Ji Xiaqiu shook her head: "Nothing."

However, Liu Wei was still a little worried. She took out a small cyan jade bottle from her sleeve, shook a medicinal pill out, and handed it over to her mother. She said: "Take this."

Ji Xiaqiu did not ask what it was. She just took it and put it in her mouth.

The cold and mocking voice was very rude, full of anger, but it was very soft.

Sima Xi suddenly felt his neck turn cold, but he still nodded his head and replied, "My lord, please understand. These are the orders from above."

Liu Wei stood a little distance away from the prison, in a place where no one could see her, but it didn't stop her from hearing what the people inside were saying.

"Are you ready? This time, regret is not allowed! " It was Yang San's voice, and he was talking about Liu Ju who was standing opposite him.

Liu Ju obviously wasn't a good chess player. In the cell, which was almost as bright as day and was embedded with Night Pearls, he sat on a cushion, staring at the exquisite chessboard in front of him. His fingers played with a black piece, and after a few turns, he placed the piece into an empty space.

A smile appeared on Yang Zhu's face.

Liu Ju immediately said, "It's really slippery. It's not here, it's here." As he spoke, he moved the chess piece to another position.

Yang Zang immediately held his fan down and asked with narrowed eyes, "Are you sure this time?"

Liu Ju was uncomfortable being stared at, so he took back the chess piece, gritted his teeth and said, "I will think about it."

He leaned back against the wooden blue pillow, picked up the white jade teacup beside his hand, scooped up a spoonful of hot air, and took a sip of the tea. The fragrance coming from his mouth was truly unique to Longjing.

However, he was somewhat disdainful. "This Longjing is not pre-rain?" He was asking about a servant at the side.

The manservant stood obediently to the side and replied, "Young Master, it was pre-rain. However, it wasn't soaked in dew, I'm afraid the taste is quite bad."

"Okay." Yang San put the teacup down, obviously not going to take another sip.

The waiter tactfully asked, "Does Young Master want to change for a cup?"

Yang Ji tapped the folding fan in his hand, and casually said, "No need."

The attendant stopped talking.

Liu Sui, who was sitting opposite to him, finally got his bearings. He put down the chess piece, rubbed his chin, and tried to observe Yang San's face to see if there were any clues.

Yang San's face was expressionless, as if she was deliberately guarding against him. "Is it okay?"

Liu Ju said nervously, "Yes."

Yang Ji calmly put down a white piece and ate all of Liu Ju's black piece.

Liu Ju: "..."

Then, Yang Ji said, "The first time I went down, it was the right spot."

Liu Ju: "..."

This game of chess had already been decided, there was no need to continue.

Yang Ji said that he would play the next game. Liu Ju stood up and said, "If I'm going to play chess with you, I might as well go to the jury room and play with Zi Lan."

A look of disgust appeared on Yang Zang's face as he made a "tsk" sound.

Liu Ju ignored him and went straight to the door of the cell. His servant immediately opened the door for him, and after he went out, he swaggered towards the other cell.

He could still hear his voice as he walked away. "Look, are you there?"

The voice that came from inside was not Fu Ziwen, but Fu Ziyao, "Zi Guan has gone to the court."

Liu Ju then asked, "What is Brother Zi Yao doing?"

When he had finished, he pushed the door open and entered the room as he was familiar with the place. In a few moments, he came out again, revealing a red face in the bright passage as he muttered, "Why did you do this in broad daylight?"

Liu Ju said, "Even if I were to get married, I can't just find a brothel woman to do whatever it takes in broad daylight."

Liu Ju fled in panic. He drilled a few more cells, but he didn't stay in any of them. In the end, he went straight to the interrogation room to look for Fu Ziwen and led the boy to the exit.

Coincidentally, Liu Wei's group was at the entrance of the tunnel!

Liu Ju also vaguely saw a few figures in front of him. He thought they were guards and didn't care about them. But when he got closer, he realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

"You, you, you …" Liu Ju pointed at Liu Wei, her expression extremely surprised.

When he was done, he turned his eyes to Sima Xi beside him, clearly questioning him — Why didn't you report this person's arrival in advance?

The young masters of the Fu's Family, including all the young masters who had stayed in the enclosure, had all been captured and were living in a cell. Although it was very boring, it was not difficult to live in one room per person.

But in the end, this was still a private matter. On the morning of the second day after they were imprisoned here, after they had taken care of the cells, they knew that this was the Fu's Family's intentions. It was probably impossible to release them for a short period of time, but it was also not enough to make them suffer a loss.

And they also knew that living well was a completely different matter! If that Second Prince, that Lord Jing were to come, they would have to pretend to be completely rejuvenated and be humiliated!

Of course, they believed that before anyone came, someone would definitely inform them and lead them to a dirty, tattered cell, where they would do the entire show.

But who would have thought that this person would actually come! What did he say? Where's the agreed acting? He let the dog eat him?

Liu Ju was panicked. He wanted to open his mouth and remind the people inside, but when he met their cold eyes, he could not say another word. He could only grit his teeth and hang his head.

Anyway, something had happened today.

Yang Ning was still in his cell, fiddling with his chess board. He was holding a chess book, and was deciphering the pieces one by one according to what was written on it. This was something he liked to do.

When he was about to leave the cell, the door opened. Other than Liu Ju, there was no one else who could enter or leave his cell.

Without raising his head, he asked casually, "You're not looking for a table?"

After asking this question, he didn't get a reply.

He raised his head and saw Liu Sui's face which seemed like he was about to cry. Then, he saw a pair of ice-cold eyes.

"Bada." The chess piece landed on the board and messed up the entire board.

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