One second. Org, free of charge!

When the crowd finally stopped moving, the seasoned guards of the hunting grounds once again began to pay attention to the sounds of the beasts for a long time. However, they did not seem to catch up to them and were finally able to calm down.

In the woods, Liu Sui was standing beside Fu Ziyao, and Fu Ziwen was looking at him. They were also frightened when they heard about the rebellion of the beasts.

The bodyguards who had accompanied them to protect themselves had already lost all color on their faces, "To prevent danger, it would be best for everyone to leave the forest first!"

These were the old guards of the hunting grounds. After hearing his words, they did not want to risk their lives. Although they did not know what had happened, they decided to leave first.

Today was supposed to be the birthday of Fu's Family's old man, he should have had a good time and be happy, but something like this suddenly happened and even his good mood was stirred.

Liu Ju, who had not hunted anyone before, was already unhappy. But now, he was even more unhappy as he scolded directly, "How did the people in the hunting ground do this? Go and get the overseer for me!"

The guards of the hunting grounds didn't know why such a thing would happen, so they had no choice but to ask the steward.

After the others had been evacuated, the guards led them outside. After a few steps, Liu Ju suddenly stopped and looked back at a certain tent.

"There's someone else in the tent?"

Fu Ziyao, who was standing right next to Liu Ju, also looked into the tent and saw two shadows.

Fu Ziyao walked over to lift the curtain and saw that it was none other than Fu Zichen. Beside him was a handsome young master in black robes.

"Fifth brother?" Fu Ziyao called out.

Fu Zichen tilted her head, and after seeing the people outside, she turned to look at Liu Wei before walking out and putting down the curtain. She didn't dare to disturb Liu Wei, who was giving acupuncture to Liu Mo, and said to Zi Yao.

Fu Ziyao glanced at his fifth brother, then looked at the closed tent curtain and asked, "Fifth brother, do you know what happened in the forest just now?"

Fu Zichen shook her head.

Fu Ziyao still wanted to say something, but Fu Ziyuan became a little impatient. He tugged on his brother's sleeve and said, "Ignore him. He doesn't want to bother with us either. Let's go."

Fu Ziwen's words were filled with anger.

Fu Ziyao frowned. Although he didn't like his second son either, he didn't show any intention of showing it. Fu Ziwen's words directly showed the attitude of his third son. He had indeed offended him in vain.

He did not say anything, and it was not good for him to reprimand his own brother for speaking carelessly in front of him, so he nodded to Fu Zichen and planned to leave.

After taking two steps, he realized that there were still people behind him. He turned around and saw Liu Sui peeking out of the tent.

"Brother Liu?" Fu Ziyao cried out.

Liu Ju looked back and said, "Fourth and Sixth Young Master, I will go first. I will be there shortly."

Fu Ziyao furrowed his brows, "Brother Liu, have you seen anyone I know?"

Liu Ju pointed to the tent, then looked at Fu Zichen who was blocking the way, and asked: "The young master inside looks unfamiliar, Fifth Young Master, may I know which clan he is from?"

Fu Zichen said casually: "I am just a little friend, and not some young master. I am here to find me."

Liu Ju laughed, "Meeting is fate, why don't you call me out to greet him, we can be considered acquaintances."

Fu Zichen frowned, obviously not in a good mood.

Liu Sui rushed inside as if he didn't understand what Shi Yan was talking about, "Since that Young Master is unwilling to come out, I can go in."

After getting slapped by Liu Wei just now, when he had nowhere to vent her anger on, she stopped being patient and turned cold. Facing Liu Sui, she looked even more unsightly: "The hunting grounds are dangerous, everybody should leave first!"

Liu Ju suddenly smiled, his red robe was dazzling, "Why do you insist? Just a greeting. If you go in and ask, maybe that young master would like to meet me?"

Just as Fu Zichen was about to speak, she heard a familiar cold voice shout out from the tent: "All of you, quiet down!"

Fu Zichen: "..."

Liu Ju: "..."

Acupuncture required a calm mind, and Liu Mo was also severely injured. When Liu Wei patiently applied the needles, being this noisy, he could not help but have a bad temper.

Fu Zichen heard and did not dare to say anything, she only looked at Liu Ju coldly.

Liu Ju didn't expect the guy to be so hot-tempered that he would talk so aggressively. Suddenly, he felt that the guy was shouting at him and scolding him for making a ruckus.

The son of the Liu family was a famous figure in Qingzhou. He had never been in such a difficult situation before. Liu Sui immediately said angrily, "You are crazy. If you don't let me see you, I will be prejudiced against you!" As he said that, he extended his hand to push Fu Zichen away, and immediately lifted the curtain.

When Fu Zichen went to stop him, it was inevitable for the two to collide.

Fu Zichen did not know what disease Liu Ju was suffering from, but she knew it had to be related.

Fu Ziyao and Fu Ziwen were somewhat impatient, but Liu Ju was not a stranger, and could be considered as close friends with them. Therefore, they could only try their best to smooth things over and drag Liu Ju away.

As for Fu Zichen, the Third Branch had never wanted to get involved with him. As a friend of Fu Zichen's, they did not want to make friends with him.

While they were going back and forth, the people who had been waiting outside for a long time realized that the sound of the beasts was gone and the guards had investigated. The forest seemed to have calmed down and they walked back in twos and threes, waiting for the manager to report.

However, when he returned, he saw that something had happened in front of a certain tent and was currently pulling on it.

Fu Ziyong had already been sent to the infirmary at the foot of the mountain, and Fu Zihan had also gone with him. Those who had returned, however, didn't understand what had happened, and were stunned for a moment.

However, because Yang Ji was familiar with Liu Ju, he came up to him and asked, "What happened? What happened? "

Fu Ziwen and Yang Xuan were close friends, so he immediately threw this mess to Fu Chengming and said, "I don't know why you've gone crazy, but you insist on going in and talking to my fifth brother's friend. I don't know what fifth brother is planning, but I'm just not letting him in."

"What are you doing?"

Liu Ju was busy fighting with Fu Zichen, he looked up and saw Fu Zichen's cold eyes, filled with anger. He pulled Yang Mo and said without saying anything: "Help me pull him, I will go in and take a look and then come out!"

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