Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 130. Lin Feng Vs Okkotsu YūTa! 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

"Aren't you startled? No wonder, I don't look like a strong person. In fact, I'm relatively weak in limbs." Okkotsu Jewish walked over with a single-handed knife, and the magic power gushing out of his body was like a substance. generally.

Itadori Yuji's cold sweat fell from his forehead. Even if he has no physical strength, the mana power is too outrageous, right? To make up for his own lack of strength by strengthening mana power, everyone does the same, but this person...

Contrary to myself.

"Looks like you've figured it out too." Okkotsu said Jewishly, "My mantra is more powerful than Mr. Gojo's.

"But the teacher has Six Eyes, and the mana power consumption of the spell is infinitely close to zero. In terms of actual performance, it is indeed the strongest teacher. When I run out of mana power, the teacher will never appear This kind of question."

"It's over."

As soon as Okkotsu's Jewish voice fell, the whole person entered a fighting state, and it was just like this that Itadori Yuji felt what a real special Jujutsu division was.

"No way..."

Itadori Yuji was horrified, he could barely see Okkotsu's attack clearly, but he couldn't see the flow of the magic power, and he didn't know where the magic power hit.

My close friend Tōdō Aoi said, "The more first-class Jujutsu master, the more difficult it is to analyze the flow of his mantra, and the reason is different from his own.

"Because the more top-notch, the higher the accuracy of the spell operation, which means that there is no hit before the real move. w

Itadori Yuji's eyes were wide open. If Tōdō Aoi was there, he probably wouldn't be able to speak.

"This guy, from his whole body, including the knife in his hand, exudes rising magic power all the time. It's not a question of whether he can successfully predict his actions at all!?"

"Every attack he makes will become a fatal blow, and every bit of damage done to him will be suppressed to a minimum."

Facing the super Jujutsu teacher Okkotsu Judah, Itadori, who could not escape, simply did not escape and entered a fighting state.

"Sorry, I still have unfinished business to do, so I can't die."

Okkotsu Yūta didn't speak anymore, the knife in his hand came faster than Night Breeze, and the blade wrapped in magic power approached all the vital points of Itadori Yuji, and Itadori Yuji also showed his fighting talent.

"The knife is so fast..."

Itadori Yuji narrowly escaped a few times, but his expression became more and more dignified. He could feel that Okkotsu's Jewish knife was getting faster and faster.

"Got to get rid of this knife."

Itadori Yuji knew that if he didn't do something, he might use a knife with his bare hands.

As long as the body is strengthened with magic power, ordinary knives are not so scary.

But in the face of Okkotsu Jewish, you can't have this kind of thinking, otherwise you will be cut into pieces.

Itadori Yuji dodged Okkotsu's Jewish knife and ran from under the bridge to the top of the road, where there were many vehicles parked here and there, and he rushed towards an off-road vehicle.

Passing through the off-road vehicle, he picked up the military dagger on the passenger seat. The military dagger was infused with mana, and then turned around to block Okkotsu's blow.

Okkotsu Jew slowed down and glanced at the off-road vehicle next to him. It turned out that he took the knife from the vehicle.

If before meeting Itadori Yuji, Okkotsu only regarded him as mediocre, but now that he has met him, he has a little appreciation.

Ordinary people were born with no spells and a little bit of magic power. With their strong physical fitness, physical skills trained in the later period, and extremely high fighting awareness, they were able to combine with venue 1 and survive under their own hands for so long.

Although I didn't take it too seriously, it was worthy of recognition.

"Itadori Yuji, you deserve to be mentioned by Mr. Gojo Satoru, you are really good."

Of course, it is impossible for Okkotsu Yūta to say this sentence, he just said it in his heart.


Okkotsu slashed again with a knife, and Itadori Yuji met him with a military dagger.

Under the knife cut, the military dagger was not enough to see at all, and it was shattered into broken blades with a single impact.

"You're too focused on my knife."

Okkotsu gestured with a knife in Jew's hand, and kicked Itadori Yuji flying with lightning speed.

Even if the physical strength is not outstanding, the kick wrapped by the magic power should not be underestimated.

Itadori Yuji retreated quickly, dodging the slash dangerously, stepped on the Okkotsu Jew's blade on the ground with one foot, and kicked Okkotsu Jew back with the other foot.

Okkotsu Judah looked at the blade in his hand, only half of it was left. Unexpectedly, it did not break when fighting with the dagger, but was broken by a foot instead.

"It seems that ordinary means still can't deal with you." Okkotsu said leisurely and Jewish.

The next moment, a big hand struck from behind Itadori Yuji, and locked Itadori Yuji's head in a strangling manner, with such force that he couldn't move.

