Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 121, I Suggest You Go To Akihabara! 【Kneeling To Subscribe】


Tokyo Metro, Shibuya Station B3F, Denentoshi Line platform.

On the empty platform, it looked a little deserted and bleak, and he was hiding in the corner, and he hadn't come out of that memory.

On a sunny afternoon, the brothers had a picnic in the countryside, Itadori Yuji and Bad Xiang had a barbecue together, blood was smeared next to him, drooling, and he was drinking sake and looking at the three people in front of him

"Brother, I grilled a very delicious saury, come and try it." Itadori Yuji grilled a saury and invited to himself.

"Itadori Yuji....Itadori Yuji!"

Inflation slowly stood up, "Itadori Yuji, who are you? What am I? I have to figure it out!"


On the former site of the Udagawa Police Station of the Shibuya Police Station, on a barren ruins, the fake Xia Youjie walked leisurely in the courtyard.

After all, Gojo Satoru was no match for the sealing power of the prison gate, and it could no longer affect the outside ten minutes ago, so it was much easier for 62D to take it away.

"Leihu, Tuolang, Daoist, Sandcrocodile, and Master Jujutsu are really capable."

In Fake Summer Oil's prediction, Gojo Satoru's sealing plan would require sacrifices, but what it didn't expect was that the casualties would reach this level.

None of the four super-class Cursed Spirits died, and the rest of the Cursed Users even fled to the death.

Now only Rime is left.

"Lord Xia You, Gojo Satoru has been sealed, and the prison gate has been closed, shall we not leave?" Li Mei, who was half a body behind, asked, she didn't understand that the purpose this time was to seal Gojo Satoru, so After the plan is completed, what else needs to be left.

"I still have some things to finish." Fake Xia Youjie laughed: "I have a friend who I haven't seen for a long time, and I need to meet. Look, they have already come. (chei)"

Li Mei looked forward, and Liu Mei frowned slightly. Although the Jujutsu masters on the opposite side were mostly hanging, there were too many people, right?

In the scene of the center-to-door confrontation, there are indeed a lot of people on the Curse User side.

Lin Feng led Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Maki, Panda, Inumaki Toge, Zenin Naobi, Nanami Kento, Kusakabe Atsuya came over.

In addition to the Tokyo Institute, the Kyoto Institute who rushed over to support, Iori Utahime led Miwa Kasumi, Kamo Noritoshi, Nishimiya Momo, Zenin Mai, Tōdō Aoi to meet with the Tokyo Institute outside, and he joined together.

A total of 16 people walked over in a mighty manner, walking on a barren ground, quite a feeling of the Avengers.

"Mr. Lin Feng, long time no see."

The fake Xia Youjie greeted with a harmless smile, except for Lin Feng, everyone was startled when they saw the fake Xia Youjie.

These people were also the ones who experienced the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking incident last year, and knew that Gojo Satoru had already killed him at that time, but now, seeing Xia Youjie, who is alive and well, everyone is a little at a loss.

what happened?

Is Xia Youjie resurrected? Or is he not dead at all??

Compared with the blank faces of other people, Lin Feng's expression was light and calm. He also raised his hand, but instead of waving at the fake Xia Youjie, he touched the back of his head, smacked his lips and said,

"Summer oil is already in the past tense, and it will always stop at last year's Hyakki Night Walk."

"It's fine if you use other people's bodies, but you still have to spy on other people's memories and play other people's roles. If you like acting so much, what are you doing Curse? Wouldn't it be good to go to Akihabara COSPIAY?"

Fake Xia Youjie still had a hypocritical smile on his face, "Mr. Lin Feng [I don't understand what you mean." [096907327 Feilu 133433

"Kamo Xianlun, Kamo Xianlun, Kamo Xianlun" Lin Feng called his name three times, "Say important things three times, do you understand Kamo Xianlun?"

"Kamo...constitutional theory??"

When the fake Xia Youjie's disguise was torn apart, everyone was in extreme shock.

Nishimiya Momo: "What's wrong!? What's going on?"

Iori Utahime said with a complex expression: "Kamo constitutional theory, the stain of Kamo family, the worst Jujutsu teacher in history!! If Mr. Lin Feng is not mistaken, then the consciousness in Zhong Youjie's body is over 150 years old.

Kusakabe Atsuya nodded: "This is indeed possible."

Zenin is directly connected to the people: "It will be the existence of Kamo's family that both people and gods hate."

The smile on the fake Xia Youjie's face gradually disappeared and turned into an extremely cold expression, "Kamo Xianlun is just one of the many names I have used.

"You can call it whatever you want."

At this time, a figure quickly passed towards the fake Xia Youjie, which ended the expansion of the network suppressing cloud mode.

"Hi, Bulky Phase." Fake Xia You greeted with a half-smile, "Ah, it seems that you have discovered it too."

"Kamo Xianlun!!" Chu Xiang lost his usual calm, anger filled his chest and occupied his thoughts, "How dare you! How dare you want me to kill Itadori! Kill my brother !!"

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