Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 53. Group Battles With Different Styles! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

Gojo Satoru took a sip of tea, propped his face with one hand, and pretended to be contemplative: "I was wondering if it would be better for Mr. Lin Feng to tell you about this matter."

"Gojo Satoru, do you believe I splashed tea on your face?"

"Utahime, you know, it can't be done."


Iori Utahime almost crushed the teacup, if she couldn't beat it, she really wanted to punch Gojo Satoru, this guy is so annoying.

Since he came in, he has been making jokes about himself and Lin Feng all the time.

Gojo Satoru suppressed a smile and said, "Utahime, are you angry?"

"No, do you think I look angry?" Iori Utahime forced a smile and said, the image of a lady cannot be broken.

"Forget it, I won't tease you." Gojo Satoru's expression became serious, and his tone returned to normal, and he said, "Utahime, someone in the high school colluded with Curse User or Cursed Spirit."

Iori Utahime's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, "This...Is this impossible? Curse User is fine, but with Cursed Spirit?"

"Utahime, you are still too naive."

"The frequency of Curse incidents in Tokyo has soared. Mr. Lin Feng and I have encountered two unregistered premium Cursed Spirits in a short period of time."

"There is also that level of Cursed Spirit that keeps appearing. They can speak human languages, form gangs, and act according to plans. Maybe that person thinks they are just colluding with Cursed User."

Gojo Satoru said seriously: "I want to ask Utahime to investigate the Kyoto side."

"Also, it's been an eventful season recently, so you should be more careful."

Iori Utahime's face was slightly sweaty, and what Gojo Satoru said seriously was amazing.

"Well, if I'm the traitor, what are you going to do?"

Gojo Satoru laughed, looked at Iori Utahime, and said word by word: "No, Utahime will not be a traitor, this is what Mr. Lin Feng said."


Iori Utahime turned to look at Lin Feng next to him, how dare Mr. Lin Feng, how dare he be so straightforward...

Gojo Satoru put down his teacup and stood up: "Mr. Lin Feng, I'm going to take care of my lovely student. You and Utahime can chat here, don't worry too much, the two old men won't come so soon."

After the words fell, Gojo Satoru walked away and closed the door of the viewing room.


at noon.

The countdown to the first day of the team battle project of the Tokyo Institute and the Kyoto Institute's sister exchange meeting began.

Students from the two schools also came to the scheduled departure place one after another, waiting for the official start.

In the viewing room.

Lin Feng, Gojo Satoru, and Iori Utahime are still sitting in the first row, behind them are Gakuganji Yoshinobu, Yee Masamichi, and Mei Mei who has just arrived.

Gojo Satoru crossed his legs, took the microphone and said, "Then please invite Mr. Iori Utahime to give us a heartwarming speech of encouragement."


Iori Utahime said in a stuttering tone: "Well...although injuries are inevitable...we still need to help each other occasionally."

"Time is up."

"Gojo Satoru...you guy..."

"Enlightenment, let me tell you something." Lin Feng's voice sounded on the radio: "Tokyo Academy, everyone, let's take the fruits of victory, Itadori, Fuhei, you don't have to hold back, just give your best."

The voice fell, and Gojo Satoru announced the start: "Then, the sister exchange meeting, start!!"


The team battle begins!

Everyone in the Kyoto Institute quickly rushed to the mountains and forests. Except for Tōdō Aoi who disappeared, everyone else had the same goal, to kill Itadori Yuji!

Miwa Kasumi had a bitter face, she really didn't want to do this, but the waste three rounds are not qualified to refuse.

Kamo Noritoshi ran quickly, came to Zenin Mai, and asked, "Where did Tōdō go?"

Zenin Mai said coldly: "Why do you think I will know the whereabouts of that guy?"

"Everyone, let's stop fighting among ourselves, peace is the most important thing."

Miwa Kasumi gently persuaded, the long blue hair was blown by the wind and swayed with the wind. This scene directly stunned Machamaru next to him, and almost bumped his head into a tree.

Compared with the news of the Kyoto Institute.

The side of the Tokyo Institute is much calmer. A group of people walked slowly in the forest, like a spring outing.

Before the start of the team battle, Mr. Gojo Satoru specially reminded that the people in the Kyoto Academy would make small moves against Itadori Yuji.

In this way, it is simple. As long as it is not too far away from Itadori Yuji and does not create a chance of placing an order, the Kyoto Academy will have no chance to start.

If you really want to do it, then do it with real knives and guns!

"What's the matter with the students in Tokyo Academy? Why don't you have any sense of urgency?"

Iori Utahime looked at the large LCD screen, and the Kyoto-in and Tokyo-in are simply two styles of painting.

The former rushed in the forest at a very fast speed, looking for the target Cursed Spirit in all directions.

The latter is completely like a walking tour.

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PS. Freshly released Fennen novel, the young author begged for data

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