Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 60. The Edge That Pierces The Sky! [Monthly Pass For Flower Evaluation]

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

The arrow with the magic power burst out with the sound of piercing the air, and chased towards Fushiguro Megumi's back. Fushiguro Megumi made a sudden stop and turned around, and the Cursed Tool sword in his hand swept across, breaking the arrow.

The battle between Fushiguro Megumi and Kamo Noritoshi went from the forest to the building.

Kamo Noritoshi is a formidable opponent for Fushiguro Megumi.

Both long-range and melee combat!

In close combat, use bows to confront, and in long-range, use magic power to attach arrows to launch oppressive attacks.

For this reason, Fushiguro Megumi changed his thinking and took the initiative to introduce the battlefield into the building, so as to weaken Kamo Ken's long-range attack ability.

"call out!"

Three bursts of arrows came through the air and hit the door directly.

Fushiguro Megumi leaped onto the crossbar, and the Cursed Tool slashed with a sword, cutting off the arrow again.

The broken arrow plunged into the wall next to it, leaving a trace of blood.

Fushiguro Megumi glanced at it: "Sure enough, this trajectory that defies the laws of physics is Kamo-senpai's magical ability."

General long-range shooting and long-range shooting that changes direction are two different things.

"call out!"

Another few arrows came from behind Fushiguro Megumi.

Fushiguro Megumi didn't even look back: "Shrimp film."

The shikigami shrimp membrane that had been summoned a long time ago caught the arrow on the back with a single roll of its long purple tongue.

"You can also summon another shikigami at the same time."

Squinting eyes Kamo Noritoshi appeared on the other side of the corridor and walked over slowly.

"Preserving strength like this will make me unhappy."

Fushiguro Megumi is a little speechless, the jade dog is working, and the shrimp membrane is two shikigami.

"Compared to this, the situation of senior Kamo is even worse. You only have the last arrow left. I don't care if you faint from anemia."

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it." Kamo Noritoshi said, drawing his bow and arrow, and shooting the last arrow towards the ceiling.


The ceiling was pierced and a large number of planks were dropped.

Fushiguro Megumi's attention was distracted for a moment, at the same time, Kamo Noritoshi broke out at a faster speed, came to the front, and slapped it down.

"So fast……"

The Cursed Tool in Fushiguro Megumi's hand blocked the palm horizontally, and under the force of the palm, Fushiguro Megumi still hit the wall of the corridor.

Kamo Noritoshi moved his wrist, and his right eye, which had been mistaken to be blind for a long time, slowly opened. The moment the eye opened, the eyeball was filled with scarlet blood.

"The red blood operation can not only manipulate the trajectory of blood and blood-attached objects, but also freely manipulate the components in blood such as body temperature, pulse, and red blood cell volume."

"Red scales leap!"

Just when Kamo Noritoshi was about to launch a new round of offensive.

Suddenly, the whole building shook.

The sudden vibration directly interrupted the contest between the two.

"Senior Kamo, it looks like our duel has come to an end."


Fushiguro Megumi and Kamo Noritoshi felt an astonishing wave of mana power at the same time after the earth shook, this wave of mana power far exceeded the sum of all Cursed Spirits in the area.

Only one circumstance can explain it, and that is the occurrence of unexpected events.

Fushiguro Megumi and Kamo Noritoshi rushed out of the building, only to see behind the courtyard wall, like a three-story giant wooden spur, rolling towards their place.

This level of attack directly made the two of them stunned in place.

"Run away!"

Inumaki Toge flew from the roof, and the spell effect activated, helping Fushiguro Megumi and Kamo Noritoshi escape.

On the giant wooden thorns that crossed the courtyard wall, Hana Yu's figure stood against the wind, formally confronting the entire Jujutsu High School with her own strength!


the other side.

Lin Feng and Gojo Satoru left the viewing room and headed straight for the group battle area.

"Enlightenment, there are two unregistered special grades who came to the college this time. One is the one who rescued the crater before, and the other is the one I met."

Gojo Satoru was puzzled and said: "Mr. Lin Feng, how do you know this?"

"It's too late to explain, let's solve the problem in front of us first."

After Lin Feng prevaricated, he was about to use the Moon Step to speed up, when suddenly, the sky over Jujutsu High School became cloudy.

The account was released in advance!

Gojo Satoru became serious, no longer entangled with Lin Feng's words, and looked up at the sky: "Well, this time the movement is not small."

"Mr. Lin Feng, it's up to you to choose."

"I'll go to the student's side."

After Lin Feng left a word, he jumped up and kicked a few steps in the air, making a sound of air explosion, and his body shot out like a sharp arrow.

After watching Lin Feng leave, Gojo Satoru turned his attention to another direction.


Lin Feng stepped on the moon, piercing the sky, and directly came to the area where the group battle was held. Hua Yu stood on the giant wooden thorn, full of pressure.

"Hanayu, since you're here, stay here."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and the Zanpakudao Divine Spear was unsheathed. With the surge of spell power, the blade extended tens of meters directly, and the tip of the blade pointed directly at Huayu's back.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

PS. Freshly released Fennen novel, the young author begged for data

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