"what are you doing?"

Li Xiang's voice sounded slowly.

"I'm just playing games with him, Sato." Okkotsu walked towards Itadori Yuji step by step, "Then help me hold on to him.

That's when Okkotsu Jew holds a half-bladed blade and is about to execute Itadori Yuji's execution.

Hoo hoo!

A gust of night wind swept in.

Okkotsu's hand holding the knife trembled. He turned his head and saw a slender figure walking towards the corner of the street.

"Lin... Teacher Lin Feng?"

The person who came was naturally Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked over leisurely, and said softly, "Let go of Yuji the Tiger Village."

Plain statement, calm speech.

"I won't say it a second time." Lin Feng walked step by step, and invisibly, an aura like an abyss spread out.

"Mr. Lin Feng..." Okkotsu said Jewishly: "The high-level order is to lift Itadori Yuji's probation and execute the death sentence directly."

"A high-level order? This is not the only order. One of them is that anyone who tries to unlock the seal of Gojo Satoru will be sentenced to the same crime and permanently expelled from the Jujutsu world."

"The one in front of you is a Curse User. As a super Jujutsu master, do you want to carry out the removal task?"

"Teacher Lin Feng, I..."

Okkotsu Yūta froze for a while, he didn't know how to explain, the execution of Itadori Yuji was an irreversible task given to him by the high-level, but his original intention was not to kill Itadori Yuji.


Okkotsu's Jewish plan is very simple, first kill Itadori Yuji to complete the task, release the shackles of the task, and then use the reversal technique to revive him, and plan for the next step.

From the beginning to the end, Okkotsu Jewish did not take Lin Feng into consideration.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, he certainly knew what Okkotsu Jew was thinking, and now he jumped out to stop Okkotsu Jew just to say hello.

As a Curse User, how can you not say hello to the Jujutsu world?

And if this greeting is based on the super Jujutsu teacher, it would be perfect.

"..."It's useless to talk too much."

"Okkotsu Jew, you are an existing super Jujutsu teacher in the Jujutsu world, and I'm just a Curse User. "You don't need to treat me as a teacher." Lin Feng also untied the Zanpakuto·Shengun from his waist.

Okkotsu's Jewish mood fell instantly. At this time, Satoka, who locked Itadori Yuji, quit, and turned around to attack Lin Feng.

"Lixiang, don't speak out against Teacher Lin Feng. For the first time, Okkotsu stopped Lixiang with a strong tone, "Sorry, Lixiang, I will explain to you later, but in short, you can't shoot Teacher Lin Feng." "

Lixiang had no choice but to swallow her anger back, and then disappeared into the air.

Okkotsu laughed Jewishly, "Teacher Lin Feng, long time no see, just pretend I haven't been here today."

After the words fell, Okkotsu Jewish disappeared into the street.

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a look at this move. Unexpectedly, the Jewish kid Okkotsu is still very excited. It seems that overseas practice has a great effect.

"Teacher Lin Feng, there is another person who is fighting against the bulge!" Itadori Yuji said hastily: "The bulge is to buy time with me."

"Itadori, how is your health now?" Lin Feng asked.

"Huh? No injuries.

"Then go beat someone with me."

Under the bridge hole.

The battle between Kuso and Zenin Naoya is still going on, to be precise, it is a crushing battle.

(Well done) "Crack!"

Zenin Naoya slapped Bao Xiang's body with his palm, captured its motion, and recorded it as a 24fps picture, then punched it back to its original shape, and kicked it directly on the wall.

"So fast!"

"I can't see what secrets are hidden in his spells at all. Now that they are suppressed, they won't take the initiative to reveal them in the future, right?"

"Not to mention using Bailian, even the blood operation in the body can't be performed."

After much deliberation, Dang Xiangsi gave up the active attack of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique and turned to internal promotion, so as to hold Zenin Naoya back and buy time for his younger brother to escape.

Zenin Naoya looked impatient and lost his patience, "You are so tenacious, what is going on with you?"

The puffy phase panted and said: "I... am the elder brother, the eldest among the ten brothers!"

"Still didn't answer my question. What I asked was about your technique and your tenacious body. What's the matter?"

Zenin Naoya decided to try it himself, and immediately used the hysteresis speed of the dynamic refresh, and instantly approached the bulging claw.

And the swelling phase also reacted instantly, and slapped Zenin Naoya with a palm.

"Oh, so that's the case. Being able to keep up with my movements is because the jumping of the red scales is concentrated on the extraocular muscles, which improves the dynamic vision."

"However, it's still too naive."

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