The last chapter was about the characters that appeared in the Zenin family school.

If you look at the characters that appeared in the previous chapter, would you feel that one person is missing?

Indeed, Zenin Naoya felt the pain alone in the classroom, and with it, the tomato seemed to be really not allowed to write, but more or less there was that kind of feeling.

Just like a small tree that has grown crooked, if you want to correct it, you will inevitably feel pain because it is completely different from the original. But this pain that normal humans should have is just a little confusion in Zenin Naoya's heart.

It is because he wants to get close to Gintoki, but finds that the paths they are taking are completely opposite.

In other words, if there is no Gintoki.

He will soon completely ignore those anomalies, unable to empathize with others' pain, and not even have the mood to ask why. He takes everyone as a stepping stone and walks on this path naturally.

This is the disadvantage of the eldest master.

He is already a young master, why should he understand other people's feelings.

So Gintoki doesn't really want to straighten him out.

Can the kid with a twisted personality be sent directly to his father for rectification. From the moment he appeared on the stage, he exuded the aura that this person is a small boss, and will evolve into a big boss or a miscellaneous soldier in the future. Rather than calling Gin-san, call Baldy! There are more unworthy sons, come and see! Use force to correct the fist!

Don't treat Gin-san as a repair center, you can also straighten small trees in batches with one click, just break them directly!

Naoya didn't spend too much time alone in the classroom.

The physical training will start soon. Gintoki will definitely need him, at least he will need the edamame cream Kikufuku that he will give up after he wins.

He didn't show any negativity after being beaten.

Naoya ran to the training ground briskly, and he could even say he was in a good mood.

Then he witnessed it.

The moment when the beasts roared and fought.

He couldn't look away.

The physical duel between Jin and Gintoki was observed with eyes that were not used to fast movement. Naoya could only watch the white and black blocks constantly fighting and leaping, and the fighting spirit that was not concealed at all.

In the training ground, no one could stop them.

Naoya judged that if he wanted to stop it, only his father, Zenin Naohito, who was at the level of Zenin Naohito, could barely compete with it. He could rush out and ask his father to stop it, but Naoya thought about it, but he didn't move even a centimeter.

He stood in the gap between the door and the door.

Watched intently.

"Gintoki-kun... Is it only Jinji-kun who can understand you?"

Whether it's the strength, the height that he stood because of being too strong. Or the will, the feeling of wanting to protect the wastes of the Zenin family. These are far beyond Naoya's current ability and understanding.

He can only watch.

The brilliance of black and white intertwined.

There is not much reluctance. If it were these two people, he would be willing to admire them.

He was impressed by the strength.

Zenin Naoya blushed and waited until the battle was over before walking in. He stepped on the scattered blood on the floor, and his eyes were full of the figures of the two people.

Jinji ignored him.

From Jinji's perspective, Naoya was no different from the scum who once threw him into the cursed spirit pile and made fun of his desperate survival. It's better to say that they are too similar, so similar that Jinji can see Naoya's future clearly.

He didn't even want to look away, just lowered his head and bit the edamame whipped cream Kikufuku.

It was too sweet, not to his taste at all.

Gintoki noticed it.

Naoya, who had awakened his stalker talent without any instruction, sneaked and approached him openly. That kind of undisguised stalking method would definitely be noticed! Who is he looking down on!

Gintoki is not a person who likes to remember things. He especially doesn't like to remember the things he hates. Life is short and bitter. If you spend too much energy on things that don't need to care about, isn't that consciously choosing the bitter plus version of life?

Really, people who think life is sweet live in a happy candy island, and ordinary people are already doing their best just to survive. If you put too much psychological pressure on yourself, everything will be bad.

Put most of your troubles behind you and throw them to yesterday, so that you can walk lightly tomorrow. This is a very philosophical motto.

So no matter whether he beat Naoya cleanly or entered into a lecturing mode and spoke a bunch of profound truths, Gintoki had already forgotten all about them.

What caught his attention was this familiar feeling.

It was as if he could see a purple-haired masochist stalker (female) or a gorilla stalker (male) if he turned his head slightly.


Gintoki chewed the edamame cream Kikufuku, trying to suppress the reflex of kicking him.


As a result, the other party became more blatant under the cold treatment.

Gintoki stuffed the edamame cream Kikufuku into his mouth in one breath and looked at Naoya angrily.

"What on earth are you going to do! It's so annoying to be sneaky!"

It's better to have something serious.

Choose one of the serious things and Sanzu River as your destination!

Naoya didn't care about Gintoki's anger after forbearance, "I have important feelings that I want to convey to the people I admire!"

He looked at Gintoki sincerely like a high school girl who fell in love.

It is not difficult to see the absolute gap between Naoya and Jinji in expressing emotions from here.

Shigeru prefers to suppress his thoughts subconsciously, with a full sense of feline. If you don't try to melt the ice in his heart, that's the style of mysticism.

And Naoya tends to exaggerate his thoughts. Foxes are also canines, so he is a complete canine. He is the kind of straightforward and undisguised person. It's hard for anyone to take it as a gesture of goodwill.

But now, in the words that Naoya says, whether it's important feelings or people he admires.

All of them are out of their bad nature and are full of yearning words.

It's hard to ignore!

It's like seeing that the son who has no hope at home and will be a primary school chicken for life has finally evolved. Although the feelings are heavy, at least he has evolved to the level of a junior high school student.

More or less, you will be surprised!

Love brain saves personality? !

So this is indeed a serious matter, and Gintoki is a little shaken.

Strictly speaking, Yorozuya will also consider the girl's heart and take on some commissions to help with love. Although Naoya's expression is more like a fox in the house getting horny at this time than a girl's overflowing heart.

Because of that.

He fell in love with Shinji at first sight.

Is this true... In the Jump comics, it is said that a male character fell in love at first sight with another male character who will have a family and blood relationship in the future. Although Gin O was serialized, it vigorously sold various paired CDs, and only used a slightly sexy cover to achieve the magical effect of promoting the sales of Blu-ray discs.

But it never broke the window paper.

Jujutsu Kaisen didn't break it in the first place... Thinking about it for more than ten years can only be said to be a personality problem, it is Naoya Zenin's own problem. The man he longed for became a gigolo and he didn't take the opportunity to buy it once.

So does Gin-san have to break this matter! ?

Don't be kidding!

Gintoki's hesitation is over.

Even if it is a rare thing that happened in the Zenin family but is not about the original family, Gintoki still doesn't want to pay attention to him.

So he said calmly: "Is that so."

But Naoya didn't want to let him go.

"I noticed it when I first saw him. He was ridiculed by everyone and was just a waste of the Zenin family, but he was stronger than anyone else, with a ferocious soul like a beast."

"You know, Gintoki-kun. I couldn't look away after just one glance."


Gintoki felt complicated.

I know, of course I know.

Is this really what he can listen to! ?

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