One second. Org, free of charge!

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she walked out from the side door.

Inside the yamen's main hall, Lin Sheng walked onto the official case with a false front and slapped the wooden board, scaring the citizens outside into a daze!

When they were walking past the front courtyard, Li Yin heard faint sounds coming from the direction of the yamen. She looked over, but didn't see anything.

However, it was obvious that the hall would be in chaos right now.

When Li Yin went to the rear hall, she did not see Lin Sheng. Instead, she met Master Liu who was leisurely sitting down and sipping on her tea.

Li Yin's heart skipped a beat, he bit his lips with a flushed face and stopped in his tracks.

"Miss?" Seeing her young miss suddenly stop, the servant An An called out to her in confusion.

Li Yin came back to reality and quietly pulled An An and asked: "An An, look, am I dressed well today?"

The maidservant An An stared at the bamboo hat that covered her entire face. She felt that regardless of how she dressed up, it was impossible for her to appear, so what was there to say?

However, An An still said, "Miss is the most beautiful."

Hearing that, Li Yin was still worried, she stroked her hair a little and adjusted her collar, then walked in.

Someone had entered, and if it was Lin Sheng, Liu Wei would not move, because she was familiar with Lin Sheng, but Li Yin, Liu Wei had to stand up, that was politeness.

Li Yin stopped two steps away from the door. Under the bamboo hat that covered her face, was an even redder face. Her voice was soft, and her knees slightly bent as she said: "Paying respects to Master Liu."

The tribune was pleased to greet them.

Even if she was the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Li's household, the rules were still the rules.

Liu Wei raised her hand: "Miss Li, there is no need to be so courteous, let us sit here." As she spoke, she pointed to a spot slightly further away from him.

Li Yin went over and sat down, and after she was done, she placed his small hands on her knees, and held onto them with her fingertips.

Seeing Li Yin's actions, he seemed to be very nervous, and the hall was silent again. Liu Wei then spoke out: "Regarding today's matter, Miss Li must have been frightened."

Li Yin lowered his head. Normally, she would have been outspoken and brilliant, but today, for some reason, he was constantly showing the form of a little girl.

However, An An thought again, the person sitting opposite her was an unfamiliar man. It was natural for a young lady to act in a proper manner, since she was a young lady of the estate after all.

"Regarding today's matter, this little one has yet to thank Milord for helping me." Li Yin said as he looked through the hazy bamboo hat at the man in front of him, took a glance, and then lowered his head with a blushing face.

Liu Wei knew that Li Yin was an intelligent woman. Even if his personality was a little domineering and reckless, he was raised by the Marquis of Zhi Zun, his brain should be sufficient.

Moreover, Li Yin still had a brother who had more than enough brains. Li Jun, the Li family's gene, wouldn't be a problem.

Hearing Li Yin's thanks, Liu Wei did not deliberately hide it, and only said: "Actually, on the streets, I saw the Yu Family members acting crazy and stupid. This act of meddling is really an act of lovemaking. After all, the Li Clan does not lack Liu Duojiao. "

"No, it's not like that …" Li Yin's expression was urgent, and he said somewhat anxiously: "If Master Liu had not appeared today, I'm afraid that I would really have to stay in the prison for a while. I'm serious, and would truly be grateful, Sir …"

Liu Wei looked at Li Yin in shock, as if she did not expect Li Yin to say such words.

Liu Wei's laughter made Li Yin feel extremely vexed, and she felt that she was just a fool: "I … [I guess that someone must have put in a lot of effort to get me to the dungeon entrance, maybe it is the lord who has put in the effort, so …] "That's why I said those words. I didn't mean to be reckless …"

Liu Wei waved her hand, "Currently, the emperor is severely ill. The situation in the capital is not good, and the overall situation is extremely chaotic. It was unavoidable for your brother to offend others when he worked for the seventh king. If I see someone trying to mess with your Li Family, and even go after Miss Li, I won't allow anyone to bully a girl. When the Li Family arrives, I will explain everything clearly. As for Miss Li's gratitude, I will accept it. "

Liu Wei did not interact much with Li Yin.

