Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 134: A Thousand-Year Plan To Assimilate Tianyuan! [Kneeling To Subscribe And Customize]

"Ninety-Nine Yuki, this is not the first time you and I have met." Tian Yuan said in a very familiar tone.

"Forget it, let's get straight to the point." Jiujiu Youji asked immediately: "You...why closed Cao Xinggong?"

"Because I was wary of any collusion between you and Luo Suo. After all, even I can't read people's hearts." Tian Yuan said.


"Well, the former Kamo Xianlun is now the master Jujutsu residing in Xia Youjie's body."

Ninety-Nine Youji sneered and said, "Is it Guanshiyin Bodhisattva who rescued and guided all living beings with the Luosuo of compassion... It's too ironic."

Itadori Yuji always focused on strange things, for example, he directly asked Tianyuan a question, "Master Tianyuan, why do you look like this?"

Tian Yuan laughed and said: "Although I am immortal, I am not immortal. When you live to be 500 years old, you will also look like this."

"Because I failed to assimilate with the astral body 11 years ago, my aging was accelerated, causing my self as a 27 individual to disappear, and finally merged with this world."

After Itadori Yuji asked, Fushiguro Megumi also raised his hand and asked: "Sorry, excuse me, why did we come to know the purpose of stealing and the method of unblocking the prison door, can you please tell me information you know?"

Tian Yuan stretched out a finger and said word by word: "Of course I really want to tell you, but I have one condition."

"Nine Phases of the Cursed Embryo, Ninety-Nine Yuki, Okkotsu Judah, two of you three must stay here and serve as my guards."

"Guard... aren't you immortal?"

"Are you afraid that you will be stolen and sealed?"

"It's not fair." Ninety-nine Yuki interrupted: "Aren't you willing to tell us the time limit and reason for the escort?"

Tian Yuan thought for a while, then sighed and said: "Then let's talk about Luo Suoba first. "His proposal is to force people all over Japan to carry out the evolution targeting specific human beings."

Fushiguro Megumi: "We already know this, so how will he implement it? Why didn't Rosso use Master Tengen's enchantment to turn all Japanese into Jujutsu masters directly with Wuwei Transformation?"

"It's very simple, because his magic power is not enough to support him to do that." Tian Yuan explained: "The magic power refined through the whirlpool cannot be returned to Master Jujutsu. If you want to use the magic formula to promote the evolution of human beings one by one , the efficiency is too low.”

"The evolutionary method chosen by Rosso is to promote the assimilation of human beings and Tianyuan."

"The me in front of you now is actually not me. After my evolution, my soul is everywhere.

"The human beings who assimilate with me will even surpass the limit of Jujutsu, a human being, and exist in the world in a new form that exists but does not exist.

"Because I have the enchantment technique, I can still maintain my external form and rationality after evolution.

"But if there are humans who have completed the same evolution, and then even just one of them starts to run out of control, then the world will be over."

"Why?" Ninety-nine Yuki Liu frowned.

"Because there is no individual boundary, malice will spread in an instant, and the filth of 100 million people will flood the world, and the world will reproduce the previous Shibuya tragedy."

Itadori Yuji: "Why would he do that?"

"Who knows, I've already said this just now, I can't see through everyone's hearts."

Zenin Maki asked: "As long as you refuse to assimilate, Master Tianyuan?"

"That's the problem." Tian Yuan's voice became heavy, "The me who has completed evolution is closer to Cursed Spirit than human beings in terms of composition.

"In other words, I can become the target of the Cursed Spirit operation."

As soon as the words came out, everyone except Lin Feng felt their scalps go numb. The truth was really astonishing.

Tian Yuan continued: "Considering Rosso's strength as a Jujutsu division, I may be absorbed by him the moment contact occurs."

"That's why I hide my body in Cao Xing Palace and reject all external intervention."

Okkotsu thought thoughtfully: "Then we need to add another guard?"


"Luo Suo is second only to me in enchantment masters. It is only a matter of time before the Xingxing Palace is discovered and breached. We have to prepare early."

Ninety-nine Yuki: "Why now, prevent the assimilation with the astral body, let you evolve, absorb and manipulate you through the Cursed Spirit operation."

"It seems that Suso is also somewhat related to Ryōmen Sukuna, which means that he has been a Jujutsu teacher for at least a thousand years, but why did he choose this time?"

Tian Yuandao: "I, the astral body, and Six Eyes, the above three are all connected according to the principle of cause and effect."

"Rosso has been defeated by the Six Eyes magician twice in the past, and in the second time, Rosso did it more thoroughly. Both the astral plasma body and Six Eyes were killed when they were born less than a full moon.

"107 But even so, Six Eyes and the astral body appeared on the day of assimilation."

"Since then, Rosso is no longer obsessed with obliterating Six Eyes and the astral body, but changed his approach and started searching for the prisoner zombies in order to seal them."

"Because there can't be two Six Eyes people in the world at the same time."

"However, 12 years ago, something unexpected happened, and that was Zenin Shir's intervention."

"Not only does he have the innate physique due to Heavenly Restriction, but he is also extremely special among them, without any magic power at all.

"The appearance of people who rely on the power of the curse to get rid of the causal cycle has broken our destiny.

"At the same time, there is also a boy with Cursed Spirit manipulation."

Tian Yuan looked up at the sky, "Inadvertently, all the elements except the prison gate were ready. Six years ago, the prison gate also fell into Luo Suo's hands."

Lin Feng yawned, and finally finished speaking, almost tired of listening, he brushed the sense of presence perfunctorily, "Then why do you want to hold a tour of death and death?"

"Practice before assimilation." Tian Yuan glanced at Lin Feng: "He should plan to use this as a drill to start assimilating with me.

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