"An adult from the capital? The official that spoke, could he be the Lord of Zhenge Sect? " The storyteller seemed to have heard of something interesting as he laughed uncontrollably, "He said that you're from outside the country, but before you can believe it, that lord from the capital has already left!"

"He left? "How could that be?"

The storytelling teacher said: "I heard that it was the second day after something happened and he left. Of course, he said that he left, but Fu's Family made his move, who knows how he left! In short, I'm afraid that you won't be able to see him again! "

Fang Ruotong received another letter from Qingzhou. It was even from Li Yin, who told her to look for someone in the Redwood Pavilion behind East Third Street after entering the city.

After reading the address written above, Fang Ruotong handed the letter over to the old lady and said, "In the afternoon, I will go straight to the city and find Ying'er as soon as possible. I am also relieved."

The old granny replied, and asked the young miss if she had heard of any books. Fang Ruotong did not forget to listen, and waved her hands, signalling the old granny to close the window.

The old nanny closed the window to prevent any noise from coming from downstairs. However, she missed a corner on the first floor where two figures were leisurely reading.

Liu Wei drank a mouthful of white water, tilted her head, and asked Rong Ling who was helping her shave: "The Master Jing they're talking about, is that me?"

Rong Ling took off all the fish bones, leaving only the white tender flesh. She carried the meat to the mouth of the person next to him, and waited for Liu Wei to take a bite before saying, "Yes."

Liu Wei finished her meal, then said: "This person from the Azure Province is much more powerful than the people from the capital. However, he does not want to spread the news in the Fu's Family's territory, so he kept a low profile.

Rong Ling picked up another piece of fish and placed it in her mouth, saying, "I won't be able to hear it tomorrow."

Liu Wei knew what he meant, he looked at him, thought for a while, then reminded him: "You better speak properly, don't scare the people from Fu's Family, before we leave, they didn't even catch their breath." With that, she looked outside, clicked her tongue, and became impatient: "Are you sure you can meet those people who kidnapped Li Yin here? How come I didn't see anyone suspicious. "

In the past few days in Qingzhou, other than the incident that happened on the first day, Liu Wei and Rong Ling stayed in seclusion. Because they lived in an official station, they did not stay in an inn.

Liu Wei did not mind.

If one were to talk about what she had been busy with these past few days, it would naturally be Liu Mo's body.

Liu Mo had lost a lot of blood. Even though he had saved him, he was injured in the end, so because he did not want him to suffer from the pain for the first two days, Liu Wei gave him some uninjured physical body. After sleeping for a while, when he woke up the next afternoon, his body had lost all of its strength, and he did not feel as painful anymore.

Liu Wei kept on treating Liu Mo's injuries. From that day onwards, Fu Zichen did not return to the Fu's Family and stayed at the relay station.

Liu Wei did not bring her attendants out, and Rong Ling did not allow her to look after Liu Mo closely. Thus, Fu Zichen's existence became more important.

Liu Wei did not blame him for his mistake and just let him make up for it by telling him to treat Liu Mo well.

Originally, Liu Wei had planned to wait for Liu Mo to get a little better, so she and Rong Ling could return to the capital first.

He promised Xiaoli that she would return as soon as possible, but because of the delay on the road, she already timed out.

But just last night, Liu Wei coincidentally heard the secret guard reporting to Rong Ling and mentioned Li Yin.

Li Yin had indeed been brought to Qingzhou, and the information the hidden guards got was vague, they only said that someone had seen her on West Third Street.

West Third Street had three courtyards with Fu's Family s and an entire street facing shop. Liu Wei reckoned that Li Yin was brought here by Fu's Family.

Logically speaking, she was useful and should not have been abused.

He then ate a few pieces of fish, and after finishing all the tender parts of the fish, Liu Wei wiped his mouth and looked around.

Rong Ling turned her face back and placed a bowl of wolfberry soup in front of her.

Liu Wei carelessly blew on the soup, and when it was slightly less hot, she took the spoon and started to sip.

Liu Wei drank until her heart's content. From time to time, she chewed on two medlar and ate until her mouth was sweet.

"Someone will really come after a meal?"

Liu Wei did not have the patience to mutter, he felt her hand being grabbed, and when she turned to look, he saw Rong Ling holding her hand, holding a wet handkerchief soaked in warm water, wiping her hand.

When he wiped it clean, Liu Wei felt his hands turn cold. He immediately extended a finger and poked Rong Ling's nose, letting him cool down.

Rong Ling looked at her, and helped her wipe her other hand.

Rong Ling sipped some tea, but due to the taste, she did not drink too much, and after pecking it, she placed the cup down, and said calmly: "Yes."

Seeing his confidence, Liu Wei did not know what to say.

Since waiting was too boring, Liu Wei turned her gaze towards the storyteller in front to see if she could hear any more interesting news.

The outskirts of Qingzhou City was a transport fortress. People entered the city and went out.

After half an hour of busying, another batch of people had arrived at the restaurant.

Liu Wei looked at the time, and started to feel drowsy.

However, at this moment, his eyes happened to turn and catch a glimpse of something strange.

Liu Wei's eyelashes twitched, a look of weariness flashed past his eyes, then turned into reality. She pushed Rong Ling and asked: "Are you talking about those three?"

The storyteller was still speaking with confidence. Amongst the customers sitting at the table not far in front of him, two were men and one was a woman. They seemed especially out of place.

The two men looked to be around 30 years of age, looking ferocious and ferocious. The woman was not young either, and her entire body was exuding the delicate smell of the wind and dust. Her face was covered in makeup, and there was a soul attracting mole at the end of her eye.

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