Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 75. Boom And Kill Bad Looks And Blood! 【Seek The First Order】

"So human beings have always been restrained by useless emotions. Family affection, friendship, and love are so ridiculous that it makes me sick!"

The blood splatter stepped on the mine accurately, jumped left and right in the minefield, and yelled trash: "You can run on your own, but you still have to worry about that woman, you are a complete idiot!"

"Forget it, let us two brothers send you on your way!"

"Who do you want to send on the road?"

Suddenly, Itadori Yuji's voice rang out abruptly.

I saw that the seriously injured and weak man who needed someone to support him one second became alive and well the next second.

This turn of events directly stunned Kugisaki Nobara, who was full of grief: "Hey, don't you guys come back to life?"

"That's not the case!" Itadori Yuji said: "Nagizaki, have you forgotten? I am the container of Ryōmen Sukuna, and Ryōmen Sukuna is the King of Curses. There is no way such a poison can hurt me."


The bad face and the blood smear were so shocking that my jaw almost fell to the ground. I couldn't believe it, and said repeatedly: "You...you...you, you guy is in the woods, with a rotten body. Is the appearance of being tortured by the blood rot technique just a faux pas?"

Itadori Yuji grinned: "Otherwise? If I don't pretend, would you be willing to release the trapped style on Saki?"

Kugisaki Nobara turned around and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and resumed his iron lady posture: "For the sake of you trying to undo the spell for me, you don't have to worry about deceiving me."

The bad mood is broken!

This guy Itadori Yuji's physical skills are like ghosts, and now he is still immune to his own martial arts, so what's wrong with him?

The horn of counterattack has sounded.

Kugisaki Nobara took out the mace and looked at the bad face and blood smear like prey: "Itadori, I want it!"

Voice down!

Itadori Yuji charged directly in front of Bad Xiang, "Ji Ting Fist" repeatedly hit Bad Xiang's body, spraying his blood wildly.

But the blood smear had a mouth in place, and when he realized it, the Zou Ling Nail had already been driven into its mouth.

"Wow! 々~!"

Itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara divided the battlefield, reconciled each other and divided each other.

Exasperated, Xueshui opened his mouth to spray out poisonous blood, and Kugisaki Nobara moved swiftly.

"Ugly, don't be ashamed of human emotions, bastard!!"

"Zou Ling Mantra Resonance!"

Kugisaki Nobara hammered the Zou Ling nail on his arm, and the resonance was activated, and the nail that had already been driven into Xuehua's body became active again.

The blood smear is worthy of the name blood smear, the amount of bleeding is extremely alarming, completely speechless, can only fall to the ground and vomit blood.

The bad looks on the other side are not much better.

Kugisaki Nobara's technique has always affected it. After Zou Ling resonated, his soul was torn apart. Itadori Yuji never let go of any opportunity to attack.

The fist shadow like a storm blasted on Bad Xiang's body, deforming his body.

"Damn it!!"

Bad Xiang found sadly that, let alone dodging Itadori Yuji's attack, he couldn't even see clearly, and he couldn't defend himself if he saw clearly, this guy's fists are really heavy.

"elder brother!!"

The blood-smeared voice cried out horribly.

"Brother!" Bad looked at the bloody smear that was abused by Kugisaki Nobara, and his heart ached.

If you ignore the fact that they are Cursed Spirit, then Itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara are more like villains at the moment.


Itadori Yuji played supernaturally, and another Black Flash blasted out.

When the bad reaction came to his senses, his right arm had been smashed to pieces: "What the hell is this black flash?"

"Itadori, get rid of them!"

Kugisaki Nobara's voice came over.


Itadori Yuji's punch was ready to go, and the mana was delayed. During the delay of 0,00001 seconds, the black and red lightning appeared again.

Bad Phase's pupils shrank suddenly.

It tastes the taste of death.

"Brother! Run away!!"

The blood splatter that fell on the ground suddenly exploded and attacked Kugisaki Nobara from behind, trying to buy time for Badyou.

Kugisaki Nobara didn't look back: "This move is something you've never seen before."

"Zou Ling Mantra‧ Hairpin!"

The blood-stained body froze, the Zou Ling nail in his body exploded, and the shattered wrinkle needle flashed past, bursting the blood-stained body.

"younger brother!!"


Itadori Yuji punched Bad Xiang's chest with the momentum, and with the power of Black Flash, half of his identity was smashed into pieces.


The bad face fell down straight, and at the moment of the end of its life, it grabbed Itadori Yuji's pant leg: "Please...please...please let our brother's body... reunion."

Itadori Yuji fulfilled Kuaishou's last wish.

After a while.

Itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara went back the same way and walked under the Eighty-eight Bridge. In the middle of the river, they found Fushiguro Megumi lying on the ground unconscious.

Although Fushiguro Megumi was also covered in paint, itadori Yuji and Kugisaki Nobara were relieved to see his belly rise and fall, at least he was alive.


Fushiguro Megumi had a movement, slowly came to his senses, and saw the two people in front of him: "Hey, you..."

"It's all settled, no problem."

Itadori Yuji held out his hand to Fushiguro Megumi: "Let's go up together."

In this way, the three people who hung the lottery found three branches, and walked up to them in a nonchalant manner.

Eighty-eight bridges.

In front of the Jujutsu high school car, Nitta Akira was furious when he saw the three people appearing: "You three acted without authorization!! You didn't let the debt go, and you did it like this!! Hey! You got hurt

"I'm sorry, Miss Nitta."

Itadori Yuji laughed and said, "For details, let's go back and talk about it."

The sky brightened.

Somewhere in a karaoke room.

Xia Youjie was playing cards with Zhenren and Zhang Xiang, when suddenly, the cards in Zhang Xiang's hand slipped.

The real person half-jokingly said: "Even if you lose a few hands, you won't be unable to hold a steady hand, right?"

"Two of my younger brothers are dead."

Swelling said calmly.

"Uh, do I want to say sorry for the change?"

Zhang Xiang looked directly at Xia Youjie: "You guys told me to go to that place. It is said that the Cursed Spirit there is only the experience that Su Wei pointed out."


Xia Youjie took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the message on it, he was also startled.

"The results came out. Your two younger brothers died not at the hands of Cursed Spirit, but at the first grade of Jujutsu High School."

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