Mingxiang had never seen anyone who asked for help in such a manner. He was dressed in black, and his face was covered with a black scarf. It was more accurate to call him a highway robber. ggaawx

Ming Xiang was furious. Just as she was about to scold the men in black, she heard her young master say from behind, "Nope."

Then, the three masked men paused, looking at each other.

Xing Yi frowned, she was extremely aggrieved.

His companion saw that he could not do anything now, so he pushed Xing Yi to speak.

Xing Yi was annoyed, he did not want to humble herself and beg the person in front of him.

However, he also knew that this person's ability was extraordinary. That corpse had rotted very fast. Just now, another finger had rotted away …

Under the urging of his companions, he gritted his teeth and finally asked, "What do you want so that you can help me?"

Hearing that, Liu Wei laughed leisurely: "Do something for me."

Xing Yi raised her head vigilantly to look at Liu Wei: "What are you going to do?"

Liu Wei said: "At that time, I will come find you."

Xing Yi instinctively knew that this matter would not be easy to accomplish, but he had no other choice. After struggling for a long time, he finally nodded her head, "Alright."

Liu Wei did not make things difficult for him anymore: "Lead the way."

… ….

Originally, it had only rained lightly in the capital, but as the several black clouds drifted over, the rain began to grow more intense.

Liu Wei's carriage had already changed to her.

Ming Xiang was sitting inside the carriage, feeling extremely uneasy. She would glance outside the carriage from time to time to confirm that she had not been brought to any strange place.

Liu Wei's eyes moved along the curtain of the carriage, looking at the rain outside, her ears were also filled with the sound of rain and the sound of rolling wheels.

After about half an hour, the carriage finally stopped.

Ming Xiang got off the carriage first and hung the umbrella before helping her young master down.

It was a remote street. Due to the heavy rain, not only was there no one around him, even several shops were closed.

Xing Yi was dressed in a black cloak and a straw hat as she walked forward.

Ming Xiang and Liu Wei followed behind.

The coachman, afraid that something might happen to his master, also put on his raincoat and followed along.

After walking for a while, they finally stopped at a rather dilapidated and dilapidated courtyard.

The dilapidated courtyard door was pushed open, revealing a messy floor and a dirty patio. No matter how one looked at it, it looked like a temporary place for beggars.

"What are you doing here?" Ming Xiang asked with a tone full of vigilance.

Xing Yi did not answer. After a moment of silence, one of his companions said, "Cut the crap."

Mingxiang's eyes were wide open, unable to contain her anger.

Liu Wei stroked her head and comforted her.

Ming Xiang felt wronged and approached her young master, complaining, "Young master, their attitude is not good, can we not help them?"

Xing Yi froze, and his companion froze as well. She turned her head to look at Liu Wei worriedly.

Liu Wei did not say anything, but gave Mingxiang face, and revealed a thoughtful expression.

Xing Yi knew that things were about to get bad and quickly said: "Sorry, the situation is urgent. Everyone is in a bad mood and you two shouldn't mind if you delay your words."

Mingxiang snorted and turned her face away.

Xing Yi was embarrassed as she looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei did not care about what others said and said: "Hurry up, the rain is so heavy and cold, we, Lady Mingxiang, are not in a good mood."

Ming Xiang saw that the Young Master was holding her and talking, she was extremely happy, and immediately welcomed Xing Yi smugly, conveniently looking down at the black-clothed man that she had less of a fuss about.

The man in black was speechless.

Xing Yi took the chance and struck the door while it was hot, she had already reached there, so she could not act rashly. He quickly pushed open the door, and the smell of rotting corpses suddenly burst out from inside.

Ming Xiang almost immediately covered her nose as she held her breath because the smell was too strong. It made her throat twitch as if she was about to vomit.

"What smell is this!" Ming Xiang shouted.

Xing Yi and the rest did not expect that in less than two hours, the room would become so much worse than when they left, to the point that they, who were already used to seeing life and death, could not take it anymore.

"That doesn't make sense. Could it be..." Xing Yi muttered and quickly went in to take a look.

Sure enough, what was left of the half-dead body was now only a third of its original size. It was rapidly rotting away at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

"How could this be?"

Xing Yi felt that this was unbelievable.

His companions began to panic as well.

The moment Liu Wei opened the door and smelled the familiar stench, she knew what was inside.

However, the stench was so strong, Liu Wei had thought that there would be at least three or four corpses here.

Frowning, Liu Wei pushed the few people in front of him away and went closer to take a look.

With that look, Liu Wei could clearly see how miserable the corpse was. Not only was the corpse rotten, some parts of it had even melted.

It was not too serious to say that it was only a form of decay, but once it turned into pus, it would become troublesome.

On the surface, there were almost no signs of the body. What the water had taken away was not only the simple flesh of the corpse, but also countless clues that could be used as evidence.

The body in front of him had pus all over. Most of the stench came from the pus all over his body.

Liu Wei instructed: "Carefully bring the corpses out and place them in the corridor outside."

It was raining heavily outside, and neither the courtyard nor the patio could accommodate the corpses. Only the narrow corridors were still rather dry.

Xing Yi did not have time to ask why, so she summoned his comrades, and the few of them quickly moved the corpses out.

Only when they moved the corpse did they realize that the back of the corpse was covered in sticky yellow water.

Before, they could see the corpses' faces and hands were rotten, but now that they were flipped over, they realized that the most serious part of the corpses was their backs.

Only a skeleton remained on the back of the corpse.

Those Death Soldiers who had been living on the edge of life and death for many years also felt goosebumps on their skin when they realized the emptiness and viscosity in their hands.

But even so, they could only bear with it and carry the corpses out before retreating.

Some people could no longer control themselves and wanted to vomit.

Liu Wei glanced at these people. If Xiaoli was here, the little guy would probably distribute the Feather Leaf Pills, but the little guy was not.

It was rather fragrant.

The coachman wasn't much better off. As he comforted Ming Xiang, he didn't even dare to walk towards her. He didn't even dare to look over.

"Mingxiang, go out and wait in the carriage." Liu Wei instructed.

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