vp chapter content,

Yan'er said many things, and was moved by her feelings.

Yan Er knew that if Liu Yao were to hear her words, she would say the same as before. Liu Yao's ears were all soft, and she would even be able to listen to her bullsh * t words.

In the end, Liu Yao did not manage to receive any news about what happened to Liu Xin. Qiao Yun did bring the message over, but after she finished, she returned.

Thus, at night, Liu Yao did not know anything about the outside world.

Liu Yao wanted to go out of the courtyard several times, but was stopped by Yan'er. In the end, even Qiao Yun also joined in to stop him.

Qianyun had grown up with Liu Yao, and could be considered as having served Second Young Miss since young. Liu Yao knew that Qiao Yun and Xiao'er's relationship was getting better and better, but she never expected that at a crucial moment, they would not be on her side.

Liu Yao understood that a lot of what Yan Er said was correct. Currently, the people in the Residence of Ye had all died, and the remaining people had all shared hardships with their masters. As her master, everyone cared about her and were all her companions.

In short, Liu Yao would obediently stay in the courtyard.

The next morning, Qiao Yun brought news that Aunt Zhong's uncle from her hometown had passed away. The Old Master was willing to allow Aunt Zhong to bring Liu Xin to the village to pay her respects.

When Liu Yao heard it, she knew in her heart that Liu Xin was finished.

It was likely that he would never be able to return to the capital in the future.

Sitting on the soft couch, Liu Yao was in a trance.

The two of them walked over, stood by Liu Yao's side, and said: "Didn't Third Young Miss always want to leave the house, and was only trying to leave the capital? Now, isn't it great that Third Young Miss has gotten her wish?"

Liu Yao glanced at Yan'er, her gaze somewhat unfocused.

Qiao Yun was silent for a moment. Then, she went to get a comb and combed her young miss' hair. As she did so, she said: "Eldest Young Master has instructed me to tell you that your esteemed guest will be here before lunch. Young Miss should dress up properly.

As to who exactly that esteemed guest was, Liu Yao didn't even know before he had dressed himself and went to the main courtyard to wait.

It was only until Liu Yao entered the main courtyard and saw that the entire hall was filled with people, and even the youngest, Liu Feng, had been carried out, only then did she realize that this esteemed guest was probably really very expensive.

When the Lu family saw their daughter, they waved for her to sit next to them.

Liu Yao went over, sat down, and called out, "Mother!"

Lady Lu looked at her daughter and directly said, "You didn't kill her because she is your father's daughter. There is no point in saying anything else."

Liu Yao bit his lips, and in the end, he did not speak anymore.

Before, Liu Yao and Liu Xin were in the same environment, facing the same fate, and both of their identities were the same, so now that Liu Xin had left, she had the feeling that she was the only one left.

Just like what Yan'er said, this might be the doing of that damned empathy.

When Lady Lu heard this, she went silent for a moment before replying, "Savior."

Just at this moment, a servant came from outside and reported, "Madam, First Young Master, Third Prince's Mansion's carriage has arrived at the entrance."

Lady Lu stood up and gave Liu Feng to the wet nurse. She then straightened her clothes and said, "Go out and welcome them."

Her mother could be said to be itching to get rid of Liu Wei, but now, she was able to endure everything. Being able to respectfully welcome her and be obedient to her, she truly had the demeanor of a manager.

But she knew that if she couldn't beat that person, she would never be able to win. Not only that, now that her entire family had received a huge gift from her and were now tied to the same rope, how could she dare to go against her will?

What Liu Cheng could see, what the Liu Territory could see, was how could the Lu Family not know?

Even if he didn't know, he would just pretend that he didn't know.

No one could see any flaws in an act.

Walking through the barren streets, they arrived at the gate of the Prime Minister's Residence. The Lu Manor was just like this as they looked at the entrance. From within the luxurious carriage, two silhouettes could be seen walking out with them.

Madam Lu suppressed the pain in her heart and walked forward with a decent smile on her face.

The Liu Territory couldn't bear it any longer. Standing in front of his mother, he went forward and greeted her with a bow: "Greetings Master Liu."

Now that no one from the Liu Family had an official position, Liu Wei, this Zhenge Sect Steward, was indeed worthy of addressing him as Master.

Liu Wei brought her along and brought her out specially. She would also go together to buy green thread embroidery bamboo in a while.

It was unknown if the two of them had a tacit understanding or not, but both of them were dressed in white. From afar, they looked handsome and elegant.

The Lu family looked at Liu Wei, then looked at the man behind Liu Wei. For a moment, they couldn't figure out the latter's identity, but they didn't know if it was an illusion, but they felt that the latter looked familiar.

He looked like someone.

"Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for a few days. How are your wounds?" Liu Wei greeted the Liu Territory politely, and looked at the Liu Territory's two feet.

The Liu Territory replied, "The doctor said that he recovered very well. It's all thanks to the Master Liu's medicine."

Liu Wei shook her head, then turned and looked at the other people, all of them were familiar faces, but what surprised Liu Wei was that Lady Lu and Liu Yao also came out.

The boys were welcoming the guests, while the girls were waiting quietly in the backyard. Why, had all of them come to the door?

Although Liu Cheng was not present, and the Liu Territory's identity was not enough, so the matriarch should be here to speak, there was no reason for Liu Yao to be here.

Actually, the last time Liu Wei came to the Liu Manor, she had met Liu Yao as well, but that time, he had hurriedly taken a glance and passed by in a flash. Now, the next time she saw her, Liu Wei was actually surprised, not at Liu Yao, but at the servant standing beside him.


Why would Xiao'er stay by Liu Yao's side? Didn't the old lady say that Xiao'er had already left the house and returned home to get married?

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