Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 109. Winner Points, Non-Existent Memories Exist! [Kneeling To Subscribe And Customize]

Zhang Xiang's gaze shifted from Lin Feng to Itadori Yuji, no matter how many people were on the opposite side, no matter how strong Master Jujutsu was, no matter what conspiracy was brewing.

No matter what happens, Baoxiang's heart to avenge his two younger brothers remains unchanged.

He lives for the bad face, the bad face lives for the blood paint, and the blood paint lives for himself, this is what the father told his two younger brothers, the brothers vow of the trinity, is also a curse of love!

Now, the two younger brothers are dead. As the eldest brother who survived, he absolutely must avenge his younger brother.

"Red Blood Manipulation, Bai Lian!"


The supersonic blood arrow is much faster than expected, at least Itadori Yuji thinks so.

The second blood piercing was not blocked by Teacher Lin Feng, and by the time he realized it, his arm had already been pierced.

But Itadori Yuji is no longer a simple little character, he forcibly endured the pain of piercing blood, and the Jing Ting Fist hit the bulging phase with an eye for an eye.

Boom! Boom!

After Zhang Xiang was hit by Jing Ting's fist, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, a rare attack with one blow twice.

"I have something to ask you.

Xiang Xiang opened 27 mouths and said, "My two younger brothers, did you leave any last words before they died?"

"younger brother?"

The nervous Itadori Yuji didn't hear what Lin Feng just said.

"Eighty-eight bridges, the two you killed."

Itadori Yuji recalled the situation at that time, but the answer was a minefield, "It seems that there is nothing left, but I remember, they seemed to cry..."


The bulging ice cube face immediately lost expression control, like a volcano erupting.

"Bad face, blood smear, look at the full strength of big brother!!"

The bulging phase gave a loud shout and put his hands together.

The red blood manipulation has never been so boiling like it is now, the blood in the whole body is concentrated at one point, like the bow before shooting an arrow.

"call out!"

The blood arrow burst out and directly hit Itadori Yuji's forehead. If the pain is strong, it will be explained here.

In the nick of time, Itadori Yuji released the mana lead weight on his leg, let go of the restriction, dodged the blood piercing at a faster speed, and then launched an offensive towards the swelling phase.

If you don't have time to think about too many things, let's knock down the opponent first.

Itadori Yuji's speed is very fast, and he dodges the blood piercing and close body expansion in just a split second.

Just when Itadori Yuji was fighting hand-to-hand with Zhang Xiang, Zhang Xiang's eyes flickered, "Red Blood Manipulation·Supernova!"


Liberate the compressed blood and scatter it in all directions like a shotgun.

Itadori Yuji was hit head-on, and several blood holes were blown out of his body, and the blood flowed profusely.


Itadori Yuji's foot was pierced, and he simply kicked the face of Chuxiang directly with the pierced foot, and then with a big hand, he locked his head and hit his knee.

Injury for injury, life for each other.

"I know why my brother lost to me." Lu Xiang said, "But you must die."

"Red Blood Manipulation·Red Scale Leaping!"

Expansion slapped Itadori Yuji's face with a slap, directly slamming it against the wall, and the wall burst instantly.

"Crimson Blood Manipulation·Bai Lian!"

A fight between Itadori Yuji and the bloated phase.

The remaining three people watched the whole battle, Kugisaki Nobara was a little anxious: "Mr. Lin Feng, itadori Yuji will die like this!"

Zenin Maki is also unknown, so looking at Lin Feng, it seems that this is a bit too much for the purpose of tempering Itadori Yuji.

Lin Feng had a panoramic view of the battle situation, "Itadori, listen to my advice, blood is thicker than water."

"Blood is thicker than water?"

Itadori Yuji, who was pierced and beaten to the ground, heard Lin Feng's words, looked around, and then saw a public restroom.

The next moment, Itadori Yuji ran straight into the public restroom.

Zhang Xiang chased after him without thinking, but after rushing into the public bathroom, it was not Itadori Yuji's surprise attack that greeted Zhang Xiang, but the water erupting everywhere in the bathroom.

All the faucets were smashed, and cold water spurted out wildly, splashing the swelling all over the head and face on the spot.

The wet bulging phase wanted to coagulate Bai Lian, but found that Bai Lian hadn't worked?

The red blood operation is based on the operator's own blood as the basis of the operation. In order to improve and maintain the effect of the red blood operation, the normal blood will not have a coagulation reaction.

Therefore, the blood in the swelling phase is more soluble in water than normal people. In addition, in the blood exposed to water, under the action of osmotic pressure, the red blood cells will expand and the cell membrane will be broken.

The blood cell composition, which accounts for about 45% of the blood volume, is no longer under control, and Bailian is therefore ineffective.

Lin Feng's prompt can be described as hitting the nail on the head, enough to turn the tide of battle.


In the public restroom, cold water gushes out, soaking Itadori Yuji and Luke.

The expansion phase at this time can no longer operate on the blood outside the body.

Inflation must stick Yuji's heart has never changed, and he lacks experience. At this moment, I don't fully understand what has changed in myself.

Since Bai Lian fails to coagulate blood, then change the method.

"Her scales leaping‧carrying!" 800

If you can't control the blood that condenses outside your body, then change the blood in your body and give it a vassal with stronger melee capabilities.




The public restroom was left shattered by the aftermath of the battle between Itadori Yuji and Takasho, both already desperate to use their strongest taijutsu to bring their opponent down.

When itadori Yuji, who has fought dozens of rounds and has better physical skills, has a chance to win.

Sudden mutation.

A blood clot that has not been in contact with water, is not soluble in water, has been solidified and compressed to the limit, and has been strengthened by mantra, pierces Itadori Yuji's body.

The outcome has been divided, and the expansion is even better.

Itadori Yuji flew upside down and landed hard on the ground, unable to get up again.

"Not dead yet, dying."

Lu Xiang slowly walked up to Itadori Yuji, "To that world, I apologize to my two younger brothers!"

Just when the swelling was about to give Itadori Yuji the final blow, a memory that did not exist suddenly appeared.


Like a voice in the cold darkness, Ryōmen Sukuna, who was lying on the mountain of corpses, looked down at Baoxiang with disappointment in his eyes.

"It would be defeated by someone of this level."

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