When he was the young miss of the Liu Family, Liu Wei had talked to her once. However, Li Yin had never been friendly to the young miss of the Liu Family.

But times had changed, and the small grudge between the girls had long since disappeared.

Looking at Li Yin now, she was indeed a bit more mature than last year. At the very least, she wouldn't lie and say things that would lower her status.

A sensible girl was indeed a good girl. If one knew their wrongs and could correct them, then there was nothing better to say.

Li Yin didn't know what Liu Wei was thinking about all this. As she heard Liu Wei's last sentence, her ears started to turn completely red. He still had a lot of things to say, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't think of a single word.

Just then, Lin Sheng walked in.

Lin Sheng was sweating profusely, but she had a smile on her face, it was obvious that she had already settled the matter outside.

Seeing that Li Yin was already here, Lin Sheng cupped her hands together and apologized, then explained the situation outside.

Li Yin did not say anything, but her eyes were cold.

In truth, Li Yin had guessed that those people were here for him, but he, a girl, lived in a secluded place, and would not leave until the door was open. She would not offend anyone, and the only people who would offend are the men of her family.

The Master Liu had also said that the situation was chaotic and many people were thinking, but these people dragged her into it, making her feel unhappy.

How could he find trouble with a girl for the matter with the Li family man?

Even though this matter could be considered as her getting rid of the blind date she was supposed to go to, if she hadn't confessed in the beginning, she probably wouldn't be able to move from her spot on the street right now.

If a girl were to be attacked by a few mob in public, would she still have any face? The young mistresses of the famous sects in the capital could not help but laugh her to death.

With that thought, Li Yin's voice became much colder: "I hope Master Lin and my brother can talk about the details. It's strange, it's been so long, the people from the Li Residence are not here yet?"

Lin Sheng could tell that the young miss was unhappy, so she turned her head to have the runner run back, and tell the Li Family to come quickly.

After sending the orders, Lin Sheng looked at the strangely quiet hall and felt a little awkward.

Of course, as an outsider, she could not get along with him, but the atmosphere was very tense right now. Furthermore, this was the capital's yamen, so as the host, he naturally felt that it was difficult to make a left or right decision.

In the end, Liu Wei still spoke up to help her out, "It's already lunchtime, does Master Lin have any arrangements?"

This clearly meant that he was not leaving until he was satisfied.

After Lin Sheng heard this, she said nimbly: "Arrangement, this will be arrangements! Then may I trouble you to excuse me, Master Liu and Miss Li, I will be back shortly! "

With that, he turned and ran.

Even if Master Liu was not the host, she would not coax his, but he was young, had good eloquence, and was a good person to behold.

Lin Sheng thought proudly as she turned a corner and headed towards the kitchen.

Liu Wei did not expect Lin Sheng to run away so quickly. She coughed lightly and looked at Li Yin, who was standing opposite of him.

Should he go himself? Let Li Yin stay here and wait for his own family?

Actually, this was also good. As an "outsider," he had always been in the same room as this girl, so it wasn't good after all.

Thinking about that, Liu Wei stood up and cupped her hands towards Li Yin: "Master Lin doesn't know what I want to eat, I'll go take a look."

As he spoke, he prepared to leave.

However, Li Yin wasn't as shy as before. He suddenly stood up and called out to the other person: "Master Liu, please wait."

Liu Wei stopped and looked at her in confusion.

Li Yin bashfully bit his lips, and said softly: "This little girl is alone … "Danger, fear …"

Liu Wei was silent for a moment, then looked at the servant girl behind Li Yin. "All of the servants in the Li Residence can do it, I think this young lady will take good care of young miss."

"An Xin won't be able to take care of her." Li Yin said, she turned and stared at his servant: "An An, tell me, are you in charge of everything?"

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