The old man looked at Liu Wei, and then said, "The reason is because the Grand Princess is about to get married, you should have seen that portrait before, do you remember her in the painting?"

Liu Wei recalled the group image drawn by the Min Imperial Concubine and nodded, "The Grand Princess is very beautiful."

Liu Wei frowned, she was very puzzled, but immediately after, she figured out the crux of the problem, and understood it once again. (Tl: UU)))

That's right, when the news of Rong Ling's mother's death reached this emperor's ears, she suffered a huge blow, and was unable to recover from it.

Afterwards, the ruler of the kingdom used another bride to make himself feel better.

Coincidentally, this new bride was stolen from the emperor of the Greencloud Country, the biggest enemy of his life.

The enormous sense of accomplishment he felt caused the ruler to feel even happier.

This kind of love for the Tian Ya Country's Grand Princess's "hoodlum act" was something that Liu Wei disdained.

The old man did not know that Liu Wei's current impression of him had doubled, and he continued to speak, "The Grand Princess, returning to Heavenly Sunset, solemnly thanked me. In reality, the Grand Princess and I had not spoken a single word, but the Grand Princess had believed that I had saved her before the Emissary of the Heavens had even announced to the Emperor that they were going to make a marriage alliance. "She was willing to marry me, and was even more willing to give birth to children for me. It's just too bad …"

The old man didn't continue the sentence.

But it was not hard to guess …

With the success of Xiang Fu in seizing power in a foreign land all these years, even if the Grand Princess was unable to bear children for him, he could still find other women if he wanted to.

Xiang Fu was not a single-minded man. In fact, even 'affection' was a form of praise towards him.

However, even now, when he was so old that he started to miss his old age, he still did not have a son or a daughter. This meant that having no children was not a woman's problem, but his own.

Liu Wei looked at the old man's crippled leg and had already pointed it out.

Now that things had progressed to this point, Xiang Ming had no choice but to hide it anymore. Seeing Liu Wei's gaze on her own legs, she said: I thought that my leg was injured, but who would have known, that my root was also injured.

Liu Wei only said: "My condolences."

The corners of Xiang Fu's mouth twitched involuntarily. He felt that the word "grieve" described him too miserably. However, he himself was also in a miserable state. If not, he wouldn't have returned to Greencloud Continent.

Xiang Fu sighed, "I have never said these words to anyone before. I will confess to you today and not pity you. I only hope that you can speak nicely in front of him. At the very least, don't let him treat me as his enemy."

Liu Wei did not speak.

Seeing that there were no changes in her expression, Xiang Ming knew that her scheme would not work against this person. Immediately, he felt a little annoyed.

Xiang Ming had not given up, and continued, "The Grand Princess passed away from illness, and for a long period of time before she died, she had been feeling guilty towards me. I originally did not plan to return to Greencloud Kingdom, but for her, I decided to come back.

Liu Wei laughed: The way you have tried was unique and powerful, you have made all the preparations, and even participated in the chaos in the palace, and it turns out, all of this was just to see your son? These words can't help but arouse suspicion … "

Xiang Fu felt his eyelids twitching. He frowned and said, "Just because I'm back, doesn't mean that I have to forgive Rong Yu, the past grudges will always be avenged. I am glad that Rong Yu is not dead now, because only I can take care of Rong Yu's life myself! Even if it wasn't me, it would be someone else. You and I both know that the King of Quan is rebelling, but in an instant, the border war is still going on, both internally and externally. What's wrong with it? But in the face of a imminent war, am I not able to guarantee Rong Ling's, your, and Xiaoli's safety enough? "

There was no one left with this logic …

Liu Wei couldn't help but clap her hands for this old man. At the same time, she started to wonder, could it be that when this man was old, she would become more and more shameless?

Liu Wei suppressed the anger in her chest and tried her best to calm her heart, then said: "We appreciate your good intentions, it's getting late, and the child should go back to sleep. We will not disturb you, Sir, there is no need to send you off."

With that said, Liu Wei quickly opened the door and left the room with her eyes closed.

None of the guards from before had left the courtyard. There were even more that came, as if they were increasing their defenses.

Liu Wei gave a rough glance, and saw that Rong Ling was walking over, holding the Xiaoli who had been waiting for too long, and had already fallen asleep.

"You're done?" Rong Ling asked.

Liu Wei nodded her head, and said somewhat tiredly: "Let's go."

Seeing that Liu Wei was unhappy, Rong Ling frowned, but at the same time, she was more dissatisfied with the old man. She hugged her son tightly with her left arm, and with his right hand, she grabbed Liu Wei's hand, and walked out of the courtyard.

Once again, the guards flocked forward, surrounding him so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through.

Liu Wei turned her head, only to see that the old man was already standing outside the door, and did not give the order to let him go.

Liu Wei asked Rong Ling: "You're forcing your way out?"

Rong Ling shook her head as she reached out to smooth the hair at her temples.

It was at this time that several sounds of breaking wind suddenly came from nearby. When Liu Wei looked over, she saw ten odd sharp figures, who knew when they had entered the courtyard.

After the time it took to make a cup of tea, Rong Ling left with her son and Liu Wei.

Behind him, including Fang Shan and his guards, were already completely suppressed by the Zhenge Sect's secret guards. As for Xiang Ming, he stood in the corridor, watching as Rong Ling and his figure completely disappeared.

Rong Ling did not instruct the hidden guards to harm him. This could also be considered as the last time he took into consideration the father and son relationship, which was so weak that it would dissipate with just a breeze.

But after today, when they had become enemies, he would not mind Iron Hand suppressing them if they provoked each other again and again.

At that time, it would no longer be a personal grudge, but a matter of territorial integrity.

If the two countries truly started to fight, Rong Ling did not think that the Tian Ya Country would be able to obtain her wish. Although Greencloud Nation was wary of the coveting of the surrounding small nations, these small nations would naturally have the brains to worry about the emergence of Tian Ya Country.

"How can there not be smoke and miasma from the chaotic battles between several countries …"

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