Xiao Kang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, "My lord, you do not know, the matters of the yamen are not only reported on the major events that have occurred, there are also many trivial matters, from the bailiff's duty, to the gatekeeper's duty, everything needs to be arranged. "And I've always been busy with these trivial matters. That's all I had to do last night …"

Liu Wei nodded and said: "Then tell me exactly what you were busy with last night."

Xiao Kang's mind was working very hard, he quickly put out all the miscellaneous tasks, but when he said, "Tell the kitchen to cook midnight snacks," his voice was interrupted.

Liu Wei continued: "According to the local laws, there are rules governing the conduct of business in the yamen. The Qujiang County is located far away from the capital, in Jiangnan. The Azure Province is right in front of the capital. The so-called 'Son of Heaven' has a few adults of the Fu's Family guarding it. I don't believe that the rules of the Azure Province's government are not as strict as those of Jiangnan. According to the rules of the state, if you were to order the kitchen as you say, it should be considered as the responsibility of the yamen, and if Master is in charge of the affairs of the yamen, then it should be the yamen. You said that you had arranged the yamen guards, and I believe you are in charge of the safety of the city's citizens. The kitchen goes back to the yamen, the servants to the yamen, the cleaners to the yamen, the yamen to the yamen to the yamen. The yamen to the yamen to the yamen to the yamen to the yamen to the yamen to the yamen. Or do you think that the Second Prince is as confused as this official? You spoke nonsense in front of the Second Prince, turned the tables on the right and wrong, and in the shadows, how many times have you committed underhanded actions, and how many things did you do before and after? "I truly do not fear death when I look at you!"

No matter how intelligent Xiao Kang was, he was still just a teacher. With such a low status, it meant that anyone could give him a good kick.

He wanted to explain everything that this official had said, but he found that he could not do it.

He regretted it immensely. If he had known it would be like this, he would have said that he had come to the yamen on time yesterday. At that time, even if he had neglected his duty, he would not have died.

Xiao Kang was so anxious that his entire body was trembling and his heart was in a mess. He kept admonishing them, and his eyes were even constantly looking at Sima Xi, Fu Ziyan, and the others, hoping that they would be willing to save him.

Sima Xi wasn't going to speak of it, but Fu Ziyan would never show his face for a mere Xiao Kang.

If today's incident involved someone neglecting their duty within the yamen and the prisoner was forced to escape, losing Xiao Kang would be the lowest price to pay.

To be able to protect Fu Zihan, all of the young masters and young misses who were participating in the hunt today, as well as the mouth of Second Prince and his unwilling Si Zuo, all of these would benefit him completely but not harm him.

Seeing Fu Ziyan's ice-cold gaze, Xiao Kang knew that he was truly done for! He would become the first victim of this incident, and perhaps not the last one. However, no matter who else followed up, he would definitely die!

If it wasn't for Fu's Family's order for him to stay by Sima Xi's side and monitor him, he would have entered the capital to take the exam to earn his reputation. He would then be able to get a good reputation and become famous, but now, what kind of person was he? He was nothing, worse than pigs and dogs!

He wanted to live, but he knew that was only wishful thinking.

Liu Wei had seen enough of his expression, seeing him go from despair to green, from green to green, from green to black, she laughed slowly, and said: "You went out of your way to steal big, and took away all the hardships behind the scenes, your morals are low, and your crimes are not small. According to the rules, you should deduct your three month salary to make an exception."

Xiao Kang was stunned. For a moment, he thought that he had misheard.

When despair had spread throughout his body, but hope had suddenly appeared, he was stunned and stunned. For a moment, he was at a loss as to what to do.

Risky and greedy, robbing and seizing all the trouble in the city?

Just this?

It was only a small deduction of three months' salary?

Was it not him lying in an attempt to mislead the king? It wasn't that he was being untruthful, but that he was pouting in front of a huge case to fool others?

Not a death sentence?

Xiao Kang could not believe it. He raised his head and looked at the official. Why?

Liu Wei understood his gaze and smirked.

Why, why more, what she was going to do today, was not just a small Grand Master, since she had already fought against the Fu's Family, with her banner raised high, how could she be willing to let it go?

She wasn't that kind, and she wasn't that stupid.

"Master Xiao, you should be willing to speak the truth now as well. When did you leave the yamen last night? Did you notice anything strange?"

Xiao Kang took in a deep breath. Although he felt grateful towards this lord for forgiving him, he knew that even if he was saved, he would not be able to point the finger at Fu's Family.

He was not convinced that the Fu's Family would push him out to die when he was in a difficult situation, but in the end, he did not have the guts to bite back at him.

"Sir, Sir, I left yesterday after Sir Si Ma left. At that time, I just wanted to hide away. I really didn't know that something would have happened in the yamen …"

Liu Wei guessed that Xiao Kang would not tell the truth, and was not in a rush, she slowly said: "Then yesterday, where did you go after going to the yamen?"

"How long is the journey from the yamen to your residence?"

"About half an hour."

Liu Wei turned around and instructed the people around him, "Go and find out if this Master Xiao did indeed return to the manor in the middle of the night. If not …" Liu Wei looked at Xiao Kang's gaze and said coldly, "This official will never forgive a person who doesn't know his wrongs twice!"

Xiao Kang began to sweat again. He clenched his fingers tightly, and a cold feeling suffused the back of his neck.

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