Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 28. Hu Bao Is Very Confident! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

"Ms. Gojo, Mr. Lin Feng, why don't I wait for you for a while, there is still a distance from the college, and it's not easy to take a taxi at this time." Ijichi poked his head out of the car window and said.

"It's okay, Mr. Ijichi, you can go back first." Gojo Satoru held Lin Feng's shoulders: "After Mr. Lin Feng and I have resolved our internal emergency, we can walk back by ourselves. The moonlight is beautiful tonight, no Worrying about us getting lost."

"Oh well."

Having said all this, Ijichi stopped insisting, restarted the vehicle, and drove in the direction of Jujutsu High School.

A gust of night wind was blowing in the face, and the wind rustled the leaves.

Gojo Satoru put his hands in his pockets, and said calmly, "I've been following you for so long, so it's time to come out?"

As soon as the words fell, a huge rock suddenly rolled down from the hillside above the winding mountain road without warning. The rock rolled down and hit the two people on the road.


The mountain rock fell in the middle of the road, and the huge impact smashed the asphalt road into a depression. With the mountain rock as the center of the circle, a spider web-like indentation spread out.

Flying sand and rocks, a figure appeared in front of the road.

"Well, unrecorded super class."

Gojo Satoru folded his arms and muttered to himself, while Lin Feng on the side directly recognized Cursed Spirit in front of him.

Hubao in the shape of a one-eyed crater.

As a super Cursed Spirit with impressive strength, although he is a murderous villain, there is a strong contrast in him. He is a Cursed Spirit with passion and dreams.

Although its dreams can only be imagined.

"Who are you?" Gojo Satoru asked indifferently.

The answer to Gojo Satoru was a new round of offensive. Leuhu's speed was so fast that there was no speed track. The next moment, he appeared directly on the side and pushed with both palms.

There is a unique muzzle device in the palm.

boom! ! !

A series of bangs sounded.

Leuhu's palm muzzle immediately poured out a huge amount of energy shock waves.

The shock wave swept across the winding mountain road, and the places it passed turned into scorched earth, and the damage traces stretched out for ten miles.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the charred residue was continuously blown by the night wind.

Leuhu saw with her own eyes that the two in front of her were hit by an energy shock wave, and she confidently faced such a shock wave, even a super Jujutsu master would suffer greatly.

Leuhu grinned disdainfully: "Aren't the rumors too exaggerated, and they put people in a position they shouldn't have, Gojo Satoru, that's all."

"One hit and it hits."

However, Leu Hu's complacency didn't last long, and it came to an abrupt end.

The scattered smoke and dust were dispersed, and the two figures stood motionless.

Gojo Satoru waved his hand to disperse the thick smoke in front of him, chuckled and said, "Who do you think is just like that?"

Leu Hu's eyes became a little serious, and he looked at Gojo Satoru and Lin Feng with one eye, and finally returned to Gojo Satoru.

The purpose of its trip is to see how strong the legendary Gojo Satoru is. If it is just boasted, then it will be solved by the way.

It is only for Gojo Satoru, as for who is the miscellaneous fish beside Gojo Satoru, he has no interest at all.

"It can be seen that this Mr. Cursed Spirit is looking for me specially, Mr. Lin Feng, please wait a moment."

Lin Feng didn't care: "You can do whatever you want."

Only then did Gojo Satoru focus on Lehu. There were very few super Jujutsu masters, and there were not many super Cursed Spirits. Now suddenly came an unregistered super Cursed Spirit.

And it surpasses the current Ryōmen Sukuna in strength, which makes Gojo Satoru very interested.

"What, hurt your self-esteem?" Leo Hu mocked, "Everyone says you are the strongest, let me verify it."

Gojo Satoru moved his body a bit: "Hurt pride? It's nothing like that, I just thought it was fun."

"very funny?"

"There's really no sense of crisis."

There was a smile on Leuhu's face, and the crater above his head spewed out circles of hot air, and among the tumbling hot magma, bugs spit out one by one.

"Fire worm!"

The order was issued, and groups of weird bugs shot towards Gojo Satoru like bullets!

Facing the extremely lethal swarm attack, Gojo Satoru unhurriedly raised two fingers. The next moment, when the swarm was about to touch Gojo Satoru, something weird happened!

The swarm of insects was suddenly separated by a mysterious energy, passing towards both sides of Gojo Satoru, and directly blasted on the road.

The road behind Gojo Satoru was instantly flattened, showing shocking marks, but he himself was unscathed.

"The sound is the first attack, and the explosion is the second. It is a very clever attack method."

Gojo Satoru commented.

"Stop pretending over there!"

Leuhu descended from the sky, pressed his palm down, and the substantial flame gushing out from his palm directly ignited Gojo Satoru's head.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

PS. Freshly released pink novel, the young author knelt down and begged for data in a 360-degree spiral

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