Jujutsu Kaisen: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game With Bamen Dunjia

Chapter 93. The Death Train Starts! [Kneeling To Subscribe And Customize]

Lin Feng pressed lightly on the handle of the snow-white Taidao at his waist with his right hand. This was another god-level reward he had accumulated for signing in last night after consuming more than a dozen times.

This knife is called Snow Wheel Maru.

In the world of the god of death, the Zanpakuto of Toshirō Hitsugaya, the captain of the 10th Division of the 13th Team of the Soul Realm Seireitei Goutei.

The strongest knife of the ice and snow system, cut out with one knife, drifting away and frozen!

Of course, it can't compete with the one in the world of death in terms of strength, but it's like Zanpakuto·Shengun.

Due to the change of energy, Zanpakuto cannot exert its full strength, but even so, relying on Zanpakuto itself can already increase its extremely strong combat power.

Lin Feng, Zenin Maki, and Kugisaki Nobara passed the first floor unimpeded. Between the first floor and the second floor, in addition to the strong spell power, the three finally felt the breath of Curse .


Going down the corner of the stairs, at the end of the corridor, a locust Curse is holding a corpse and eating it. The head of the corpse has been eaten by Curse. It can be recognized from the clothes on its body. supervision.

A layer of frost instantly formed on the delicate faces of Zenin Maki and Kugisaki Nobara.

Master Jujutsu, who has performed many extermination missions, is very clear about one thing. The assistant supervisor is a very good partner for Master Jujutsu. For a long time, Master Jujutsu has fought against Curse [all the aftermath work and overall planning behind it are done by the assistant supervisor of.

To Jujutsu, the sub-supervisors are like family and friends.


"You...you are... Jujutsu masters!!"

Locust Curse turned his head to look at the three of them, stammering his words, proving that his strength was not low.

Zenin Maki adjusted his glasses, and took a step forward: "Mr. Lin Feng, Nagasaki, you take a step first, and leave this guy to me.

"Wow Kaka, no one wants to leave!!!"

Locust Curse immediately put down the corpse, and focused all his attention on the three of them: "Do you know why this guy was eaten by me?"

"Because he thinks he's smart, it's so stupid!!"

"Tell you, I'm smart!!"

call out!!!

A Cursed Tool shuriken that flew through the air in response to Locust Curse.

The Cursed Tool shuriken was unbiased, and hit the tentacles on the top of the locust Curse's head. The tentacles were cut off, and the locust Curse staggered immediately, almost falling flat on the ground.



The locust Curse's powerful foot support flicked, approaching Zenin Maki instantly with a strange speed and trajectory, and the sickle in his hand was also swept off.

"A frontal attack? I like it."

The Cursed Tool spear in Zenin Maki's hand, the tip of the gun threw out the gun flower, and just fought with the locust Curse.

Locust Curse has four hands, and Zenin Maki holds a spear in both hands.

In the high-speed melee competition, the more you hit the locusts, the more Curse can't figure it out. Why is he the one who gets beaten?

I have many hands, many feet, and fast speed. Why was I killed by a woman with a long gun?

"That's it for you?"

The body of Zenin Maki's gun fell to the ground, and he jumped up with the gun on his back, kicking the locust Curse in the face.

The locust Curse was kicked back again and again, it looked at the human woman in front of it, and fell into deep thought: "Why, why am I so smart, but I still can't beat you?"

"Because really smart people don't talk about being smart."

Zenin Maki approached the locust Curse step by step with a spear: "Okay, let's stop here for chatting, kill you, so I can find my teachers.

"Ahh! How dare you underestimate me!!"

Locust Curse was furious, scored twice and rushed forward again, still using the same combo moves, all cares about the faster speed, but it was the same.

In the eyes of Zenin Maki, there are flaws, including the backhand it hides.

"go to hell!"

The locust Curse's high-speed continuous attack stopped, and the abdominal needles moved forward, stinging like a bee.

A gleam of light flashed in Zenin Maki's beautiful eyes under the glasses, and then Zenin Maki quickly let go of the gun, then pulled out the short blade of the Cursed Tool at his waist, and raised the knife with his hand.


The locust Curse's big killing move, the abdominal needle, was broken in this way. This time it was not over. Zenin Maki took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the short blade of the Cursed Tool pierced the locust Curse's belly, which was a strangling combo.

When they parted again, the locust Curse had already been disemboweled...

Zenin Maki hooked his feet, and the underground Cursed Tool spear flew back into his hand [Turn around and throw


The tip of the spear hit his forehead, and the locust Curse was nailed to the wall.

The third floor underground.

As soon as Lin Feng and Kugisaki Nobara came here, they saw the overcrowded reformers in the passage.

Seeing this scene, Kugisaki Nobara turned pale.

She has never been a hypocritical little girl, and she has a lot of acceptance for some cruel pictures.

But the reformed people are different. The bodies of the reformed people have been transformed, but they still retain some human characteristics. Faced with such a huge number of reformed people, it is a very sad level in my heart.

"Nagisaki." Lin Feng patted Kugisaki Nobara on the shoulder: "These people were transformed by the guy on the fifth floor. Unfortunately, these people can't come back. Ending them is also ending themselves pain of."

Kugisaki Nobara gritted his teeth: "Mr. Lin Feng, is that guy a super class?"

"Well, yes."

"That's good." Kugisaki Nobara's gaze became firm: "I will send these reformers to the bliss, then teacher..."

Lin Feng smiled: "That guy doesn't deserve to go to heaven, I'll send him to hell."

"Teacher, you have to be careful."

"Kagizaki, don't worry, 4.6-sensei is invincible.

The fifth floor underground.

The real person has done his part according to the plan.

"Huh? Have the locusts been killed? Looks like a good Jujutsu master has come.

"I really want to have fun with Master Jujutsu, but unfortunately I don't have a job."

The real person transformed the human beings on the fifth floor into more than a thousand cyborgs through inaction, put more than 1,000 cyborgs into the train, and then sent them to Shibuya Station.

As for the real person himself, he chose to take another train, after all, the one in front was too crowded.

Just when the real person was in place and was about to start the train, it was surprised to find that the train was completely out of order.

There was also a layer of frost that suddenly appeared. .

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