Liu Wei was very unsatisfied with Fu Zichen's capabilities. She had waited from morning till noon, and did not hear his brother ask for her to meet him.

She felt that it was because Fu Zichen had not said it properly, and did not describe her as a tall and majestic person, and did not let her brother realize that she was an extremely outstanding older sister. She blamed it on Fu Zichen and told him so after returning to her room.

After listening to her blabber on for a while, Rong Ling immediately raised his hand, took the book in his hands and lightly tapped it against her head.

Liu Wei immediately went forward, reached out his hand to cover his mouth, and spoke with a frown: "Saying that he doesn't have anything is fine, I just don't want to see him so conflicted that she can't rest in peace. His body is weak, it's not good to worry too much about him."

Rong Ling could not speak, and did not want to speak either. In short, Liu Mo did not know whether or not to worry about him, but Liu Wei's mind was truly in a mess.

Liu Wei held onto Rong Ling's mouth tightly, not letting go of his words even after a long time had passed. Seeing that he really did not struggle, he simply sat on his leg, leaned into his embrace and said in a muffled voice: "I am indeed overly nervous, after the short period of excitement, what remains is doubt as to how we should get along with each other in the future. Even though I have already talked about it for a long time yesterday, Mother is still nervous. "I just want to …"

Rong Ling finally pulled her hand away, pinched it and said for her: "Do you want to do more to pull your relationship closer?"

Liu Wei sighed as she rubbed his neck, nodding weakly.

Rong Ling held her face, and seeing her small face wrinkle into a ball, she stuck her head out and kissed her lips. It was a light kiss, stuck and released, then attached again, back and forth, repeatedly pecking at his cheeks. After a long while, he released her face, pressed her forehead against hers, and said softly, "What you guys need is time, adaptation, and acceptance."

Liu Wei looked at his pitch-black eyes and nodded: "Mn, I'll listen to you."

Liu Wei actually knew this logic too, but for some reason, when Rong Ling said it, if his eyes were to stare at her, she would feel more at ease, as if he had been infected by a parasite.

Seeing Liu Wei's meek appearance, Rong Ling placed hherright hand on the small of her back, holding her tightly. She placed her left hand on the back of her head, pressing her head down, his lips biting her lips.

Liu Wei was forced into a passive state after being bitten by him.

When he let go of her lips, she clearly felt that her lips were stiff. She extended her tongue to lick it, but Rong Ling attacked again, holding onto her tongue.

"Ugh …" Liu Wei's eyes started to moisten, wanting to push him away.

How could the man let her go? He immediately turned around and placed the person in his embrace between him and the round table. He placed her back against the edge of the table and indicated that she should sit on his lap, facing him.

Liu Wei was played by him for a while, and was a little angry: "Don't pull me … I don't want to sit like this... "

Rong Ling pressed down on her lips once again, and swallowed her remaining protest.

Liu Wei glared at him evilly, the man turned a deaf ear as his lips moved from her mouth to her lower jaw, neck and neck, all the way down.

The belt on his robe had already been torn apart.

When Liu Wei was putting on clothes, Rong Ling was always by her side. He was even more clear on how her waist seal was tied up than she was.

However, this firmness did not last for very long. In merely two breaths, the man had once again removed the clothes there with the same skill.

Their hands, which were covered in a thin cocoon, touched their skin, causing both of them to be in a trance for a moment.

Liu Wei watched on helplessly. In the blink of an eye, half of his power had been sucked away.

Rong Ling replied with an "En" before opening his mouth to bite the half of her loophole. She vaguely replied, "Daytime is not bad too."

"What's good!" Liu Wei pushed him, and even casually pulled on his robes to cover himself.

But how could it be covered now if she wanted to, Rong Ling grabbed her hand and cut it behind her back, pinching it with one hand, with the other hand he pulled out the corner of her clothes with much difficulty, then swung it open again. He buried his head in his other hand and bit out a bite mark on her soft flesh.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts …" Liu Wei cried out, he looked down and was immediately enraged: "Bite the skin, do you belong to a dog?"

Rong Ling looked at her but did not say a word. She did not apologize for his slip of the tongue nor did she say a word of explanation.

The stench of blood spread out. He carefully licked the wound clean. When there were no more drops of blood left, he still held onto that area and ground his teeth.

Liu Wei was a little scared, she felt that something was amiss with Rong Ling today, why did she have to go along with that piece of meat?

She asked cautiously, "You want to bite me again? Why are you sucking my blood?"

Rong Ling paused for a moment, then raised her eyes and looked at her: "Good idea."

Liu Wei felt goosebumps all over her body. She could only tremble in fear, "You … What's the matter with you? "

Rong Ling did not make a sound, but the corner of her eye shot towards the book that was thrown to the side.

Liu Wei followed his line of sight, and saw that it was a very normal book, at least the cover of the book was normal, this book was something Rong Ling entrusted the servants at the inn to buy yesterday, and he had the habit of reading every day. She had long finished reading all the books she brought from the capital, so she had already planned to buy some clear books from the region of the Azure Province.

When the attendant heard that he wanted to buy books with unique geographical features, he went through a lot of trouble and went to several bookstores. Finally, he managed to find ten books and brought them back in one go.

Liu Wei also flipped through two pages, the books were all pretty good books, they were not considered famous books, but they depicted the local customs and traditions of Qingzhou in great detail.

Liu Wei did not flip through the book in her hands, but when she looked at the title of the book, "Legend of Hundred People", it sounded like it was about the people and their people.

Seeing Rong Ling's dodging gaze, Liu Wei's intuition was wrong, she extended her hand out to grab the book.

With the book in hand, she casually flipped through the first two pages. There was no problem, but when she flipped to the end, a picture of a man and a woman having sex came into view!

"What is this?" Liu Wei angrily pointed to the map and asked.

"The Art of Spring." The man answered clearly.

Liu Wei opened her eyes wide, "You … You only saw this for a day? This is Little Yellow Book! "

Rong Ling took away the book, wrapped his arms around her waist and said: "A young servant bought a pirate collection, the first half is a hundred people's book, the second half is a hundred people's book, it's all about blasphemy."

Blasphemy, self-blasphemy!

Liu Wei's face immediately flushed red as she scolded in anger, "I knew it.

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