Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 145: Returning From Death To Death, Starting From Hunting And Killing Master Jujutsu! 【Kneel

into the night.

Lin Feng and Zenin Maki tidied themselves up briefly. Wearing thick down jackets, they left the hot spring hotel in the dark and headed to a higher place on the snow peak.

Hokkaido is very cold.

In normal seasons, the temperature is generally lower than other places in Japan, especially now, it is the month before winter, and it is still above the snow peak. The temperature is so low that people doubt life.

Fortunately, both Lin Feng's and Zenin Maki's physical fitness is different from ordinary people, otherwise they really couldn't climb high in the wind and snow at night.

The night wind whistled, and when it whistled, it was mixed with a cold wind.

Lin Feng and Zenin Maki quickly walked out of the tourist area and moved faster and faster towards the forbidden area.

The tourism development area of ​​Xuefeng is only a little bit halfway up the mountain, and further up is the prohibited no-entry area. After a while, Lin Feng and Zenin Maki stopped in front of the protective network barrier.

A continuous piece of protective net blocked the props, and there was a striking sign of no entry next to it.

Fortunately, such a protective barrier was useless to the two of them, and they easily crossed the barrier of the protective net and continued to climb towards the peak.

Compared with the halfway up the mountain, the snow on the peak area is thicker, and the cedars are taller and taller.

"Maki, do you want to take a break?"

Lin Feng slowed down, looked at Zenin Maki behind him panting frequently, and asked with concern.

After all, the higher the place, the less oxygen content, which is also a burden on the human body.

"Mr. Lin Feng, I'm fine, let's move on." Zenin Maki said that he can overcome it, and he didn't come here to travel. How can he be so hypocritical?

The two walked for a while.

Not far from the peak, the slope gradually flattened a little, and the journey was not so tiring, but what followed was a new situation.

"Mr. Lin Feng, there are strange footprints here."

Zenin Maki's voice sounded from the side.

Lin Feng walked up to him and saw half of the footprints in the snow. Half of the footprints had been covered by wind and snow, and the remaining half could clearly see the knuckles.

"This footprint is left by a primate creature, and its size has surpassed the scope of ordinary creatures." Lin Feng looked at a thin line of mantra around him, Residuals was fleeting.

"It's Curse's footprint." Lin Feng immediately judged: "There is a powerful Cursed Spirit on the top of Xuefeng."

The two searched around for a while, and there was a sign of scarlet blood, and the blood had been coagulated into a block, like a ruby.

"Human blood."

"Human blood?" Zenin Maki asked in surprise: "Mr. Lin Feng, why is there human blood on the top of such a high snow-capped mountain? No one will come up, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Maki, the world is so big, there are so many wonders, the forest is so big, there are all kinds of birds, there are always some people who like to seek excitement, and they will come to such a dangerous situation regardless of persuasion, not because of Curse, but also lost their lives for other reasons."

"Is it similar to the speeding party on the street?"

"It can also be understood in this way."

The episode passed quickly, Lin Feng didn't have the time to investigate the identity of the deceased, and there were more important things waiting to be done.

"Mr. Lin Feng, we seem to have broken into the birthplace of Curse.

Possessing spells and mantras, Zenin Maki's insight has also become more acute. The two searched the peak area, and then entered a cedar forest. She found something was wrong.

At first glance, this cedar forest is not much different from ordinary cedar forests, but if you look closely, you can still find many clues.

First of all, the density is wrong. The cedar forests that the two of them passed through from the mountainside were all tall and slender trees with clearly separated distribution. However, in this forest, the cedar trees are low and their density is exactly the same as that of ordinary forests. .

The second is the sudden change of the environment, the hungry wind and snow stopped at night, which is really weird.

"It's more appropriate to say it's breaking in, rather than finding it as you wish." Lin Feng said flatly.

Zenin Maki can perceive the difference, and he is naturally aware of it.

Just as Zenin Maki was about to say something, without warning, a huge snowball crushed the cedar tree and rolled towards the two of them.




Behind the huge snowball, a huge figure appeared in the field of vision. It was a snow ape Cursed Spirit with a height of more than ten meters. When the snow ape Cursed Spirit walked over, the entire life field trembled.

"Teacher Lin Feng, please leave it to me."

Zenin Maki took the initiative to ask for a fight, and the Cursed Tool keel wrapped around his arm flashed out and fell into his hand. After being filled with mana, the joints slowly moved.


Zenin Maki held the keel in a whip gesture, the originally stiff keel softened in an instant, drawing a semicircular arc, and the arc flashed "Sharp means to cut across the huge snowball!

