One second. Org, free of charge!

Compared to the late winter, the northern part of the Spring Festival was much colder.

Especially on a rainy day.

It just so happened that at this moment, there was a rumble from outside. It was a clap of thunder.

Liu Wei's expression became even worse.

Lei Jinghong was stunned. This meant that the rain would continue to fall for a few more days?

Six days ago, Liu Wei looked left and right, until finally, Rong Ling finished explaining all of the and palace affairs, and was allowed to set off to the Azure Province.

She excitedly boarded the horse carriage that had left the city early in the morning.

The first three days went without a hitch, but on the fourth day, it rained.

It was still afternoon then, and the carriage had no intention of stopping, but seeing that the rain was heavy and afraid of any accidents on the road, they went ahead to look for an inn to rest for the night, thinking that it would stop at most tomorrow's rain.

In the end, he didn't stop.

Another day and it would be over.

He still didn't stop.

Today, looking at the heavy rain outside that no longer had any intention to stop, Liu Wei finally became impatient.

Liu Wei was also in trouble.

wanted to study, so from the beginning, Liu Wei did not plan to bring them along, but when the two children found out about this, they insisted on following his, and tried to coax his, but they did not manage to do it well, and in the end, she sneaked out while it was still early in the morning, and left a note saying that he would be back in half a month.

Originally, from the capital to the Azure Province, if one took a shortcut and rode a fast horse, it would only take five days' journey.

But now, they had been delayed for several days on the road. From here to the Azure Province, they still had one more day to travel. How could they still have time to travel again and again?

Liu Wei was depressed, especially when she thought about how he still could not leave today, he felt gloomy and he was enveloped.

But compared to her anxiety, the other companion seemed to be quite relaxed.

Liu Wei turned her head to look at the man who had wrapped her in the cape, then sat back down and slowly started to read his books. "I can't go, is General Rong satisfied?"

Rong Ling, who had just picked up the book, did not look up.

Looking at that smile, you could tell it was there.

Liu Wei sighed: "You're not speaking the truth."

Rong Ling did not speak, and continued to read.

The room quieted down, and the sound of rain outside became even louder.

Liu Wei stood up and looked at the rain from the window in a daze, staring at the curtain of rain in the distance.

It was at this moment that a gurgling sound came from afar.

Liu Wei looked towards the direction of the voice. She saw a horse carriage running quickly towards her right side, which was covered by the rain.

Liu Wei saw the small horse carriage stagger and she curiously fixed her gaze.

The coachman seemed to know that there was an inn on the mountain road. The coachman drove straight into the coachman's shed, and at this moment, the waiter of the inn also went out to welcome the guests.

The coachman took off his wet raincoat and put it on a rack on the side. He said to the waiter, "My wife caught a cold on the road, find the warmest room, and also find the nearest doctor. This is the reward." As he spoke, he casually threw a piece of crushed silver to the man.

The waiter took it and said with a smile, "Don't worry, milord, I will prepare a room for you. As for the doctor, the rain is too heavy, I'm afraid there will be some delays on the road, so I'll find one for you as soon as possible. Do you see that?"

The coachman knew that it was not easy to be picky outside, so he answered with a "hmm" before turning around and saying to the carriage, "Madam, everything has been arranged."

Only now did the door of the carriage open. Inside, a servant girl wearing a simple red dress with a cold expression came out first. She looked around the inn with a displeased expression, but she didn't say anything more. With the support of the red clothed female servant, she slowly walked out. But at this moment, a cold wind blew, and a large amount of rain immediately drenched the woman's face, causing her to instantly appear in a sorry state.

The servant girl in red immediately gripped her sleeves and wiped the woman's face.

The woman then waved her hand with a kind expression, indicating that she was fine. Only then did the servant girl no longer insist. She supported her and quickly entered the inn.

Once he entered the inn, Liu Wei could no longer see what was happening inside.

With regards to these two strangers who just happened to pass by and coincidentally were staying at the same inn, Liu Wei was not very interested in them.

If the servant girl was not mistaken, her skills should be extremely good. However, a rich family's servant girl, if she had skills, it was not surprising.

The scenery outside the window had calmed down again. The rain was still the same, and the sky was still misty.

With the arrival of the new customer, Liu Wei also lost interest in Guan Yu. She turned around and closed the window, and when he saw that Rong Ling was still reading, she looked at the title of the book with interest.

"Pinghong Policy?" Liu Wei asked: "It has been raining for many days, although it is not very serious here, but in some places, I am afraid there is a flood, just that, do you have enough time to look at this?"

Rong Ling flipped to another page of the book, then said: "I'm not an expert in treating Hong, but look at the rules and regulations, and it'll be easier to calculate the amount of money Hong will be allocated."

Liu Wei understood and nodded her head, she then sat back down and sighed: "Every year there will be a flood, but this year it's so early, I wonder how many families are going to fall and die."

Rong Ling put down the book, looked at her and said: "Hong, it shouldn't have happened."

Liu Wei looked straight into his eyes and nodded: "Right, Hong, it shouldn't have happened. The flood was simply because the water in the water was not clear enough, and the ladders and ladders on the shore were inappropriate, it is all a question of the managers, if the local arrangements were correct, even if it were to rain heavily for the next two months and flood the entire field, there would not be any casualties, it is just that the local governance has never been successful without hundreds or even hundreds of years of rectification. "The ancestors did not want to spend too much time on it, and did not care much about the fact that the descendants of the ancestors had served their ancestors. If things go on like this, disaster will still come, disaster will still come."

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