Hong Jie'er continued to speak, "Uncle Feng was ordered to protect leader of the studio, and logically speaking, it is because of the king's good intentions, that after Uncle Feng left those people, only he paid attention to the leader of the studio, and the leader of the studio gave Uncle Feng such a heavy responsibility. However, this time, Uncle Feng left first in the capital, and then in the Azure Province, he seemed to know many things that we do not know. "ggaawwx"

Zhang Feng confessed, "This humble one naturally only has leader of the studio in my heart. However, this trip to the capital and the Azure Province is also good. This humble one does know a few things."

"What?" Hong Jie'er immediately asked.

After Li Yin woke up from her sleep, the fear on her face had yet to dissipate.

She opened her eyes, her heart beating wildly, and looked up at the clean drapes and smelled the dry smell in the air, and her wild heart seemed to settle down.

She slowly lifted the heavy blanket and got off the bed. She walked to the basin and looked at herself in the bronze mirror.

This was no longer a cramped ear room, and there was no stench around.

The early morning was still very cold. She dressed, and her hands and feet trembled. After washing up, she pushed open the door and walked out.

The inn was quiet and quiet. Because it was still too early, no one could be seen.

She stood in the hallway for a while and looked around. She remembered that the third house in front of her was Master Liu's house.

She wanted to go over and see him, just see him.

She had forgotten what dream she had just had. She couldn't remember it in such a short time, but the fear in her heart hadn't disappeared. She was scared, very scared, but there was nothing that could give her a sense of security.

The tip of her nose began to turn sour. She rubbed her nose, but just as her nose started to feel less swollen, her eyes became blurry again. She wiped her face, and her eyes became watery.

She walked over slowly and stood outside the third room. She looked at the closed door and stood there without making a sound.

When she stood up, her legs and legs were stiff and cold, but she did not move.

Liu Mo walked out while wearing a thick outer robe and carrying an empty bowl in his hand.

He looked at the unfamiliar woman, who was also looking at him. Their gazes met, and just as Liu Mo was about to ask, the other party took a few steps back in fear. Then, he turned his head and ran to the room in the corner.

Liu Mo stood there in a daze, not understanding what was going on.

The door on his left opened as well. Fu Zichen walked out wearing undergarments: "What movements?" After asking this question, he saw Liu Mo standing at the doorway with an empty bowl in his hand. He went over to receive the bowl and asked, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Liu Mo did not say anything, and Fu Zichen continued, "Who said you can do it?"

Liu Mo pointed to the room in the corner and asked, "Who's there?"

Fu Zichen glanced at it, and casually said: "Master Liu brought it back last night."

Liu Mo obviously cared a lot about the "Master Liu" and said, "Just now, there was a lady who was guarding the Master Liu's door. When he saw me, he ran away."

As Fu Zichen listened, she raised her eyebrows and said: "Don't mind about other people's business, Master Liu doesn't allow you to do anything, so regardless of whether you can do it or not, just lie down properly. I will take the bowls of water in the middle of the night, don't need your help." With that, he pushed the man into the room carefully, afraid that if she had too much strength, she would injure the man.

In the past, Liu Mo could have gone down to the underworld, but his "savior" said that it was impossible and had to be nurtured again. Furthermore, he ordered his "overseer" to stop him from going down, otherwise, neither of them would have a good life.

Liu Mo was initially obedient, but when he sat down on the bed, he felt really uncomfortable …

Like a cripple.

Liu Mo asked Fu Zichen: "I think that girl is weird. Who is she?"

Fu Zichen covered him with the blanket, not allowing him to reveal anything, he said: "I don't recognize him."

Liu Mo saw that his hands and feet were nimble, so he kept busily moving around without stopping. He couldn't help but hold his hand and said, "You should go back to sleep."

Fu Zichen cautiously glanced at him.

Liu Mo replied, "If I don't go out, I will also sleep for a while."

Fu Zichen then agreed: "I'll change your medicine later."

Liu Mo nodded his head, seeing that Fu Zichen took the opportunity to pull on his blanket, he tidied it up for a while before leaving.

After closing the door and waiting for a few breaths, he heard the sound of the other door opening and closing. Liu Mo then lifted up his blanket and got off the ground again. At the same time, his door was opened with a bang.

Liu Mo: "…"

Fu Zichen had an expression of "as expected".

Liu Mo felt a little awkward as he took off his shoes and climbed back up.

Fu Zichen went in, pulled over a chair, and placed it next to him before sitting down.

Fu Zichen's expression darkened. He glanced at him deeply, but did not argue or explain. He couldn't admit that Liu Mo entered the prison because of him, and the reason why he almost lost his life was also because of him …

Fu Zichen did not say anything. Liu Mo could not speak further and buried himself in the blankets.

Liu Mo closed his eyes and wanted to sleep. However, there was a pair of eyes looking down on him. Normal people wouldn't be able to fall asleep so quickly.

After tossing and turning two or three times, he finally got tired of it. He moved his blanket a bit and said to the collapsed person, "Let's sleep together?"

"..." Fu Zichen looked at him silently.

Liu Mo laid down naturally. It seemed that he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with having such an invitation to a man.

Sometimes he would spend the night in his room watching over him, afraid that no one would look after him when he woke up. After all, there were still places where the maids and servants weren't meticulous in their actions, so it was normal for the two men to sleep together.

When he was ready, he looked at Fu Zichen and realised that she was not moving at all.

He raised his eyebrows. "Hm?"

His eyes were extremely clear, and Fu Zichen looked at him for a while. After a long while, he finally frowned, got up, and followed the corner that was flipped open, and went inside.

The room quieted down. It was quiet outside before dawn. After a while, Liu Mo fell asleep once again.

He slept very peacefully, and even his breathing was light. Fu Zichen did not sleep, so he listened to her, turned his head to look, and then closed his eyes. He had too many things on his mind, he only felt tired when he thought about it.

The door at the corner once again slowly opened. Li Yin stuck half her head out and looked around warily, making sure there were no strangers in sight. Then, she slowly walked to the third room and stared at the door as she waited quietly.

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