: "Looks like, he seems to be older than you."

Liu Wei immediately shook her head: "No, Mo is younger than me, Mo was born in September, I'm from the second month, I'm older than Mo by half a year."

Rong Ling's expression twisted!

He did his best to suppress his anger, and looked at Liu Wei angrily: "In the time it takes to eat a meal, you asked me about his birth date, and how come you still want to do something this year?"

Liu Wei was stupefied: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to confirm my seniority so that I can call you that."

Rong Ling moaned and turned her head, not wanting to talk to Liu Wei anymore.

Liu Wei decided to just continue lying off to the side, and it just so happened that she was getting tired.

Rong Ling suddenly turned and looked towards the front of the carriage. "Go back and stew two more big bowls of soup. Young master Liu is going to drink three more bowls today."

Liu Wei, who was dozing off, suddenly jumped up and asked with wide eyes: "Why?"

Rong Ling looked at her coldly: "The alcohol is harmful to your body, shouldn't you make up for it?"

Liu Wei was so angry that she almost died.

Rong Ling said indifferently, "Smelling the smell of the alcohol will probably harm your body as well."

Liu Wei: "!"

At the same time, Liu Mo who was not much better off than Liu Wei.

Inside the carriage, Fu Zichen looked at the handsome youth beside him who was twisting and turning, and was about to fall asleep any time, and he took a deep breath. In the end, she could not restrain herself.

Liu Mo's drunk eyes were hazy as he looked at the person in front of him absentmindedly. He did not hear Fu Zichen's words clearly.

Fu Zichen increased the strength in her hands and pulled the person closer, saying: "You're quite smart, knowing who to attack from is faster, what about it? Do you think that just because she's chatting with you, he's really tricked by you? You don't understand her at all. Don't look at how she's whispering right now. If she scares you up, it'll be a piece of cake for his to skin you and pull your tendons out. "

He tried his best to listen clearly to what the other party had said, but his mind was in a muddle, so he couldn't hear clearly no matter how hard he tried. In the end, he was tired, so he simply tilted his head and closed his eyes.

Fu Zichen looked at the man who had fallen in his arms and breathed evenly in the blink of an eye, and frowned deeply with a rare serious expression.

He dragged the man's face, looked at his red cheeks, and softly asked, "You, just who are you? What's his purpose? "

Jin Nanyun and Rong Su were separated only when they reached an intersection.

Even though Jin Nanyun didn't even want to go with Rong Su these few steps, she didn't dare to voice her anger. She could only send the noble prince to the carriage, then turn around and lead Fu Yun away.

Their carriage stopped in the backyard of the First Pin House, but because they sent the Seventh Prince out, they had to walk back.

On the way back, Fu Cheng wanted to say something, but stopped after a few times. Jin Nanyun knew what she wanted to say, so she casually reminded Yun Che, "Calm down."

Floating Life had no choice but to restrain himself. When the two of them returned to the First Pin Building, Floating Life finally couldn't hold it in and said in a low voice, "He's been with us the whole time, Miss, do you want to …"

"No need." Jin Nanyun looked at the quiet backyard, then ordered the carriage driver to buy some things, and got on his own carriage.

It was very quiet around him, neither Fu Cheng nor the coachman were there, Jin Nanyun sat in the carriage steadily and waited.

Sure enough, the curtain of the carriage was lifted.

A figure quickly scurried in and directly sat next to Jin Nanyun.

Jin Nanyun looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and was not surprised at all, he only asked: "Is there something you need?"

Xing Yi looked at her coldly, and asked: "Who is the person accompanying you today?"

Jin Nanyun knew that this person was from the King of Quan, and that the King of Quan had always set up a connection with the capital. However, Jin Nanyun didn't think that all of this had anything to do with her.

Regarding Xing Yi's actions against the King of Quan, Jin Nanyun had mentioned it before. Liu Wei said that it was fine, Jin Nanyun only knew that she did not have to worry about it, as long as she was fine, these people would not hurt him.

These days, Xing Yi would occasionally appear.

Just now, when Floating Life said that he had made some discoveries, Jin Nanyun knew that this person had definitely appeared again.

If this person voluntarily appeared and voluntarily exposed his whereabouts to Floating Life, he would come to see her.

Rather than letting this person follow him back to the Palace, it would be better to just meet him now.

Jin Nanyun did not fear revealing her identity.

When Fu Zichen returned to the capital to report on her work, this identity of hers was already made public. Even if she did not say anything, these people would only ask a little, and they would all know that there was no meaning in hiding it.

However, Xing Yi frowned and said, "I am asking about the other one."

Jin Nanyun was startled, he looked up at the man and asked: "You know him?"

Xing Yi did not make a sound, but only had an unfriendly gaze.

Jin Nanyun knew that this person would not say anything, so he went silent for a moment before saying, "Liu Mo, a scholar from Jiangnan, has found someone to come to the capital, but he shouldn't be here for long."

After Jin Nanyun finished speaking, she thought about how she was a Death Soldier, she anxiously grabbed onto her sleeves and asked: "Are you trying to kill him?"

Xing Yi looked at the thin white wrist on her arm, her expression slightly relaxed, and said: "Don't say that I didn't remind you, this person's identity is not ordinary, it is best not to offend him, if not, disaster will be hard to predict."

Jin Nanyun paused for a while, not sure: "You came specially … "Advise me?"

Xing Yi only waved her hand, and said: "In short, don't bother with his matters. Whatever I have said to you, keep your mouth shut, and don't let a third person know about it!"

Jin Nanyun was silent for a moment. Somewhat apprehensive, she once again probed, "Who exactly is he?"

Xing Yi snorted, seeing Jin Nanyun's somewhat scared expression, she added as though giving a reward: "Relating to the Liaozhou, what do you think?"

Jin Nanyun's eyes widened. "He's also from the King of Quan?"

Xing Yi's tone suddenly became stern: "I hope that this will be the last time you speak of it. Otherwise, no one will be able to protect you!"

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