When it came to children, the mother and daughter duo's conversation became more cheerful. Ji Xiaqiu talked about many things that happened when sshe was young, and Liu Wei talked about many things that happened when he was young.

When Ji Xiaqiu first heard this, she was still alright, but after hearing what happened, he sighed emotionally, "It wasn't easy for Xiaoli to survive either, right?" She then said, "Thank you for your two good friends, Lord Fu and that Miss Jin Nan." As for the girl called Jin Nanyun, he didn't seem very reliable.

Liu Wei nodded, she had indeed helped her a lot.

However, this method of suppressing the poison wasn't a long term solution. As a person's organs age and their internal organs fail, the poison gas will eventually become uncontrollable. At that time, even if the meridians are still open, the poison gas will automatically detonate, causing them to die.

In short, Ji Xiaqiu only had a ticking time bomb on him, to remove the bomb, she needed a lot of steps, but fortunately Liu Wei had the medicine there, and could use acupuncture methods to gradually remove the poison.

Liu Wei believed that as long as she was careful, there wouldn't be too many side effects.

However, his body had been closed off for so long. It was obviously impossible for him to recover his martial arts from the past, but he could still do it with his health.

After he finished exploring the foci, he was about to start treating them. After Liu Wei finished washing up that night, he began to quickly write down the names of the medicinal herbs on the Xuan paper.

Rong Ling watched from her side. Looking at her concentrated look, she suddenly leaned over and grabbed her chin, turning her body to let her look at him.

Liu Wei shook Rong Ling's hand away and said impatiently: "Don't mess around."

Rong Ling took away the brush in her hand and said: "It's already three."

Liu Wei was startled, she raised her head and looked at the sky outside the window, and sure enough, it was late at night.

Rong Ling then carried her horizontally and placed her on the bed. She then covered her with a blanket and said: "Sleep."

Liu Wei said: "Just a bit more, let me finish writing."

Rong Ling reached her hand into the blanket, and touched her lower abdomen.

Liu Wei curled her lips. In the end, she was still afraid that the pregnant woman might not be able to stay up late.

However, even when she was in bed, she was still worried about the medicinal plant in her heart, so even with her eyes closed, she couldn't fall asleep.

Rong Ling saw that she was moving around, so she locked his up so that she wouldn't suffer too much.

But this time, Rong Ling clearly used her inner force, causing Liu Wei to be unable to move, like a tortoise whose stomach was about to burst, she moved her hands and feet, and then ceased.

Before she fell asleep, Liu Wei could feel that Rong Ling was hugging her even tighter. Just as she wanted to call him hot, Rong Ling had already fallen asleep.

But when she fell asleep, she couldn't hear Rong Ling whispering in her ear, "If I die, would you still want to live?" The man's voice was low and gentle, carrying an irresistible deterrence, "You cannot live. The Netherworld Kingdom, Heaven Realm and Hell. I'll go. You have to go too. You'll be together in the next life."

After saying that, he kissed the lips of the person in his arms and gently caressed it, "Of course, if you go first, I will accompany you as well. As for your child … Selfishness means selfishness. That deep feeling of self-righteousness is exactly what I, for my entire life, want. "

… ….

After all, the Fu's Family was deeply rooted in Qingzhou. Although Grand Master Xiao Kang was temporarily suppressed, there were still many Fu's Family in the Qingzhou yamen.

The matters of those young masters had been kept a secret for three days, but on the fourth day, they were finally forced out.

When he received the news, Liu Wei was still at the inn. Today, the King of Quan came to stroll around, and did not know what to say to Rong Ling in her room.

Liu Wei then went to Li Yin's room.

Li Yin had been very obedient these few days. With the excuse of accompanying Fang Ruotong as an excuse, shesheidn't go downstairs to eat with the others and instead stayed in her room all day. It was unknown what she was afraid of, but when she saw Liu Wei, he didn't immediately stick to him like before.

There was nothing wrong with Li Yin, she had already determined.

But Li Yin didn't know that she was still diligently pretending to be a mute, and occasionally looked pitiful as she hesitated to speak.

Liu Wei wanted to give her a way out, wanted to let her "recover" naturally. Don't hold back like this, not saying a word all day long would cause his to feel sick even if he wasn't sick.

But Li Yin was probably absent-minded, and did not receive any signal from Liu Wei, so she still acted solo by himself.

Today, Liu Wei was also here to send him off. After checking her pulse for a while, she said: "Mental shadows can be overcome through time, in these two days, will you still have nightmares after falling asleep?"

Li Yin stared at Liu Wei, looked at her eyebrows, looked at her eyes, and looked back at her mouth, but did not reply.

Liu Wei waved her hand in front of her eyes: "Miss Li?"

Li Yin regained her senses, her eyes flashed, and quickly nodded.

Liu Wei frowned, "You're still having nightmares?"

Li Yin nodded again.

Liu Wei sighed, and then gave her two more sets of sleeping pills. It was just that before she finished writing the prescription, people from the yamen had arrived.

Liu Wei left in a hurry, and only gave Li Yin a good rest. After she had gone far, Li Yin finally walked into Fang Ruotong's room, held onto his face, and said with a face full of excitement: "You said that I had secretly kissed my husband, will he be angry?"

Fang Ruotong was currently reading a book, and upon hearing what she said, she shot her a glance and said: "If you're interested in all this nonsense, why don't you think about it first before returning home."

Li Yin's interest was immediately swept away. "If I want to return it to you, I will not return it for the time being."

"My brother is coming." Fang Ruotong said as he took out a letter from under his pillow: "It was sent here this morning. My brother is about to arrive in Qingzhou."

Li Yin did not read the letter, but asked: "You're here to pick you up?"


"Then go back, don't tell me you've seen me, when will he come to pick you up? I'm hiding in my room. "

Fang Ruotong put the letter back under her pillow and once again flipped open the book in her hands. She muttered in a low voice, "If possible, I hope that he will be a bit late."

Li Yin didn't hear what she said clearly and asked, "What?"

Fang Ruotong shook her head again.

… ….

When Liu Wei arrived at the yamen's main hall, three people were waiting for him.

As the two listened, they raised their heads and looked at Liu Wei with strict eyes.

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