Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

3. RyōMen Sukuna! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

Curse burst into anger, his tentacles pierced deeply into the ground, pouring mana power into the ground, and then launched an indiscriminate attack.

The fit of Curse is far from being as simple as getting bigger. Curse is born from the combination of negative emotions and resentment. The resentment of each Curse is different, and the fit Curse is superimposed with all resentment and negative emotions.

The surge of mana spurted out from the ground, forming a tornado of black mana. Wherever the Jujutsu tornado passed, everything was cut into powder!

Rao comes from the Zenin family, a well-known family of Jujutsu masters in the Jujutsu world, and the current Fushiguro Megumi is only a second-level Jujutsu master.

And the combined curse in front of him has already reached the level of a first-level curse from the surge of mana power.

2nd vs 1st...

There is little hope of winning.

Fushiguro Megumi gritted his teeth and looked at Curse, who was the first level in front of him, with an extremely nervous expression. His figure retreated violently, and at the same time, many questions popped up in his mind.

The whole school is covered by tents, which isolate the outside world from the inside of the tents. If you can't influence the changes in the tents, even if Teacher Gojo Satoru comes over, it will be difficult to find the specific location in a short time.

And to affect the changes in the account, it can only be through the first level of Curse.


Fushiguro Megumi was panting heavily. His spells were ten kinds of shadow spells. The jade dogs and crows used in battle were all shadow shikigami summoned with spell power. As long as the shadow shikigami existed every second, it would be Consume mana.

"Fuhei, calm down." Fushiguro Megumi kept hinting in his heart that he wanted to find a breakthrough, keep the students' personal safety, and use as little spell power as possible to get Teacher Gojo Satoru to come over.

"Master Jujutsu over there, it's bad behavior to be in a daze during battle." Curse's playful voice sounded, and a tentacle flew out from the crack in the ground to wrap around Fushiguro Megumi's leg. Leap back.

boom! ! !

At this time, at the place where Fushiguro Megumi was retreating, a powerful hand broke through the ground and grabbed Fushiguro Megumi's body with lightning speed.

"When... ahhh!"

Curse played with Fushiguro Megumi in the palm of his hand, the powerful force squeezed Fushiguro Megumi's body, and the possibility of being twisted and exploded at any time.

Due to the capture of Fushiguro Megumi, the mana flowing in the body was blocked.

The 鷍 flying in mid-air disappeared instantly, and Itadori Hiroto also fell down.

Itadori Hiroto was in a daze from being thrown, and stood up with his body supported, only to see Curse playing with Fushiguro Megumi recklessly: "Ant, hand over that finger, or this Jujutsu master will die because of you."

Curse is composed of negative emotions and resentment, and at the same time, it retains a certain amount of human thinking. The more advanced the curse, the clearer the thinking. Like a first-level curse, the thinking is no different from that of ordinary people.

"Itadori!! Leave me alone! Don't give up your fingers!" Fushiguro Megumi yelled.


Curse stepped up a little bit, and Fushiguro Megumi went straight to a serious injury.

"Now Master Jujutsu only has half his life left, and the other half depends on you." Curse stretched out a big hand with magic power: "Hand over your fingers, you can survive."

Curse continued to bewitch.

Itadori Hiroto stood where he was, bowed his head and said nothing.

Suddenly, he raised his head with a smile on his face: "Ugly, do you really want this finger?"

"Because of this finger, the school has become like this, seniors and seniors have become like this, and so is Fu Hei, just because of this finger."

"Ugly, you want to get it so much, you probably want to absorb it or something."

"Ant, what are you going to do?" Curse's mana-powerful hand stretched out faster, and it sensed something bad.

"I..." Itadori Hiroto made a certain decision, looking at the weird fingers in his hand: "From childhood to adulthood, my physical quality is different from ordinary people, since you want to devour your fingers to become stronger, then I can too! "

After the words fell, Itadori directly stuffed his entire finger into his mouth, chewing heavily, and a few teeth flew out.

"don't want!!!"

Fushiguro Megumi watched as Itadori swallowed his finger and shouted loudly: "Itadori!! Spit out the Cursed Object, your body can't take it."

Itadori Hiroto fell to the ground and spit blood, "I can do it!"

After saying this, Itadori stopped struggling.

Curse's mentality collapsed and he was furious, and he was about to destroy Itadori Hiroto and Fushiguro Megumi.

Just when Curse was about to crush Fushiguro Megumi, an afterimage flashed by, and the hands holding Fushiguro Megumi were all chopped off.

"Oh, is this the world after a thousand years?"

"Interesting, I smell countless blood food smells, and there are many new things!"

"Happy, happy, really happy!"

Itadori Yuji, no, to be precise, Ryōmen Sukuna stored in Itadori Yujin's body, turned around slowly, and looked at Fushiguro Megumi playfully.


"This kid swallowed my finger to save you."

"Ha ha!"

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