Anthea felt that something was not right, so she peeked through the crack of the door to look inside. When she looked inside, she saw her eldest daughter standing on a stool, a hemp rope in her hand. ggaawx

An'an was so frightened that her hair stood on end. She hurriedly knocked on the door and was about to rush in when she heard the voice of her young miss, "Get your big brother over here. I won't be able to see him for a quarter of an hour. I'll hang myself."

An An hurriedly said that the young master had gone out.

"Yes." Thinking about how the Mr.Liu had a pretty face, Li Jun could not help but say unkind, "What's the use of having a handsome appearance, she doesn't look like a man at all."

Rong Su continued to remain silent, her expression still subtle, but in her heart, she couldn't really say what it felt like.

After Li Jun finished cursing, she thought of her sister who was in the house and could only stand up and clasp her hands towards Rong Su: "The trivial matters of the family are truly difficult to resolve, Your Highness, please forgive me, I need to go back."

Just as Li Jun was about to leave, she heard the Seventh Prince behind him say again, "This king will go with you."

Li Jun was surprised. She didn't know that the Duke was a person who liked to watch the show.

The two of them exited the Seventh Prince's Mansion and headed towards the Li Residence.

Afraid that Li Yin really would do something stupid, Li Jun instructed the coachman to go quickly.

When he finally reached the entrance of the Li Residence, Li Jun walked straight in because of his sister.

An'an led the way to the eldest miss' courtyard. Before she could even enter the courtyard, she heard the voice of the old mistress from inside.

"Unfilial, unfilial, truly unfilial!"

The old lady was so angry that her entire body was trembling. She patted her chest and said when she saw her grandson coming, "Hurry up and get your sister out. Don't let her really do something stupid."

"Yes, Grandmother, please take a rest. Your grandson will definitely bring Ying'er out."

Since Marquis Li had gone to Qingzhou to congratulate the patriarch of the Fu's Family, the duke's wife naturally went along as well. Thus, the only ones who could make decisions in the Palace were the Madam Li and Li Jun.

Of course, there were also a few concubines, but they didn't have much power and didn't dare to speak carelessly.

Now that his grandson had returned, Madam Li took a deep breath. After resting, he noticed that Seventh Prince was behind him and immediately went to greet him.

Rong Su did not accept the elder's greeting. Instead, she supported the old lady and invited her to sit.

Due to the fact that there were outsiders in the courtyard and it was a prince, the people of the Li family were more restrained. Even Li Jun who had been angered along the way was standing outside the door and trying her best to speak in a soft voice.

But Li Yin inside did not know.

Li Yin was fearless, hearing that her big brother had come, she was extremely pleased with herself, her tail sticking up to the sky: "I want to marry him, big brother if you agree, write down the witness statement, if not, I will kick the chair!"

Li Jun was about to curse out loud, and at this critical moment, she turned around to glance at Seventh Prince, suppressing her surging anger and said kindly: "How many times do you want me to say it to you? If I don't agree, not just me, but even my parents won't agree.

Li Yin stomped her feet and cried in anger: "Weren't you the ones who urged me to get married? Why do you want me to marry the person you think will win? Just because he's with Second Prince, you won't allow him to marry me? Big brother, you clearly said before that the one you loved the most was me, so you promised me that you would marry the person I loved the most! At most, I can just advise him to leave the Second Prince! "

Li Jun had always doted on his little sister, and when she heard his sister cry, he could not help but laugh.

He did not know why Li Yin would fall in love with that person, nor did he know why she kept insisting on not marrying. He knew about the inner workings, knew the identity of that person, and even knew the situation inside that person's stomach …

And because of that, he understood that it was impossible for that person to leave Rong Ling.

Rong Ling would also not allow him to leave.

These two would probably not be able to separate it at all.

If he could, he would have done everything he could to personally take that person away.

Li Jun lowered his voice, and spoke reason: "You have only met him a few times, so you know his character and background? How could an unclear person entrust his entire life? It's only been a few times, and you already dare to force your family to the point of death for an unfamiliar man. If I really let you all stay together and he says a few more words, wouldn't you set our Marquis Li's Mansion on fire? "

Li Yin panicked and quickly said: "He has never bewitched me before, I have fallen for him, and he is not an obscure person. He is good, and he is the best! In the past, he was the one who solved many of the cases in the capital. He is intelligent and knowledgeable. As long as a woman sees him, there is nothing that she doesn't wish to marry... "

Li Jun said with a look of disdain on her face, "His methods in solving cases are mysterious and unpredictable. No matter how I look at it, she is an unorthodox person and this kind of person is definitely not a good match for you."

"What evil practice!" Li Yin retorted, "If he can solve the case, how can you solve it, Big Brother? "You are jealous, jealous that he is more talented and scheming than you. You are the least angry!"

Li Jun was enraged: "Look at you, now his heart is with him, if he were to kill you later, you might even have to count the money on his behalf!"

"Of course not! He's a true gentleman. If he marries me, he'll definitely treat me well. He'll treat me like a precious pearl and I'll believe in him!"

"You don't believe in your big brother, you don't believe in your family, you believe in an outsider?"

"I won't say it, in short, I'm going to marry him. If Big Bro doesn't agree, I'll just kick the chair and hang myself!"

Li Yin said as she pulled on the hemp rope, looking like she was about to hang herself.

Li Jun jumped in shock, her hand pressing on the door. She looked anxious, but she secretly exerted some strength in her palm, planning to quietly knock the door open.

The door to the duke's manor was almost unbreakable, and it would have to be crashed for a few hours.

Within the room, Li Yin had a rather deep understanding of his big brother and immediately said: "I've placed three locks on top of the door. Unless you completely tear down the door, you won't open it!"

After pushing for a long time, Li Jun, who had not pushed at all, "..."

After hesitating for a while, he closed his eyes and said, "I need to see him once. If you are willing, you can come with me.

Inside the house, Li Yin listened as she rolled her eyes a few times, and said: "How would I know, after I go out, will you go back on your word and tie me up, forbidding me from seeing him, and also forbidding me from going out?"

Li Jun took a deep breath, "Seventh Prince's Mansion is the witness!"

Li Yin was startled.

Li Jun said maliciously: "Seventh Prince is right outside the door. Do you know, you were unreasonable and arrogant just now, and you were seen by Seventh Prince?"

Li Yin: "..."

Rong Su didn't seem to mind, but after hearing Li Jun say this, he said, "This king can testify."

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