One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei knew clearly about her own body's condition.

Due to her foundation, her womb was much more stable than Xiaoli's. Furthermore, she was already four months old, it was possible for her to do that sort of thing.

However, the Imperial Physician of the Greencloud Kingdom had said that even after the first three months, the fetus would still be unstable. Thus, the general Imperial Physician recommended that the four months be the insurance period.

If you really need to do it in four months, you can do it again.

Liu Wei counted carefully on his fingers, adding the days of the two people arguing, today, was exactly the day she was four months pregnant.

However, this man couldn't bear it any longer. Apparently, he had a plan already.

Rong Ling didn't answer, she only hugged Liu Wei a little tighter and lowered her head to continue searching for her lips.

Liu Wei's leg was being stabbed by his weapon and had no choice but to reach out and move that thing away.

And when she gripped his hand, the expression in his eyes changed.

Liu Wei asked him: "What's wrong?"

Rong Ling hated that he couldn't not eat her. With a hoarse voice, she tried her best to control his voice and kissed her neck: "I was wrong, okay?"

Rong Ling continued to stroke her neck.

In the end, it seemed that he had truly reached his limit. Rong Ling called out in a slightly softer voice, "Xiao'er, my wife."

This call made Liu Wei freeze instantly.

Rong Ling continued to grind against her, and said: "My wife, look at me …"

Liu Wei thought that she was despicable.

However, she couldn't deny that her heart was beating really fast.

"You … Shut your mouth! " Liu Wei was a little angry from embarrassment.

Rong Ling simply held her face, and looked for her lips, vaguely, and said a few words. Liu Wei vaguely heard that, but he still yelled those two words.

Those two words had almost never appeared in their lives.

In the end, Liu Wei lost.

Flipping over, Liu Wei pressed down on Rong Ling, making him lie on the couch without moving. Then, her small hands moved all the way down, until they reached his side.

Clenching, clenching, clenching.

Liu Wei's hands moved for a long time, all the way until she was tired. He even climbed onto his body at the end, and fought against him wholeheartedly.

It took them an hour to get out.

Liu Wei fell back onto the bed exhausted, but at the same time, her clothes were all messed up, and she looked to be in a very sorry state.

… ….

But Liu Wei never thought that Rong Ling, who had only been here for four months, would be like a tiger that had eaten meat and couldn't return once the ring was broken.

The next day, the third day, the fourth day …

Every night, Rong Ling would pester Liu Wei softly.

Liu Wei disagreed at the beginning, but every time, she would give up.

In the end, just when Liu Wei thought that she would have to live like this for the next few months, Rong Ling once again stayed overnight.

This time, the night was different from the last time.

This time, Rong Ling was not able to come back.

In fact, it was not only Rong Ling, the few old officials in the Cabinet who were at the first rank could not leave the Palace, and among them, there were even two rare guests who did not participate in any Cabinet meetings, Rong Su and the Crown Prince.

The Imperial City gates had already been closed. According to the rules, no one was allowed to enter or leave the palace. Even ministers and princes had to follow the rules.

In the Cabinet Hall, there were already more than forty candlesticks, but it was still not bright enough.

Beside him, there was a young eunuch who continued to light the fire. He placed candles of various sizes in front of the elderly adults, afraid that they wouldn't be able to read his writing.

"This is all the money that the Department of Revenue has received in the last three years. According to the detailed personnel delivered by the garrison and the environmental statistics, we need to prepare at least four million silver taels for this war. The Ministry of Revenue can provide us with one million and two hundred thousand silver taels, and the Ministry of Government can provide us with six hundred thousand silver taels while we can provide us with two million and two hundred thousand silver taels."

After an adult in his fifties had finished speaking, the dying crown prince who had been taken care of by the attendants suddenly spoke up, "The Ministry of Revenue can only provide one million yuan. Two years ago, it was used to manage the river and dam's relief, and it still has a shortfall of one million yuan. That is its limit."

The Crown Prince was in a bad state. His face was slack, his cheeks sunken, his eye sockets sunken, and his entire body was suffused with a medicinal aura. Everywhere he looked, it showed that he was very ill.

After the Crown Prince finished speaking, Rong Su, who had been silent the entire time, also spoke up: "The Ministry of Government is able to take out less than three hundred thousand, and in fact, less than nine hundred thousand. In the previous month, everyone, please take a look at the account book, which was written on it, for the construction of a pavilion, and to the north of the palace, it is mentioned that royal father's royal decree for the construction of a library to store the ancient items of the previous dynasty, but because some of the old items had been moved over from other places, some of them had been in storage for too long, and are already in ruins.

The crown prince and Rong Su explained to each other, and the intention of the two of them staying here to discuss was clear, as they wanted to save money.

The Crown Prince wanted to save money for the Kingdom's treasury. In other words, the Kingdom's treasury was one of his forces, and it was also the best way to help him.

Rong Su wanted to save money for the Department of Public Affairs. The Department was a treasure that he had only recently dug up, so he naturally could not allow it to lose too much gold and silver.

If he wanted to take money from the Ministry of Public Relations, then the disguised act would be tantamount to letting him take money, how could he be willing to do so?

The old officials were all stubborn people, and when they heard the two of them trying to shirk their opinions, some of them were angered.

The oldest man slapped the table and became disappointed: "The border is going to war, the west side is being joined by the Lie Nation, and with 1.2 million troops, what does it mean to make a big charge into our west side? This meant that the strength of the Western Territory was limited. If they could not immediately dispatch six hundred thousand elite soldiers and four million soldiers, the Western Territory could very likely be broken through by the Berserker Soldiers! The Western Region's resident army is quick to report, saying that the situation is critical and urgent. As you have seen, how can it still be cold and warm, and whether or not the country will truly fall and families will not be of any concern? "

Boss Zhao was getting more and more agitated as he spoke. His last few words were still trembling with excitement.

The other men beside him tried their best to calm Lord Zhao so that he would not be angered to death.

For the whole day, over ten cabinet ministers had been staying here, discussing and discussing until the gates of the palace had all been closed.

They could send six hundred thousand men, but they couldn't make up the four million and six hundred thousand men they had spent on the journey at the same time.

What did four million silvers count for?

How many princes and dukes would have to spend one million, four million just for this residence? How could it make things difficult for so many people?

But unfortunately, it was too difficult.

Of course, everyone present knew that this four million was just an appetizer. If they really did start fighting, then the four million would be spent in less than two months.

A war was a bottomless pit. The army's pay could not be cut off.

The old officials all understood what the Crown Prince and the Seventh Prince meant. They didn't want to fight, and even refused to pay the first four million. If you don't want to fight, do you agree to it?

Boss Zhao was trembling with anger, his brows knitted together.

However, there were two young men among the only three in the hall. They still looked like dead pigs that weren't afraid of boiling water.

The crown prince continued to say at the brink of death, "There really is no money."

Rong Su said with a troubled face. There was really no saving his.

It was already late in the night, and everyone in the hall was exhausted. Even so, no one dared to loosen their mouths. Things were still stuck in a deadlock.

In this kind of situation, there was finally someone who cast their gaze at the cold-faced Second Prince who had not said a word since then.

"Second Prince, what ideas do you have?" The one who asked this was the old official, Master Qian, who had admired Rong Ling the most in the past.

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