The old lady did not trust Liu Cheng, but seeing that Liu Mo had her guard up, and did not want to force the matter too much, she could only say: "He must be a disciple of my Liu Family!"

Liu Cheng thought so too, and nodded: "Yes."

Liu Wei lowered her head and started to ponder.

Liu Mo raised his eyebrows and waited for Liu Wei to continue.

"If you're too confident, you have to find the reason." Liu Wei's righteous words did not have the slightest bit of awkwardness, but her thick skin, allowed Liu Mo to broaden her horizons.

Liu Mo did not say anything else. He just felt that he could leave this place and break off all ties with his new friend.

The coldness in his eyes seeped out. Liu Mo raised his eyes and said to Liu Cheng: "I am honored that Master Liu is entertaining me today. It's getting late. I will take my leave."

After speaking, he stepped past the crowd and went straight to the doorstep.

The madame grew anxious and wanted to hold him back.

Liu Cheng reached out her arms to stop her, then shook her head at her.

Liu Cheng said: "Mother, trust your son."

With that said, Liu Cheng chased after him.

Waiting until there were only Liu Wei, the Countess and the Nanny Yang left, the Old Granny held onto Liu Wei's hand and asked: "This child, was it you who brought him here, then you …"

Liu Wei knew what the old lady wanted to ask, and said directly: "But I do not know his background, I met him once yesterday and chatted with him for a bit, and felt that he was very supportive. And because he is also surnamed Liu, I brought him over to the Liu Estate, so Grandmother wants to know about him."

The old mistress nodded. "He is very similar to your father."

Liu Wei's heart skipped a beat and she answered with a "En".

The old mistress added immediately, "But he is definitely not your father's son."

Liu Wei looked at the old lady.

The old man continued, "In your father's entire life, your mother was the only one. She had no concubines, no maids, not even a single room. This child looked to be about your age, and at that time, your father was completely captivated by your mother. The other girls were all infatuated, and the empress was the one who didn't even look at her … At this point, the old lady suddenly stopped speaking and sighed. "In short, your father won't let down your mother. You don't have to worry."

Liu Wei casually said: "Then perhaps he was born by his mother as well? Perhaps, in the past, his mother had given birth to twins. "

Liu Wei's casual teasing voice made the old lady pause, as if she was thinking about something.

"Eldest Miss must be joking." The Nanny Yang said, then recalled, "Back then when the First Madam gave birth to you, this old servant was always guarding outside. There was absolutely no twins amongst the lot of you, and after you were born, the First Madam also … …"

The Nanny Yang did not say anything, but Liu Wei could guess what it was.

Everyone knew that her mother had died after giving birth to her.

But Liu Wei knew clearly that her mother was not dead.

Liu Wei made a joke in the first place, and after the Nanny Yang explained, Liu Wei said, "Since he is a member of the Liu Family, then I will be at ease."

Liu Wei still believed in the words of the Nanny Yang, so she did not think anymore, lowering her eyes, and took her leave.

Seeing that Liu Wei's figure was slowly disappearing, Nanny Yang suddenly turned her head, looked at the old lady and whispered a few words into his ear.

The old mistress was shocked!

The Nanny Yang panicked: "At that time, the other child was already dead. This old servant originally wanted to show the dead baby to you, but Second Old Master came and said that he would deal with the dead baby. He also said that because of Master's matter, you hurt your heart and liver, so you shouldn't be scared. Second Elder had repeatedly reminded the old servant not to mention this matter again. He just said that as long as the eldest wife gave birth to one, the second master would place the eldest miss under his name, allowing the eldest miss to grow up in broad daylight. How would the old servant know that the dead baby actually didn't die?

The old mistress had not thought that there would be such an unexpected turn of events that year.

Thinking about the young man they just saw, and thinking about Liu Cheng's attentive actions, the old lady's face turned ugly. He angrily said to Nanny Yang, "What happened back then, why haven't you told me in detail?!"

The did not dare to be careless, he immediately replied, "In the past, when the First Madam was giving birth, she did not plan to send someone to find a wife, and it was the old servant who sent people to find her. The woman came, saying that it was an urgent matter, and she had to call a doctor, or else it would be impossible to protect her size, and I was about to report to the old lady that the Second Elder would come, and said that it was a small matter, and did not want to disturb the old man, so I ordered the servant to call him over. When the Imperial Physician came, the woman had already been working inside for a long time, and the old servant also called for help.

Everything was out of his expectations. The first wife was having a difficult time giving birth, crying and hurting in her room. As a servant, she was naturally anxious to go around waiting outside.

The old mistress was not feeling well, and it was also the middle of the night, so she could not be alarmed. The appearance of the second master to preside over the situation was exactly what the Nanny Yang had wished for.

After four hours of labor, the room was quiet again. The Nanny Yang paced back and forth worriedly, and the sound of a baby crying came from inside.

Nanny Yang was excited, she asked from the outside: "Did you give birth to a young miss or a young master?"

After a long while, the door opened.

Two children, a man and a woman, but one dead and one alive.

It had been a long time since the child was born. The eldest son had been born, but the second son had died because of suffocation.

Nanny Yang was shocked.

In the end, after the imperial physician confirmed that the baby boy was unable to return back to the sky, Nanny Yang's heart thumped, and she immediately wanted to go to the House of filial piety.

But before he could exit the courtyard, Second Old Master came again. Seeing the dead baby in Nanny Yang's arms, he frowned and asked to go over.

The Nanny Yang was terrified, but she thought that this boy must be planning to hand over the order.

After the death of the old master, the first wife and the child in his stomach had always been an awkward existence.

Your Majesty, you have a point of view about the Liu Family. If you hand over this mother and son pair, they might be able to protect the Liu Estate.

Second Old Master instructed Nanny Yang not to talk too much.

The doctor had given birth to twins, this was something that only the night watchman and Imperial Physician Gu Yue knew, there was no one else who knew, the Nanny Yang did not know.

However, no one would ever mention it again.

Nanny Yang, as a servant, did not dare to worry about him.

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