Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 51. The Legendary Four Super Jujutsu Masters! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

The sister exchange meeting between the Tokyo Institute and the Kyoto Institute is divided into two days.

The first day is a group battle, the rules are very simple, the team that eliminates the second-level Cursed Spirit in the designated area is considered a victory.

In addition to Level 2 Cursed Spirits, there are many Cursed Spirits below Level 3 in the area. If there is no score before sunset, the team with the most Cursed Spirits will win.

"The rules of the group battle are like this. Either find and eliminate the second-level Cursed Spirit first, or attack more Cursed Spirits below the third-level before the sunset deadline."

"Of course, it's okay for the two teams to interfere with each other, but it can't be overdone. The purpose of the exchange meeting is to get to know your teammates and yourself in the competition..."

Ye'e Masamichi announced the rules of the team battle, and did not forget to clean up Gojo Satoru. There is no way, it is one thing to acquiesce to Gojo Satoru's words, but it is another thing to do superficial tricks to prevent people from talking in the Tokyo courtyard.

"Help, I can't breathe."

Gojo Satoru is strangled by Ye'e Masamichi, very playful and authentic.

Gakuganji Yoshinobu's eyebrows twitched. The two people's pretend performances were really clumsy, but Yee Masamichi gave the steps, and he had no reason not to go down.

Furthermore, it is meaningless to compete with Gojo Satoru.

"Above, the group battle starts at noon, and now we will disband." Ye'e Masamichi let go of Gojo Satoru, letting everyone disband and return to their respective camps.


Tokyo Academy.

Pre-war meeting room.

Everyone gathered together to discuss the battle plan for the group battle and the analysis of the personnel of the Kyoto Academy.

"I don't care about other people, that woman must be handed over to me, last time she left a few holes in my newly bought sportswear, I have to find her to settle the claim!!"

Kugisaki Nobara has a clear goal. For her, winning or losing a group battle can be put aside, but that woman must fight back!

The panda spread his hands helplessly and said, "It's a complete act of revenge."

Inumaki Toge: "Salmon."

Zenin Maki looked at Kugisaki Nobara and said, "Nagisaki-san, it's good to have fighting spirit, but don't let fighting spirit affect your judgment, otherwise, you won't be able to win against Mai."

The two Zenin sisters have a turbulent relationship, fighting each other every time they meet, but they also know each other best in some ways.

"I remember, Miss Maki."

Kugisaki Nobara nodded. I am afraid that Zenin Maki in the entire Jujutsu High School can control Kugisaki Nobara's hot temper.

"According to the usual practice, the seminar before the station should be hosted by the seniors of the third grade, but this year's situation is special, there are only second graders in the school, so I will explain it to everyone."

Zenin Maki said: "In last year's sister exchange meeting, although the Tokyo Academy won the Kyoto Academy with an absolute crushing advantage, it does not mean that the Kyoto Academy is weak, but that at that time the Tokyo Academy had Okkotsu Yūta and Sakakinji senior."

"The two of them are now the second of the four existing Jujutsu masters in the Jujutsu world, so they cannot be speculated from the perspective of ordinary people."

"Four special Jujutsu masters..." Itadori Yuji raised his hand and asked, "Sister Zhenke, who are the four existing special Jujutsu masters in the Jujutsu world?"

Zenin Maki adjusted his glasses: "The four major Jujutsu masters in the Jujutsu world are divided into Gojo Satoru, the idiot blindfolded man, Okkotsu Yūta, Scale Kinji, and Ninety-Nine Yuki."

After hearing the words, Itadori Yuji sighed: "Wow, so far, the four super Jujutsu masters have only come into contact with Gojo Satoru teacher. By the way, isn't Lin Feng teacher a super class?"

Itadori Yuji has heard about the strength of Mr. Gojo Satoru, and he has seen the strength of Mr. Lin Feng.

"Teacher Lin Feng? He is not a super class."

When talking about Lin Feng, Zenin Maki's eyes flashed a trace of reverence, which no one else has.

"Ah? Why..."

Itadori Yuji asked curiously.

"Itadori Yuji!" Kugisaki Nobara raised his hand and knocked on Itadori Yuji's head with a chestnut: "Sister Maki is holding a pre-war seminar, where are you talking so much nonsense? One hundred thousand why?"


After the farce is over.

Zenin Maki continued: "Okkotsu Yūta and Sakakinji-senpai are excluded, this year's team battle, we need to be extra careful."

"There are not a few powerful people in the Kyoto Institute. Kamo Noritoshi, Machamaru, and Tōdō Aoi should be extra careful, especially Tōdō Aoi. His strength may be at the ruling level."

"For the remaining Miwa Kasumi, Nishimiya Momo and Maki, it shouldn't be a big problem to show the results of your daily training."

"But remember one thing, the priority of the group battle is to eliminate Cursed Spirit, not to compete fiercely with the Kyoto Academy."


Itadori Yuji stroked his chin and said, "That Tōdō Aoi is the one who injured Fuhei before. He is a fighting type, so give him to me, and I will take care of it."

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………

PS. Freshly released Fennen novel, the young author begged for data

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