If he continued forward, it would be too crowded.

Liu Wei looked at the carriage, the body of the carriage that had bumped into others was indeed beautiful and precious, even the Exquisite Bead on the roof had used a white pearl, not to mention the Glazed Glass Bead hanging on the curtain of the carriage.

Although the insignia on the carriage was not that of an official, the person in the carriage must be the relative of an official!

The girl, who was most likely the daughter of an old man, held her brother's hand and kept shouting at him not to be impulsive. She was crying again, telling the owner of the carriage to get off quickly and pay with his life.

In short, the entire street could be said to be in an uproar, and the surrounding crowd of people also became denser and denser.

There were also two maidservants who anxiously said, "We will lose money, we will lose money!" With that, he desperately stopped the elder's children and shouted in fear, "Our young mistress is in the carriage. We cannot pull up the curtains, we cannot get off the carriage …"

Mingxiang, who was standing at the side, mumbled, "Judging from this attitude, it seems like it was really an accident."

Xiao Xiang also nodded before looking at the elder on the ground and saying, "It's better to help the elder up first. It's not like we can just lie on the ground forever, it seems too pitiful."

Liu Wei glanced at Xi Xiang, but didn't say anything as she smiled.

At this moment, Mingxiang suddenly made a sound of surprise. She pointed at the two maidservants who were trying their best to stop the victim's family members from entering the carriage. "That girl seems to be …"

Xiao Xiang looked in the direction that Ming Xiang was pointing at and asked doubtfully, "You recognize her?"

Ming Xiang then nodded her head, "It seems to be An Xin."

"An An?" Xiao Xiang thought for a moment and finally remembered. "The peace of the Li Residence?"

Ming Xiang once again looked at the luxurious carriage and muttered, "The person on the carriage, could it be the young lady of the Marquis of Li's Mansion?"

Liu Wei was not familiar with the Marquis Mansion of the Li Clan, but when the Young Master of the Li Clan, Li Jun, was mentioned, it was impossible for him to not recognize him.

Li Jun grew up together with Rong Su, and from then on, occupied the most precious position among the most popular people around Rong Su.

Besides, the number of young ladies in the Li Kingdom were too many. There were more than ten of them, including the direct descendants, the concubines, and the concubines.

However, only one person would be able to sit on this carriage.

"Li Yin?" Liu Wei suddenly thought of the young miss from the Li Family, who was a little too delicate, a little too domineering, and a little too conceited.

If other families were to meet with a death, it would not be easy to resolve it, but if the Li family or Li Yin were to meet with it, how would they settle it?

It was not that Liu Wei did not believe in the justice of the Jing zhao Yin, but rather, at the critical moment when the Qianling Emperor was sick, the Crown Prince's mood was sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Even the entire Marquis Mansion of the Li Nation rose in stature as well. With a single leap, they became the number one gate in the capital city. Putting aside the imperial relatives, the Li Clan was the most powerful.

The people from the capital's yamen had arrived rather quickly.

Eight stern guards with sabers on their backs drove away the crowd of bystanders. Then a few bailiffs filed in. Before the bailiffs could speak, a group of men and women kneeled down.

"Master Qingtian, you have to seek justice for me …"

The heart-wrenching wail rang out once more. This time, it was not just one person, but six to seven of them crying at the same time.

It seemed like these people were all the old man's relatives as they wailed and wailed. This battle formation was much more terrifying than the one before.

When the constables saw the pool of blood on the ground and the motionless old man in the blood, their faces turned ugly and they immediately shouted, "Causing trouble in broad daylight! This was disregarding the laws of the land! Where is the murderer? "

There was another wave of wails and cries!

The yamen runners had been on duty for a long time, and they had good eyesight. When they turned to look at the exterior walls of the carriage, they could tell that the people inside were either rich or noble.

In the capital city, nobles could be said to be walking all over the place, but a case still had to be handled. Since he was serving in the capital's yamen, he had long anticipated that he would offend someone at any time.

