One second. Org, free of charge!

Hearing that the Liu Territory was unwilling to help, Liu Kun's eyes showed panic. He clenched his teeth and said: "Brother, you should know clearly that father's actions are clearly meant to make things difficult. His intention is merely to punish brother."

"Liu Kun!" Liu Territory interrupted him and said sternly: "If you think father is making things difficult for you and is making things difficult for you, you can just explain it to father and not accept this job. No matter how poor our Liu Estate is, we can still afford to have a free and leisure Second Young Master. If you do not dare to say it out loud, I can speak for you and Father. "

Liu Kun was very clear that his actions in the prison had truly angered his father. However, in that situation, no one would be allowed to do the same.

He didn't believe that, at the moment of life and death, the Liu Territory and Liu Yu would truly become heroes without fear.

However, even if the Liu Territory and Liu Yu had the guts and he didn't, so what? If the Emperor really wanted to execute all the men of the Liu Family, wouldn't he be saving the last bloodline for the Liu Family if he survived on her own?

What was wrong with him?

Now that the situation had changed, the Liu Family was fine. Although they didn't have the Liu Family's position in the Imperial Court for the time being, the Liu Family had a strong foundation in the capital. It was not impossible for them to rebuild.

Liu Kun is now willing to suffer under the wrath of this old thing, and is willing to accept these losers' jobs, just to let this old thing feel better, in the future when he has a chance of returning to court, this old thing should not obstruct any further.

However, this old thing clearly wasn't going to let him off so easily!

Liu Kun looked at the Liu Territory, and he understood that the Liu Territory wouldn't help him. This big brother of his, was a righteous hypocrite, he had set and set of principles, as if he was the greatest in the world. To deal with such a person, originally, it was the best method, but the Liu Territory was still angry, and this method was not suitable for now.

But no matter, they were still family. As long as they were family, they could never speak two words.

After a while, if he were to endure it for a bit longer, this problem would eventually pass.

Liu Kun thought of everything, then watched as the Liu Territory entered the study room. He started to ponder and find a way to coax his wife to take out the dowry and make up the money for him.

When Liu Territory entered the study, he saw his father looking up at him.

The Liu Territory closed the door to the study.

Liu Cheng leaned on the chair and asked coldly: "That unfilial son, what did he say?"

The Liu Territory knew who his father was asking, so he lowered his head and said: "It's just a few words to beg. Father doesn't need to care."

Liu Cheng calmed her expression down, and did not talk about Liu Kun's matter.

The father and son had seen Liu Kun's actions in the prison, and they all clearly understood that this kind of evil creature's lesson was already easy. If they weren't worried about the father and son duo, and the brother Liu Kun's life, then it would have disappeared on the second day after he was released from prison.

The Liu Territory didn't have any sympathy for Liu Kun. It was not only because of the troubles in the future, but also because this person didn't want to change his mind and still spoke so coquettishly. No matter how soft the Liu Territory's heart was, they would never be able to be soft-hearted towards such a person.

"Are you here for something?" Liu Cheng opened one of the letters and asked.

The Liu Territory clenched the card in his hand and stepped forward. He lowered his voice and said: "It was sent by the Third Prince's Mansion." As he spoke, he handed the name scroll over.

Liu Cheng was startled. Third Prince's Mansion?

Liu Cheng put down the letter that was half opened and accepted the red invitation.

"You're going to visit me tomorrow?"

Liu Cheng was not sure either, so she read through the invitation again. Frowning, she said: "Regardless of what happens, I will pass down an order for you to prepare the wine and dishes tomorrow, you can't neglect it."

The Liu Territory nodded and thought for a moment. He had wanted to ask a question for a long time. The question went up to his mouth, but in the end, he couldn't.

Liu Cheng took note of his eldest son's expression and went silent for a moment, then pointed to the chair opposite him.

The Liu Territory sat down and waited for them to straighten their seats before mustering up the courage to ask: "Father, that Master Liu, could it be that she really is …"

Liu Cheng shook her head, sighed and said: "I won't admit it even if I ask."

"Could it be true?" The Liu Territory immediately stood up. Its impact was too great. They were somewhat flustered as they said: "This is the crime of deceiving the monarch!"

Liu Cheng's expression was also not good as her aged voice revealed exhaustion. Raising her head, he closed her eyes, and though her mouth had a hint of a mocking smile, she asked: "Are you lying to me, or where is this monarch?"

When the Liu Territory heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe that such outrageous words came from his father.

'Where is the Monarch? The Monarch is in the palace, but is the Monarch still the Monarch? '

His body was suffering from a serious disease. He could neither speak nor move. It was very possible that he would die at any time.

But no matter what, that person was still the Emperor, still the ruler of a nation, and he still possessed Emperor. How could his father say such words?

The Liu Territory couldn't help but look at his father's face that was growing older. Even though several days had passed and the doctors had already seen it, the wounds on his father's face were still there.

It was a brand of humiliation!

With such a prison and such a narrow escape from death, who wouldn't feel resentful and resentful?

The Liu Territory understood his father's mindset, but everything he had learned in his life was to serve the sovereign and protect the emperor. Now, someone had told him that he might have to take another path in the future.

As the father, Liu Cheng was very clear about the merits of the Liu Territory. At the same time, as the father, she was very clear about the weakness of the Liu Territory.

The Liu Territory was indecisive and had a soft heart. However, no matter how stubborn they were, they were different from Liu Kun.

After experiencing this change, Liu Cheng had let go of many things. At his age, she should be about time to abdicate and give up her position to someone good, she used to hold onto her rights and did not want to let go, but now she was tired. In the end, nothing was important.

Seeing that his eldest son was still thinking about the "Master Liu", Liu Cheng reminded him in a serious tone: "The crime of bullying the Sovereign is monstrous, but since she dared to be so brazen, it means that she has someone to rely on. As for the relationship between her identity and the Liu Family, she is the one who was saved by us, so what qualifications do we have to ask her?

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