One second. Org, free of charge!

The waiter opened the door. ggaawx

When the door opened, what Liu Wei saw in front of him was an open window.

When Liu Wei went downstairs, Xing Yi and the others still did not know what the meaning of the two circles that Mister had come to see was.

On the way to the inn, he had asked them the names of the dead men and what else was in their rooms.

And Xing Yi's companion had also answered.

The deceased's name was Yao Guang. When he came to the capital, he carried a bag with him, but now the bag was gone.

In the room of the inn, nothing was left.

Despite knowing the situation, this man still made a trip over.

Xing Yi and the rest all felt that this was because Sir did not trust them. But now, it seemed that Sir did not see through it either.

The stay in the inn was not long.

After looking around, Liu Wei decided to leave.

Before he left, it was unknown if it was intentional or not, Liu Wei saw Xiao Xi who was sitting obediently on a chair, looking at a group of people curiously.

Seeing Liu Wei looking over, the little girl was startled, then her black eyes bent and asked: "Young Noble, is there anything else?"

Liu Wei did not say anything, retracted her gaze, and directly left.

The waiter took the thirty taels of silver and divided it between him and the little girl who was looking out for him. The little girl accepted and laughed happily. She took the silver and said that she would go out to buy some candy.

The waiter felt that Xi Zi was only half a child, and because she had just come to the capital from a foreign country, she had no idea how many generations she had spent with her distant relatives.

She took her umbrella and left through the back door.

He walked around seven or eight streets in the rain, passing three or four shops that sold sugar without stopping.

Finally, he walked to an alleyway on the side street and cautiously looked around. After confirming that no one was following him, he quickly entered the alleyway.

His feet stopped in front of the Redwood Courtyard's entrance, which was located in the deepest part of the alley.

The wooden door opened, revealing a somewhat dilapidated but still clean courtyard.

Passing through the yard and into the back room, he put away his umbrella and, patting the wet water stains on his shoulders, lifted the curtain and entered the house.

As soon as he entered, a wave of medicinal qi assaulted his face.

The little girl rubbed the tip of her nose and said to the sickly looking young man on the bed, "Young Master, I'm back."

… ….

Just like the Peace Inn, the right side of the house was a second floor.

Different from the Peace Inn, the decorations of Sisi Residence were much more exquisite than the Peace Inn.

After working in the inn for so long, the place was filled with people. People came and went, and anyone who passed by would feel a sense of familiarity.

The teahouse was elegant.

Although this street was not the main street of the capital, and the location was not good, and the customers were not too rich, this teahouse was especially well decorated.

Liu Wei walked from the first floor to the second floor.

Xing Yi and the rest had already exchanged greetings with the shopkeeper and stuffed the money in, but they did not stop him when they got up, but the shopkeeper was still a little unhappy.

Just as he was about to go up to the second floor, Liu Wei suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and said to the shopkeeper who had eyes, nose, and so on: "Your teahouse is indeed elegant."

Hearing this guest praise the store, the shopkeeper's face immediately brightened. "This was specially made by our master by a top-notch craftsman. I heard that the craftsman had once repaired a garden for the empress of the palace."

Liu Wei laughed and praised: "No wonder this little teahouse is so special from the inside out. I presume the shopkeeper had spent a lot of time and effort to run it, look at the floor, it is completely spotless."

"Of course." The shopkeeper continued proudly, "We have eight shop assistants here alone, and when there are no customers, we will clean them every five hours. When there are guests, we will clean them every two hours, and once every morning they open for business, and I still need to check every room. If they don't pass, this shop assistant will directly deduct the entire day's wages."

Liu Wei listened and praised before going upstairs.

Xing Yi and the rest did not know why their master's mood was so good, that they had been delayed at the inn. When they arrived at the teahouse, they even wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.

However, they needed help, so they couldn't urge them.

Now, they were finally on the second floor. Xing Yi's companion quickly led the way, bringing Liu Wei all the way to the sixth room on the left.

Liu Wei walked slowly, and after entering the room, she looked around, only to see that underneath the table and cabinet in front of the window, there were two pieces of sudden bricks.

The brick was taken out by us, and there was a small hole under the table. At first, we didn't notice it, but because this is the room opposite Yao Guang's room, we took a closer look and discovered something strange. Xing Yi's companion explained, and then moved the table away.

Liu Wei squatted down and looked. This hole on the ground, there were not many things that could be put in here, and it was even a little rough. It seemed like, it must have been dug by the dead person in a hurry.

Perhaps it was because he hid it too rashly that he came back later on.

Liu Wei stood up and looked at the window. When she raised her eyes, she saw Yao Guang's window on the second floor of the inn.

The waiter had already closed the window. Now that the window was locked, it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Sir." Xing Yi called out, with a tinge of anticipation she asked: "Sir, did you notice anything?"

Liu Wei said absentmindedly: "I'm afraid the thing you guys are looking for cannot be found, but there are a few points that can be used as a reference."

Hearing that they could not find anything, Xing Yi and the rest panicked, but hearing that there was a change in the situation, they immediately became alert, and stared straight at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei said: First, the deceased should be from Lingzhou, and looking at the few traces of life left in the room, at least before they died, he still retained the traces of the life style of the people from Lingzhou, which means, the dead are very dependant on their homeland, and are extremely familiar with the life style there. Usually, if a person goes to other places frequently, they would more or less have local habits, but the traces of life of the dead are constant, it is very likely that it is the first time the deceased went out of their home, and the place they departed from is the Lingzhou.

Xing Yi and the others listened on blankly and asked for a long time, "Life … "Traces?"

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