Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 47. Tranquil Beauty! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

"Mr. Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng stopped, turned his head and saw Iori Utahime behind him.

Iori Utahime is wearing a white special bathing bathrobe, her long black hair is not tied with a bow, but hangs down naturally, and Iori Utahime wearing a bathrobe has a different kind of charm after taking off the maiden clothes.


Lin Feng froze for a moment.

He didn't expect to meet Iori Utahime in such a place.

Perhaps because of the location, Lin Feng and Iori Utahime faced each other in bathrobes, and the atmosphere became a little subtle.

Iori Utahime was inexplicably nervous, clutching the corner of the bathrobe in his jade hand, his eyes wandered, and a gleam of joy flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"Mr. Lin Feng, is it alone?"

"I came with the students." Lin Feng said.

"So that's how it is." Iori Utahime stroked his blue hair behind his ears: "I also came with my students."

"What is there to do in Tokyo?" Lin Feng asked casually.

Iori Utahime froze for a moment, met Lin Feng's gaze, and the deer in his heart bumped again.

Is Mr. Lin Feng concerned about my recent situation?

Thinking of this, Iori Utahime blushed slightly, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Lin Feng, for fear of being found shy: "Recently, Curses appear frequently in the Tokyo area, and there are many traces of super Cursed Spirit Appearing in Tokyo, the higher authorities attach great importance to the situation in Tokyo."

"The Kyoto area is generally stable, so I took the task of removing Cursed Spirit from Tokyo."

Iori Utahime only said half of what she said. It is true that she led the team to Tokyo to eliminate Cursed Spirit, and it is also true that she wants to get closer to Mr. Lin Feng.

"That's it."

Lin Feng didn't struggle too much.

In the original plot of Jujutsu, Iori Utahime's official debut was during the exchange meeting. As the representative teacher of the Kyoto Institute, he came to the East Palace Institute and was responsible for many matters of the Kyoto Institute's participation in the exchange meeting.

And now, there is still some time before the exchange meeting between the two schools.

Iori Utahime brought the students of the Kyoto Academy to Tokyo in advance. In addition to the influence of the butterfly effect, it was also caused by related changes in the situation.

The Jujutsu Division and Curse have dealt with each other for thousands of years, and today, the two sides have long been in a clear-cut situation.

The urban areas are still under the single-handed control of the Jujutsu world, and the remote areas beyond the reach of the Jujutsu world have become the paradise spawned by Curse.

For a period of time, the frequency of Curse incidents in the Tokyo area has been abnormal, and there have been several traces of unrecorded special-grade Cursed Spirits. All signs indicate that Cursed Spirit has made major moves in Tokyo.

For this reason, from miscellaneous fish Cursed Spirit to super-grade Cursed Spirit, they are all leaning towards the Tokyo area.

Elsewhere With the frequency of Curse events down, it makes sense to go to Tokyo to eliminate Cursed Spirit.

"How about we find a place to sit for a while?"

Lin Feng took the initiative to invite.

When I met Iori Utahime, I was also aroused about the youthful sibling relationship in the youthful years.

Iori Utahime's tender body was shocked, and she looked up at Lin Feng in disbelief, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and shyness, and she stammered a little: "Lin... Mr. Lin Feng, are you dating me?"

"Yes, I am indeed inviting you."

Lin Feng responded.

Seeing Iori Utahime's shy expression, Lin Feng also blushed: "Am I being too rude? Then..."

"No...no, I am very happy that Mr. Lin Feng can invite me!"

Iori Utahime repeatedly said: "I will inform my students, Mr. Lin Feng, please inform me too."

Lin Feng walked into the men's soup, Itadori Yuji and Fushiguro Megumi were splashing water on each other, "Mr. Lin Feng, come down and go clubbing together, it's very comfortable."

"No, take your time to go to the bar, I have to take a step ahead" Lin Feng greeted: "I will pay all the expenses of the bath, after you have finished the bath, go back to the college."


After Lin Feng changed into his regular clothes in the locker room, he went to the front desk and paid for the bathing expenses of the first-year trio and several people from the Kyoto Academy.

After waiting at the door for a while, Iori Utahime arrived late and came to the front desk: "Hello, I will pay the fee."

The waiter at the front desk said very politely: "Ma'am, the man at the door has already paid your fee."

An Gege turned her head and saw Lin Feng at the door, who even waved at her.

"Mr. Lin Feng, you don't actually have to pay for me..."

Iori Utahime came to Lin Feng and said solemnly.

Lin Feng just smiled: "Utahime, there is no need to be so particular between you and me."

A simple sentence, another precise hit.

After Lin Feng and Iori Utahime came out, they were walking on the street, and many passers-by looked sideways.

There is no way, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women is really eye-catching.

Iori Utahime was half behind Lin Feng, just looking at Lin Feng's back.

It feels real and yet unreal.

Iori Utahime wanted to say something, but held back.

It is also very happy to enjoy the present quietly.

Ps. Is there anyone who likes Mr. Utahime?

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