Before the snowball touched the corner of the clothes, it was shattered by a whip, and then the soft keel hardened again, turning into a sword shape.

It is indeed a special-grade Cursed Tool, which can transform one's own state through the form of mana infusion.

"Master Jujutsu! Die!"

The snow ape, Cursed Spirit, came rushing forward and smashed down the earth-shattering punch. Lin Feng and Zenin Maki dodged the punch with a flash.

The field of birth is not a complete field, and it can only be regarded as a half field in a strict sense.

Even the probability of the field's sure hit effect has been weakened. Zenin Maki's figure is like a shadow and he quickly approaches the snow ape Cursed Spirit.

Within one second, 24 consecutive clicks were made dynamically at 24fps, and frame extraction was performed.

The snow monkey's fist about to smash was photographed.


The figure of Snow Ape Zhong Ling who burst into pieces in the picture also took a few steps back after being restrained.

Theoretically, the spell can turn the opponent into a freeze-frame picture, but it is based on opponents of the same size. Like Cursed Spirit, the body size and mana storage are far beyond the scope of the human body, so naturally it cannot be shot as a whole. picture.

Zenin Maki's strategy is to attack with parts.

Attack at a frame rate of 24fps for one year, and then copy the actions of Snow Ape Cursed Spirit, as long as any attack within the 24fps time rhythm, it will definitely be a picture.

In this way, Zenin Maki began to show operations.

Every time when the snow ape Cursed Spirit's attack is about to fall, it will be framed as a picture freeze action, and then be beaten violently by Zenin Maki holding a keel.

"Damn! Damn Jujutsu Master!!"

Snow Ape Cursed Spirit was furious.

However, it is useless. The ability of Zenin Maki is a natural countermeasure to such a Cursed Spirit. Even a fast Cursed Spirit will not benefit, and a slow speed will be a blow to dimensionality reduction.

The old god Lin Feng was watching the battle from the sidelines. Zenin Maki's combat awareness and physical skills are even better than Itadori Yuji. This is a skill that has been acquired through more than ten years of hard work, and now he can finally play to the maximum. It works.

About ten minutes later, the Snow Ape Cursed Spirit's movements became more and more sluggish. There was no other reason. The attack all missed, and then was hit by the keel at a fixed point.


With a loud sound of falling objects, the snow ape Cursed Spirit fell headlong into the snow.

The next moment, the birth domain began to dissipate, and the surrounding cedar forests were replaced by a piece of silver.

"..." Maki, good job."

Lin Feng praised.

"Thank you, Teacher Lin Feng."

Zenin Maki is also very satisfied with her victory. Once upon a time, she never thought that she could deal with this level of Cursed Spirit. If the former self encountered this level of Cursed Spirit, her life-saving ability would not even be as good as a half-baked one. Itadori Yuji.

But now, she can easily kill with joy.

All this is thanks to teacher Lin Feng.

Sugisawa Hospital.

Itadori Yuji went back to the original point, vaguely remembering that a few months ago, he met his grandfather here for the last time, and was approached by Fushiguro Megumi on the night of finishing his funeral affairs.

As a result, I entered the Jujutsu world by mistake...

"I really miss it."

Itadori Yuji murmured to himself, he remembered his grandfather's teaching at the end of his life, to die surrounded by everyone, in fact death is not the key point, but the point is to make his limited life more meaningful.

This time around the death and death tour, everyone chose a place's enchantment as the entry point (okay), and Itadori Yuji chose his hometown.

"Yo, is this Itadori Yuji?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded from behind.

"You are......?"

Itadori Yuji thought he had met an acquaintance, but when he turned around, he found that there were three unfamiliar faces, sizing him up as if they were sizing up prey.

"We are the swimmers of the Dead Flame Return, and we have obtained spells and spell power, representing the non-magician forces in the Dead Fire Return.

"Non-artist forces?"

Itadori Yuji said in a daze.

"That's right, the non-sorcerer force is a force formed by ordinary people who acquired spells and mantras. We have only one goal, and that is to hunt and kill Jujutsu masters!!"

"Hunting the Jujutsu division? Wait, why are you doing that?"

"Then do you still have to ask? It's all because of your incompetence that caused so many people to die in the Shibuya Incident. The related impact has spread across the country, causing everyone to lose their jobs and panic. In the end, you can treat yourself as if nothing happened, in front of Jujutsu division hero.

"We have to pay for the incompetence of your Jujutsu masters, why!!!"

Itadori Yuji was speechless, he never expected that the opening method of Death and Death Tour would be like this.

It seems that things are much more serious than expected. .

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