Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 100. The Tent Was Broken! [Kneeling To Subscribe And Customize]


Nanami Kento's expression changed slightly, even Fushiguro Megumi and Butano Takuma stared into Itadori Yuji's ear in unison.

A few days ago, the rape incident in Machamaru was raging, and everyone's nerves became sensitive.

Itadori Yuji quickly explained: "The matter of Machamaru is very complicated, I will tell you later, let Machamaru explain it now.

Machamaru took the opportunity and said: "Gojo Satoru was sealed with a special-grade Cursed Object prison gate, and Mr. Xia You executed the seal."

"Mr. Xia You?" Nanami Kento asked back.

"That's right, Mr. Xia You, Cursed Spirit and Curse User all call him that, but strictly speaking, it's not Xia Youjie, but Curse in Xia Youjie's body.

"The interior of Shibuya is completely the Temple of Demons, there are special-grade Cursed Spirits, there are a large number of Cursed Spirits, there are Curse Users, reformers and ordinary people, it is simply a hodgepodge.

Machamaru crackled a lot.

Nanami Kento quickly responded: "Indeed, it is the fastest to choose the subway route to attack Shibuya from the neighboring station.

"But before that, we have to break the bill first."

Machamaru suggested: "The incident happened suddenly and the situation is urgent. It is recommended to cooperate with multiple tasks."

Nanami Kento thought for a while and made a decision: "That's it, there are a few tasks that I need to do, I will go outside to finish the outside tasks with Mr. Ijichi, during this period, I hope you can Get rid of the account."

"Butano, the Kusakabe class and Zenin class are both there. You can ask for help after they meet up. In addition, you are an old man. If you encounter things and adapt to the situation, they will leave it to you.

Nanami Kento handed the burden to Butano Takuma, patted the shoulder heavily, and then disappeared into the night.

Butano Takuma watched Nanami Kento leave, stood alone in the cold wind, and said with full momentum: "You two, the matter is very important. Before the mission starts, I have something to explain

"That is, if Mr. Gojo is really gone, there will be two very headaches."

"First, the Gojo family will fall. The Gojo family is a force with Gojo Satoru as the core, and there are many Jujutsu masters who were rescued because of Mr. Gojo's flexibility (meddling his own business)."

"These people will become overwhelmed by losing track of their goals, and at worst they will be wiped out."

"Second, the collapse of the balance of power, because of the existence of Gojo Satoru, the Curse Users and Cursed Spirits that died down before will come out in full force.

"In this way, when the first point makes the Jujutsu division internal chaos, there will be no war between Curse User and Cursed Spirit, and we will lose."

"Wait a minute." Itadori Yuji interrupted suddenly: "I don't think we will necessarily lose, because we still have teacher Lin Feng.

Butano Takuma: "Lin Feng? He is really strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't replace Gojo Satoru. After all, Gojo Satoru is indisputably invincible."

Itadori Yuji said seriously: "Mr. Lin Feng does not need to replace Mr. Gojo Satoru. Mr. Lin Feng is Mr. Lin Feng. Mr. Gojo Satoru is Mr. Gojo Satoru. If Mr. Gojo Satoru is in trouble, Mr. Lin Feng will definitely make things right."

In Itadori Yuji's heart, both Lin Feng and Gojo Satoru are teachers he respects very much. If there is a comparison, the former is a little higher than the latter.

After all, he was the one who brought himself into the Jujutsu world; he was the one who overcame the pressure of the high-level to protect himself; he was the one who taught himself to become stronger;

For Lin Feng, Itadori Yuji believes in it unconditionally from the bottom of his heart.

"Uh." Butano Takuma didn't expect Itadori Yuji to be serious at this point, he glanced at Fushiguro Megumi, good guy, besides not speaking, Fushiguro Megumi also had the same expression.

Adults must learn to break the embarrassment by themselves.

Butano Takuma skipped the topic, and said in a loud voice: "Let's go, lovely backs, we will completely destroy the tent before Mr. Nanami comes back!!"

"Get Gojo Satoru out!!!"

Just after the voice of Butano Takuma's ambitious declaration fell, two Curse Users were already secretly waiting for an opportunity on a tall building not far away.

"Kurisaka, did you hear what you just said? Our information has been leaked to the enemy."

"Grandma Taigami, what does that matter? Thanks to that cry, I feel much more at ease. It turns out that Gojo Satoru was really sealed. It's really exciting."

"I don't know what Japan will look like in the future?"

"It's the same as before, someone cursed, someone was cursed, and then died, that's all."

After a while.

Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, and Butano Takuma rushed to the intersection where they set up tents.

Just walking into the street "Song felt the temperature around him drop suddenly.

There was even a layer of frost covering the curbs.

Butano shrank his neck in thought, and furan said, "It's strange, why is it getting so cold."

At this time, the Jade Dog that Fushiguro Megumi put in front to explore the way flew back and returned to Fushiguro Megumi to report the information.


After hearing Yugou's report, Yan Heihui immediately lost his expression control.

Itadori Yuji and Butano Takuma approached: "Fuhei, what do you mean by that expression? What's wrong in front? Could it be that there are a large number of Cursed Spirits?"

Fushiguro Megumi shook his head, (Zhao Nuozhao) calmed down: "There is no Cursed Spirit in front, and the result of Jade Dog's investigation just now, that account was broken."


Butano Takuma opened his mouth wide: "You said Mr. Nanami let the three of us work together to break the curtain?"

"That's the news about Jade Dog. As for who broke it, we have to go to the scene to confirm the mantra Residuals.

The three of them quickened their pace and came straight to the place where the tent was set up. The gray tent in front of them had been lifted, and the extremely powerful mantra Residuals could be felt around them.

Jade Dog wandered around, trying to find clues to the Mana Residuals.

"Ah! I know who it is!"

All of a sudden, Itadori Yuji said in surprise, and saw him pick up an ice pick from the side of the road.

"This tent was broken by teacher Lin Feng, and the water-condensed Jujutsu should be used!"

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