Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 119, Lin Feng Vs Fifteen Fingers RyōMen Sukuna! 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

"Oh? What?"

"So you want to become a human?"

In the pure white and flawless space, for some reason Ryōmen Sukuna also invaded, "Oh. I understand this. You are not eager to become a human, but are you envious of the status of a human?"

"I understand your thinking, which is why I feel more boring."

"Both people and Cursed Spirit like to gather in groups and form cliques. Then they measure their own value by the number of people gathered around them, so they become short and weak chickens one by one.

"You should burn everything you can touch, regardless of his plans and plans, and burn it wherever he goes.

"Leave the future, the roots, all these behind, until you meet the strong. Your desire to realize your ideals is not strong enough."

After Leuhu heard the words, she was speechless by Ryōmen Sukuna's words, maybe she was persuaded, or maybe it didn't matter anymore, "Maybe...you are right."

Ryōmen Sukuna put his hands in his pockets and returned to his usual aloofness, "But I'm 27 and I'm a little bit happy."

"Human, Jujutsu division, Cursed Spirit, compared to the opponents I fought a thousand years ago, you are pretty good."

"Cursed Spirit, be proud."

As soon as the words fell, a soul-burning scorching heat rose from within Leuhu's body, and then disappeared in the wind.

Cursed Spirit, the strongest fire element, was finally burnt by the flames without leaving any scum, which is quite embarrassing.

Just when Ryōmen Sukuna was about to look for Lin Feng with the little time left, a figure rushed over from the nearby ruins and half-kneeled behind Ryōmen Sukuna,

"Master Sukuna!"

"I'm here to pick you up!"

"You are..." Ryōmen Sukuna turned around to look, four eyes flashed with surprise, "It's Rimei!?"

Li Mei maintained a half-kneeling and submissive posture, and said respectfully: "Long time no see, how is your health?"

"It's not bad, although the freedom is only temporary." Ryōmen Sukuna saw the servant from a thousand years ago, and his mood became better, "Lin Feng, let's continue the business between us.

"Lin Feng?"

Li Mei turned her head and saw a slender figure walking over from the ruins behind her, she couldn't help being shocked, she didn't know that Master Jujutsu was approaching?

"Master Sukuna, let me kill this intruder!" Li Mei immediately entered the state of battle, and was about to fight for Ryōmen Sukuna.

"Limei, step back!"

Ryōmen Sukuna said undeniably: "He is my prey, and I can only enjoy it alone!"

"Yes, Lord Sukuna."

Before starting, Ryōmen Sukuna still told Limei some words, "It won't be long before I can regain my freedom, and the preparations for the unfinished business can be unrelenting

"See you later, Lime."

Follow me, I will wait for your return. "

Lime left.

On a barren ruins, Lin Feng and Ryōmen stood facing each other.


An extremely fast invisible slash came towards Lin Feng.

In the previous fight between Ryōmen Sukuna and Leuhu, the reason why they were able to decompose their bodies without touching them was entirely because after swallowing fifteen fingers, their strength returned to more than half, and other abilities were also enhanced. strength.

Ryōmen Sukuna's ability is simple, pure slashing.

There are two kinds of slashing, the ordinary slashing is the solution, and the one-knife fatal one is adjusted according to the difference in spell power.

Besides, the domain of Ryōmen Sukuna is also different from other domains.

Fumo Yuchuzi will not separate the space through the enchantment, and does not need to close the enchantment, but can directly materialize the born domain.

It's like painting without a canvas, painting directly in the air, it can be called a god!

"Eight Doors Dunjia, Seventh Door, Open the Shocking Door!!"

Lin Feng opened his mouth and heard the sound of thunder. The mantra and energy in his whole body mixed and evaporated into blue steam. He raised his hand lightly and held down Ryōmen Sukuna's slash.

The fifteen-fingered Ryōmen Sukuna had already crushed the super-grade Cursed Spirit, and Lin Feng didn't need to keep his secrets anymore, and directly opened the door to fight.

A violent airflow swept out, making Ryōmen Sukuna's clothes rattle.

Ryōmen Sukuna's face was full of excitement, "It's great, Lin Feng, you really didn't disappoint me, among my opponents thousands of years ago, there are not many with your strength.

It really likes the feeling of fighting, killing and fighting is the most perfect experience!

Ryōmen Sukuna immediately expanded the domain.

"Domain Expansion · Fumo Royal Cook!"

The next moment, Sen Han's aura spread out centered on Ryōmen Sukuna, and behind him, suddenly appeared a mountain of bones full of bull-headed giant skulls.

An invisible momentum gushed out, intertwined with Lin Feng's aura.




When the breaths of the two collided, their figures also collided together. Ryōmen Sukuna's slashes unceremoniously slammed at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng also pressed down all the slashes with his tyrannical physique in a startled state. .

When they fought against each other, they exchanged dozens of moves.

787 This is a competition between ultimate slashing and ultimate physical skills.

In the fight between Lin Feng and Ryōmen Sukuna, the fighting wave alone crushed the buildings further away.

"Happy, happy, what a pleasure!!"

Ryōmen Sukuna shouted excitedly as he fought, before Lin Feng, no one had ever been able to fight him with a slash.

The blue figure crushed towards Ryōmen Sukuna with impenetrable punches, Lin Feng was also amazed.

The fifteen-fingered Ryōmen Sukuna is stronger than expected.

The other special-level Cursed Spirits can only be beaten by hanging in the whole process when they are in the startled state.

And Ryōmen Sukuna can actually last to the point of power balance.

After a series of offensives, both Lin Feng and Ryōmen Sukuna suffered wounds of varying degrees.

Ryōmen Sukuna's slash left a lot of cutting wounds on Lin Feng's body, and Lin Feng hit Ryōmen Sukuna's blood spurting wildly with the iron fist of justice.

As the battle heats up, Ryōmen Sukuna is at a disadvantage.

There is no other reason.

Until now, Lin Feng has not let go of the 100% restriction on Jingmen, even the day tiger is useless. After all, the current Ryōmen Sukuna is still associated with Itadori Yuji, so it can't be too much.

"Lin Feng, I look forward to seeing you next time!"

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