Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 85. Wuwei Transformation, Machamaru's New Life! 【Please Subscribe To Customize The Full

"The traitor is Machamaru."

"It's just that it's still in the stage of suspicion. He has to be arrested and then interrogated. 27

Iori Utahime's expression was a bit complicated, after all, he still felt uncomfortable after finding out his student's head.

Gojo Satoru rubbed his chin: "Machamaru...is that Heavenly Restriction kid?"

Iori Utahime nodded and said: "Machamaru's body and Xingji have many residences, and it is not easy to find him."

"It's not because he showed his feet, but because everyone else has nothing suspicious, so only Machamaru is left after all the elimination methods."

"Machamaru's ability is puppet manipulation, and the power of Heavenly Restriction can expand the scope of operation to the entire territory of Japan."

"If he logs on to an unregistered puppet, it's perfect for espionage."

A basement in Japan.

Darkness and humidity are the main tone here. The city’s sewage system is usually built close to the ground. Living in the basement, you can clearly feel the “smell” of the whole city.

"Xia You, do we really want to go to this kind of place? Can't we go on the street?"

In the stinking sewer passage, Xia Youjie and Zhenren walked slowly.

Along the way, the real person frowned tightly, his face full of disgust.

Although when he was shattered, the separated soul and body escaped through the sewer, but it doesn't mean that he likes to stay in such a ghostly place.

It's hard to see your fingers, surrounded by the dirt of the city, and there are mice running around from time to time, it's enough.

Xia Youjie said indifferently: "My real man, please stop saying a few words."

"As the saying goes, great things are achieved regardless of small details."

"As the party who provided us with information, according to the instructions of others, it is also appropriate to come to the meeting.

"If you really feel unbearable, you can choose to cut off your nose, it will be much better"

The real man curled his lips and fell silent.

After a while, Xia Youjie and Zhenren walked to the end of the sewer. At the end there was a small room rebuilt from dilapidated thick pipes. The door of the room was equipped with a security system.

"Authentication successful."

Xia Youjie and Zhenren were just about to knock on the door when the room door was scanned and sent by itself.

The door knocked, and the space inside was empty.

I saw that nearly half of the floor area was occupied by various instruments and nutrient solution supply machines. The man in bandages connected with various nutrient tubes in the middle showed one eye.

"You are late, I thought you had forgotten me."

The real man looked at the bandaged man in front of him, rubbed his eyes, and said unsurely: "Xia You, we have walked for so long in the sewer, are we here to meet such a guy who has trouble walking? Anyway, they are enemies, just look for them Wouldn't it be enough to kill a Curse?"

Xia Youjie said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "My real man, you are wrong. Mr. Yu Xingji is the person who provided us with information, so you can't kill him."

Although he said so on the surface, Xia Youjie continued in a unique way between Cursed Spirit: "In exchange for providing information, I will use your spells to heal his body."

"This bondage connects us urgently with him. Even if we want to kill him, we can only wait until he is cured before we die.

The real person looked at Machamaru and said softly: "Xiayou, I feel like I'm going to turn him into a bug with too much force."

"The real person." Xia Youjie's tone became calm, and the calmness did not allow others to deny it:

A person's bondage can be very different from his own, the difference is that the punishment is uncertain. "

"Violating one's own shackles is nothing more than compromising vested interests."

"But if the bondage with others is violated, then when and what type of punishment will come" is not known."

"So no, don't make me repeat it a second time."

The real person sighed: "Okay, I see."

Machamaru doesn't care about the whispered discussion between Zhenren and Xia Youjie, he only cares about being able to recover his body: "So, have you discussed it?"

"Don't worry, it's coming soon."

"Thank me, maggots worse than trash."

The real person walked up to Machamaru, stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of his head, and the magical ability was activated.

"Inaction to change."

Wuwei transformation really starts from the soul, changes the existing soul form, and then affects the physical level.

Moments later, Machamaru felt something below his knees for the first time in a long time, and it was a mysterious feeling.

He tried to move in disbelief, his fingers could move, his legs could move, and his body could stand up.

The Heavenly Restriction body that has trapped him for many years is finally free!

Machamaru tore the bandages on his body, and pulled out all the needles inserted in his shoulders, and he didn't care about the bleeding.

Compared to bleeding some blood, these potions that smell like nausea are his real nightmare.

The real person watched Machamaru's operation, and didn't see too much joy on his body: "Hey, I said, shouldn't you be more happy?"

"I deserve it." Machamaru said, "Besides, it's not time to celebrate.

"makes sense."

Machamaru looked at Zhenren and Xia Youjie indifferently, and said, "Let's not waste each other's time."

"The reason why you fulfill your promise is not because you, Cursed Spirit, are trustworthy, but because you are afraid of being restrained and backfired.

"Now you have cured me according to the agreement, and the bondage is over, so let's not stop dying. y

"Oh?" The real person said playfully: "Your cognitive ability is not bad, but why do you think you can live with me forever." (Okay Zhao)

"You deserve it too?"

It was half a room full of mechanical puppets who responded to the real person, and Machamaru didn't even want to talk trash.


A mechanical puppet turned into an afterimage, and attacked the real person and Xia Youjie at the fastest speed.

The real person stepped back, stretched out his big hand, and waved his clinging hand like a knife.


The head of the mechanical puppet flew up, and its body was ripped apart.

Xia Youjie crossed his arms: "Do you need help?"

"No, he's my toy."

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