"No choice. Leave Toudou Aoi to me. You guys have to contain the other two."

Kinji Hyo scratched his head and then gestured.

"【Domain expansion·Sitting and killing gamblers】"

Everyone present was instantly pulled into his domain space by Kinji Hyo.

Here they were forcibly instilled with the rules and knowledge of the domain. Kinji Hyo's sitting and killing gamblers is a strange Pachinko-style random enhancement technique.

The technique is very complicated. The user can use marbles in the domain to randomly start events. Different events will give Kinji Hyo different enhancements, but there are restrictions on the triggering of events.

After the event is started, a standing pattern will appear. The three patterns must be consistent. If the judgment fails, you must start over, but Kinji Hyo's technique has a guaranteed mechanism.

You will definitely win in 30 draws. The opponent can defeat Hyo in this process. Once Hyo successfully triggers the event, the enhancement he gets will be very terrible.

That is the infinite cursed power and the automatic reversal technique. Although he himself cannot use the reversal technique, within 4 minutes and 11 seconds after winning the grand prize, his body will automatically use and heal his flesh.

"What is this? It's so complicated."

"So that's it."

"Your field is the pachinko game."

Facing the ridicule and doubts of the people present, Hyūga Kinji smiled slightly.

"Life is a gamble, and my field is the best tool to help me achieve this goal! Let's start! This is a gamble!"

Hyūga Kinji rushed forward and fought with Toudou Aoi in an instant. The rough cursed power hitting his body made Toudou Aoi feel very uncomfortable.

"Your cursed power is still the same, it hurts so much."

"Just take it as your compliment."

Hyūga Kinji answered and started to draw. Of course, he directly drew three different character cards for the first time.

"It seems that luck is on my side."

Aoi Toudou smiled slightly and clapped her hands together. The next moment, the panda that was still avoiding the attack of Kamo Kenji's Red Blood Manipulation Technique was swapped.

Inumaki Stake immediately used a spell to stop Aoi Toudou who rushed into the crowd.

Unlike the fierce battle in the field, at this moment, Shinichi and Yuta Otsutsukota looked at the field barrier in front of them and became bored again.

"Shinichi, how long will they fight?"

Yuta Otsutsukota asked.

"... I don't know, otherwise, let's go to another place and have a look."

At Shinichi's suggestion, the two began to look for various quasi-first-level cursed spirits and the first-level cursed spirit placed by the high school.

On the other side, Maki and Mayi's battle was in full swing.

Maki kept shuttling between the trees. She was very fast, and she could shuttle freely in the forest even with a cursed tool.


Maki's cursed tool blocked the bullets fired by Mayi one after another.

"Little sister, try harder. You've been in Kyoto school for a year, don't you think this is all you can do?"

"Hmph, you too."

They still bickered during the fight, but the coldness between them was no longer there.

Maki rushed straight at the other party when she was reloading, and the huge blade slashed across Mayi's face.

"That's what I've been waiting for."

Mayi laughed secretly and then used her own technique to construct a bullet in the gun chamber.

[Construction Technique] - You can directly use the power of mantra to construct objects. With the current power of mantra of Zenin Mayi, you can only fire one bullet a day at most. This is why she uses a revolver, which can confuse the enemy and make them relax their vigilance.

Bang -

After a gunshot, Maki curled up on the ground, holding her stomach.

"Too naive, Maki, it seems that I am more capable."

"You should say this to yourself."

Just when Mayi was happy, Maki instantly stood up and kicked the opponent down and then put the knife on her neck, but the handle of the knife had broken into two pieces at this time.

"It was blocked, idiot."

Maki smiled and pulled her sister up. This time the victory belonged to her sister.

"I didn't expect someone to give it to you."

Zenin Mayi shrugged and complained.

"It seems that we have learned a lot this year, but we still need to work hard."

Maki patted the dust off her sister and noticed the loud noise on the other side.

"It seems that Mechamaru and your companions have fought."

Maki explained that she still knew the power of the Great Purification Cannon. The opponent who could force Mechamaru to use this move must be very strong.

After the two waited for a while, Mayi's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, Mechamaru? Aren't you fighting? Why are you calling me?"

Mai calmly replied to Mechamaru on the phone.

"The body has been destroyed. Now you need to go to the designated location to wake up the backup machine."

Mechamaru had already set up a backup machine in the examination room. Since he was bound by the sky and the curse,Besides, there was his machine in Kyoto, so the high school agreed with his approach.

"Got it."

After hanging up the phone, Mayi looked at Maki beside her and asked.

"Aren't you going to stop me?"

"No need, by the time you're done, it will be over soon."

Maki said with a smile.

"That's right."

Then Mayi and Maki went to the location that Mechamaru told them.

Back to Shinichi, the two found the hidden first-level cursed spirit, and then easily exorcised the other party under Shinichi's Ten Thousand Blood Piercing Heart.

"I thought he had some strength."

After saying this, Shinichi took back the blood, which was now in the shape of long needles, but disappeared in the next second as if it had never appeared.

"Shinichi is so amazing."

Otsukotsu Yuta couldn't help but praise.

"It's nothing. I'm already very proficient in the operation of the spell and the cursed power, but the domain is still under development."

Shinichi said in annoyance. He has not been able to integrate the spell into the domain very well. Obviously, the spell power and the proficiency of the spell should be sufficient. Why is it a half-finished product?

"By the way, Yuta's spell is also very powerful. It can be copied unconditionally. It is a very practical spell."

"Well, but the proficiency of the spell is not as good as the original one. But the spell of the type of Gojumaki classmate can be used as long as the curse power is sufficient."

The two chatted and walked back to the battle site just now.

At this time, the domain has been dissolved, and everyone is panting. It seems that Hyokinji didn't draw the grand prize and was disturbed within 30 times.

"Is it over?"

Shinichi asked.

"Well... Toudou's spell is too annoying. Although it is simple, it is hard to defend. I have been interrupted by him several times."

Hyokinji said helplessly. He couldn't draw the grand prize.

"Looking at you guys, you've reached your limit."

Shinichi looked at the panda lying on the ground and the messy dog ​​roll thorn and said kindly.



"Unfortunately, we won this exchange meeting. The first-level cursed spirit in the center has been exorcised and you have no physical strength. Well, it's over."

Shinichi picked up the dog roll thorn and kicked the panda.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to Kikufuku when I get back."

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