Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 87. Fierce Battle! The Real Fall? 【Please Subscribe To Customize The Full Order】

After Ultimate Machamaru's blow worked, he took advantage of the victory and pursued, and the iron fist hit the real person in the pit again.

Just when the iron fist was about to hit the real person, the real person turned his soul into a bird-man through inaction, and the figure flew away from the pit while waving his wings.

Ultimate Machamaru missed a punch, watched the real person run away, smacked his lips and said, "Shout, it's really boring to become a birdman again."

In order to get rid of Heavenly Restriction; in order to be able to see the sun again, stand with everyone, breathe the same air under the same blue sky; in order to see Miwa Kasumi's smiling face with his own eyes, Machamaru will give everything.

Even if you fall into darkness, you will not hesitate.

After several contacts with Cursed Spirit Fang, Machamaru has a deep understanding of the ability of real people, Wuwei Transformation [Ten kinds of spells that change the state of the soul and affect the physical level.

Even after seeing it so many times, I still have a headache for this technique.

Ultimate Machamaru retracted his fist, catching the whereabouts of the real person. This guy still maintains the bird-like features, and his left arm is still winged.

Machamaru narrowed his eyes slightly: "The left arm that was smashed by me has regenerated..."


"It was the real man who used inaction to make the arm look like it was regenerated. His self-deception proved that my strategy is effective."

Xia Youjie is a very trustworthy person. He said that if he does not participate in the battle, he will not participate in the battle. Even if his companion is a real person who loses his arm in embarrassment, the old god is still there, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai to watch the show.

"It's amazing with Xingji. Although it's only temporary, it can increase the output of magic power to the super level, and it has also made detailed countermeasures against real people."

"Whether to observe for a while depends on the situation, or kill them in one fell swoop."

For a moment, Xia Youjie, who has always been decisive, hesitated a little. He really had some shaken thoughts when he came here, and he started to love talent. As long as it can be used by him, Xia Youjie doesn't care who his companion is.

Cursed Spirit is also good, both postoperative worth mentioning.

However, problems also followed. The Jujutsu masters who defected from the Jujutsu world to the Curse side were called Curse Users. Curse Users were generally dissatisfied with the existence of the current ideas in the Jujutsu world.

If Machamaru is a Curse User, then with this mechanical puppet making and puppet manipulation skills, in time, he can become a companion lying on the beach and drinking coconut juice

It's just a pity that Machamaru is not a Curse User, and it is not an easy thing to take the initiative to turn a Jujutsu teacher into a Curse User.

On the frontal battlefield.

The battle between Ultimate Machamaru and Makoto continues.

"Recharge for five years!"

"Tail Chasing Quintet!!"

Ultimate Machamaru made a lifting posture, and five energy bombs with condensed mana appeared all over his body.

"call out!"

The mantra energy bullet shot up into the sky, blasting towards the real person in mid-air, no matter how the real person turned around, the energy bullet kept chasing after it.

However, what the real person cares about is not the five tracking bombs, but the blow that broke his left arm just now.

What kind of attack directly affects the soul?

This question is important.

Gotta figure it out!


Ultimate Machamaru jumped forward and hit the real person again with a punch, and the real person's figure fell straight to the ground.

All five tracking bombs hit!

in the cockpit.

Excited, Machamaru took out the second needle again and inserted it into the hole.

"Spell filling!"

Ultimate Machamaru once again raised his index finger to the real person, and there was a special mantra wave rippling from the index finger.

But at this moment.

The wounded Daoist got up from the ground, faced Ultimate Machamaru's killer move, and said with a sneer: "The waiting is now.

"Okay, the game is ready."

The real person clasped his palms together, and then opened his mouth. Countless hands crawled out of his mouth.

"Domain Expansion, a self-closing circle!"

The mantra spewed out, built a domain, and dragged Ultimate Machamaru directly into the boundless darkness.

In the field, the real person's injuries have recovered.

"Even if there is no direct contact, it only needs to pull you into the field."

"About this, you know yourself well, don't you?"

The real person looked at Ultimate Machamaru who was pinned to the ground by countless big hands, turned his back and jokingly said: "You think I will not be willing to expand the field in order to save mana power?"

"There are almost ten days left before Halloween, and after ten days of rest, the mana power that was consumed will be replenished."

……ask for flowers…

"So you are such a maggot that I really can't stand it. When fighting, don't mix dreams and hopes casually."

When the real person talked with his back to Ultimate Machamaru, he didn't feel at all that Ultimate Machamaru's one hand resisted the autistic big hand, and the index finger of the other hand had turned into a sharp blade.


When the real person reacted, the abdomen had already been pierced.


The real person turned his head mechanically, watching Ultimate Machamaru penetrate himself with one hand, with a dazed expression, unable to believe it.

in the cockpit.

Machamaru kept extending his index finger, no pity in his eyes.

The ultimate move against super-class Cursed Spirit real people can be traced back to the Heian-kyo era, created by a person named Ashiya Sadazuna.

A technology created in the heyday of Jujutsu to protect students from Curse Users and Cursed Spirits.

That is the domain of the weak who can protect themselves in the domain!

Machamaru's limit is four Jujutsu seals, and he can only make four, which is also the limit of his body.

The first one failed.

The second one is for self-defense.

And now it's the third.

"True Yin Flow · Simple Domain!"

Machamaru activates the simple domain, neutralizes the effect of the spell in the real person's self-closing circle, and then pours the damage back into the real person's body.


The real person's body was pierced by thousands of blades from the inside, and the whole person fell into the sewage like a kite with a broken string.

Having successfully dealt with Zhenyou, Ultimate Machamaru broke free from the shackles of the domain, and is going all out to get rid of Zhenyoujie together.

"Xia Youjie, stop watching from the sidelines!"

At this moment, Machamaru is extremely excited and thankful that he still has an unused simple field and nine years of mana power, which is enough to compete with Xia Youjie.

However, the ideal is full and the reality is skinny.

Xia Youjie covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "Machamaru, are you really sure you want to fight me? It's just that your opponent doesn't seem to agree."



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