Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 17 Weak Young Fish, Heart To The Sea! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

"Hi, a movie ticket for Earthworm 3."

Yoshino Junpei came to the ticket window and took out the change he had prepared.

"1800 yen."

The conductor said without looking up.

Yoshino Junpei handed over the crumpled banknotes, and the conductor took a look and frowned: "Boy, don't use such crumpled banknotes next time."

"I'm... sorry."

Yoshino Junpei hurriedly bowed and apologized. The pain in his heart was beyond words. In the school cage, most of the methods of bullying were staged on him in turn, such as handing in the protection fee is not worth mentioning.

This crumpled 1,800 yen is still collected from the protection fee, digging and searching.

"Forget it, this is the last time."

The conductor recognized Yoshino Junpei. The business of the old-fashioned movie theater was not going anywhere. He came here many times by himself, so he was familiar with it. This little guy would go to the movies from time to time, so it was convenient.

"Thank you!" Yoshino Junpei thanked, and walked into the screening hall with the movie ticket.

In the screening hall, there were very few audiences. Yoshino Junpei found a suitable place to watch the movie and sat down. At this time, the lights in the screening hall dimmed and the movie started.

Earthworm Man 3 is obviously an R-rated film with many scales. Whether it is the scenes of doctors doing experiments, or the earthworm man transformed into an earthworm by surgical experiments, it has earned enough attention.

When some timid people see high-energy lenses, they will deliberately turn their heads away.

Yoshino Junpei watched with relish, he didn't miss any shots, and he didn't feel afraid of the bloody shots that were so real, on the contrary, he was a little envious.

If I can become an earthworm in the movie, I can instantly kill those garbage people who bully me, right?

Yoshino Junpei thought about a problem more than once.

If there was a button that would kill everyone if pressed, would he press it?

His answer is no.

But if he pressed the button that would kill all those who bullied him, he would press it without hesitation, and would press it twice more!

As the movie came to the final chapter, when the subtitles were on, people in the screening hall left one after another.

Yoshino Junpei looked at the time and got up to leave.

After watching a movie, I have more or less vented some emotions, and I can go home calmly.

Yoshino Junpei couldn't help speeding up his pace, and chose to take a shortcut back home by taking the alleyway.

It's just that his luck is very bad.

At the corner of the alleyway, he ran into a group of unscrupulous teenagers, who were the same people who had been bullying him from the same school.

"Oh? Isn't this the perverted Junpei? What a coincidence."

"Tsk! It smells like maggots and dogs."

"In this direction, you must go to that kind of place, right? The nearby video rental store, if there is a way, even the owner of R18 will rent it."

"It's disgusting, not counting the bear who is obscenely sneaking at the wing, and renting the R18."

Yoshino Junpei paled: "I didn't go to that kind of place!"

"Are you shouting fart?" The delinquent boy threw away the cigarette butt: "Okay, the scar is a pain? Then I will loosen your bone again."

Just when the delinquent boys surrounded him and were about to fix Yoshino Junpei.

There was a sound of footsteps coming in from the alley.

The delinquent boy winked, and the younger brother came out from the corner and went straight to meet him: "Hey, uncle, you are not allowed to walk on this road, get out of here."

The unscrupulous boy jokingly drove away the person in front of him, with a switchblade in his hand.

There is one thing to say, among the bad gangs on the streets, the underage gangs are not the most able to fight, nor are they the most ruthless, but they are the most difficult to deal with, because they have the aura of minors, and any mistakes will be taken high Get up and put it down gently.

So that they have nothing to fear!

Lin Feng glanced at the delinquent boy calmly, and kept walking, about to walk past him.

"Damn, how dare you look down on me!"

The delinquent boy immediately stabbed Lin Feng with a switchblade.


Lin Feng turned around and kicked the bad boy in the face, and the bad boy was disfigured and passed out with just one blow. This was just the beginning.

Lin Feng kicked the bad boy away, and stuffed him into the trash can next to him like garbage.

The other unscrupulous teenagers who heard the movement came out from the corner, and before they could figure out the situation, they were slapped by Lin Feng several times and passed out.

After a while, the gang of unscrupulous teenagers were all piled up next to the garbage.

Yoshino Junpei looked at all this and the man in front of him dumbfounded, his throat rolled: "I... can I do it too?"

Lin Feng wiped his hands with a tissue: "What can I do?"

"Can I be as strong as you? I can repair all these debris."

Lin Feng threw the ball of paper into the trash can: "Trash should stay in the trash can, you can try to improve your eyesight, don't be obsessed with the trash."

"Even a weak young fish has to look to the sea, doesn't it?"

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PS. Freshly released pink novel, the young author is begging for data.

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