Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 90. Shibuya Incident, Target Gojo Satoru! [Kneeling To Subscribe And Customize]

Tokyo Shibuya.

Time October 31, 2018, 19:00

Centering on Tokyu Department Store and Tokyu Toyoko Store, tents with a radius of about 400 meters appeared.

The Halloween carnival came to an abrupt end before it really started.

The area covered by the tent has been dispatched by the Metropolitan Police Department to set up a warning yellow line, and the auxiliary supervision of the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School has taken over the unified order and dispatch.

Ijichi, the combat supervisor of Jujutsu High School, rushed to the scene, but the news that came back was unbelievable.

"This account is specifically for ordinary people. Ordinary people vary from person to person. They can enter through the window one-way. All Jujutsu divisions, including the assistant supervisor, can enter freely."

"Ijichi, how is the signal?" On the tablet, Ye'e Masamichi asked with a straight face.

Ye'e Masamichi usually has no expression, let alone such a big thing happened now.

On Halloween, Shibuya Station is the busiest station, and Curse really planned it out.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Ijichi replied: "Principal Ye'e, the mobile phone signal is blocked. In addition, the network signal has also been disturbed, and even the power supply has been disturbed.

"If you want to contact, you must be outside the scope of the account, or you must pass human information through auxiliary supervision."

The incident further fermented.

Jujutsu High School immediately called all the Jujutsu teachers and divided them into teams for homework.

The Nanami class led by Nanami Kento, the team members are Fushiguro Megumi and Butano Takuma.

"It's enough trouble now, it seems that I have to work overtime..."

Nanami Kento adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said indifferently.

Two 2nd-level Jujutsu masters beside him were thinking about it.

Butano Takuma tries to interact with Fushiguro Megumi: "Fukuro Fukui, I'll tell you."

"The so-called account is the enchantment technique. The supplementary conditions for its effectiveness and the basis for its establishment are the things related to the magic power. Simply put, it is people, Cursed Spirit, and Cursed Object.

"So the signal that Mr. Ijichi said is blocked, that's the secondary effect of the drapery."

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Butano Takuma, who was talking casually, with an expression of not wanting to answer: "Oh, I see.

"Butano, Fuhei is very good, you don't have to always pretend to be a senior and teach others how to do it."

"Nanaming, I see.

Nanami Kento glanced at the time: "Almost, let's go to the designated place."

Shibuya, the entrance to Markcity Restaurant Avenue.

The Zenin squad led by Zenin Naomito, the squad members are Inumaki Toge.

The Zenin class and the Nanami class meet, and the assistant supervisor Akira Nitta explains the situation: "The intersection in front of the station is empty, which is impossible in Shibuya on Halloween.

"Something must have happened there, everyone ran away in a panic, and when they came around the tent, they all said a word in unison.

"Bring Gojo Satoru!"

Nanami Kento: "It seems that this series of actions by Cursed Spirit is aimed at Mr. Gojo.

Naobi Zenin played with his beard and said in a hoarse voice: "It is impossible for non-Jujutsu masters to recognize Gojo Satoru. It is Cursed Spirit who made ordinary people say so."

"The old man thought that it would be faster to destroy the account or solve the Curse User and Cursed Spirit in the account."

Inumaki Toge: "Woodfish flower."

Nitta Akira shook his head and said: "Mr. Zenin, it is difficult for us to break the account, because the account only restricts ordinary people, and the Jujutsu division is allowed to pass."

"If the account is broken by force, it is not ruled out that Curse User Cursed Spirit will tear up the ticket and attack ordinary people."

"So we still need to think long-term. Now we are waiting for a high-level decision. Please stay put and stand by."


At the same time, JR Shibuya station new south exit force.

The Kusakabe squad led by Kusakabe Atsuya, the team members are pandas.

If it were parallel, pandas would be watched and asked to take a group photo when they took to the streets, but now, the streets are deserted.

Atsuya Kusakabe walked in front with a lollipop in his mouth: "Curse chose to fight at Shibuya Station on Halloween, and also named Gojo Satoru. It seems that Curse is the same group who attacked the exchange meeting."

"The upper management has made a decision. In order to minimize casualties, it was decided to let Gojo Satoru enter Shibuya Station alone to quell the riot."

"And we, together with Nana Ming, the old man of Zenin's family, Mei Mei, and Lin Feng, are all on standby outside the tent, ready to pick up the miscellaneous fish that Gojo Satoru missed."

Panda said with a grim expression: "Minimize the casualties, referring to the casualties of Division Jujutsu, then the lives of ordinary people don't matter.

Atsuya Kusakabe said, "I know you don't feel the same way as Gojo Satoru, but don't get excited.

"I also think this is the best way right now, this time is different from last year's Hyakki Night Walk."

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