The yamen runner said in a serious tone, "Why haven't you gotten out of the car and replied yet?"

The servant girl, An Ran, who was standing in front of the carriage, quickly said: "Our young miss is extremely powerful and should not show her face on the streets. We admit that it was our carriage that knocked into this old man and we are willing to pay for it."

Right after An An's words, the driver interrupted, "Miss An An, I really didn't run into anyone. I had clearly pulled the reins and the carriage had stopped. I really didn't run into anyone …"

"If I didn't, would I die if I didn't hit my mother? You still have my mother's blood on the wheels of your carriage, and you still dare not admit it! You still dare not to admit it? " The old man's son started shouting again and even impulsively pounced forward, wanting to attack the coachman.

The coachman was small and thin, so he didn't dare to meet force with force. He had no choice but to shrink back. However, his face was full of annoyance and he was on the verge of tears.

The maid, An An, waved her hand at the carriage driver, signaling him to stop.

Then he bowed to the bailiffs and said sincerely: "We really did not do it on purpose. There are many people on the streets today, so we have obviously slowed down, but for some reason … "In short, we were the ones who bumped into him. We admit that we have to go back to the yamen to interrogate them or to compensate them with money. We admit that, but our Miss really can't get off the car. We hope that everyone will appreciate it."

An An's words were polite, and she admitted her mistakes in a proper manner. However, her life was in danger, so she didn't say it in such a perfunctory manner.

Money was something that had to be paid. The yamen was something that he had to go to.

As for how the case would be decided later, that would be up to the Jing zhao Yin.

The bailiffs lowered their heads in discussion. In the end, they stood up and said, "Return to the yamen first." He then looked at the old man who was lying on the ground and sighed. He then instructed the old man and his children, "Put your mother on the platform and head to the yamen together."

Only then did the old man's children become satisfied. They borrowed a set of airs from a nearby store and brought the old man up.

The victims were unwilling to let him off, and the perpetrators took the responsibility. The yamen's people were all official business. As long as they went to the yamen, they believed that the matter would be resolved quickly.

"The road is clear now. Young Master, let's go." Seeing that the crowd had gradually dispersed, Ming Xiang looked at the road and said.

But Liu Wei did not move, she just stood there, staring at the white bamboo pole's stand.

Xiao Xiang thought that her young master was lamenting over the old man's misfortune. She could not help but say, "Although the person driving the carriage said that it was not intentional, seeing the old man's children crying so sorrowfully is truly pitiful."

"Pitiful?" Liu Wei took another glance at Xixiang, then turned her head to look at the beautiful carriage that had already planned to follow the yamen runners to the capital's yamen, and said, "It is very pitiful."

The blocked path had finally been cleared.

Liu Wei returned to the carriage, but before she could even sit properly, she heard someone call out from outside: "Is this the Zhenge Sect?"

Liu Wei was startled, but Ming Xiang had already lifted up the carriage's curtain, and upon seeing the person who arrived, she was surprised: "An?"

Ming Xiang looked back at her young master. She only nodded to An An after receiving his tacit approval.

An An Xin then turned her body and said: My Young Miss was just able to see Master Liu through the curtain of the carriage, I've ordered my servant to come and greet him. Young Miss said that there are people coming and going, it's not good to talk to Master Liu, it's truly a pity, if there's a chance the next time, I hope we can meet in person with Master Liu.

Ming Xiang was stunned as she listened, she couldn't help but look at her master with suspicion. She didn't know when her master had become so familiar with the people from the Lee family.

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Li. Thank you for your concern." Liu Wei said through the curtain of the carriage.

An An heard from Liu Wei, so he did not stay any longer and quickly took his leave.

Liu Wei hesitated for a moment, waiting for the carriage to start moving, then suddenly instructed: "Change the route, to the capital's yamen."

The coachman neatly changed his route, but Ming Xiang and Xi Xiang were extremely puzzled …

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