Chapter 245

There was a frenzy that seemed to be able to ignite everything in the Baiyixin’s eyes.

This crazy temperament.

Ryuichi has only been seen on TV in his previous life,

That is a kind of madness for the sake of faith, that is a kind of madness that can ecstatically knock one’s heirs to death for their own desires, which is called sacrifice.

This believer in white gave Ryuichi exactly this kind of madness that disgusted him.

“Zenin Ryuichi!! I found you!!! I found you-!!!”

“You are the Lord’s gift!!! Are the Lord’s sacrifice!!!”

“Hey hey!!! Come on!!! Join the glorious evolution!!!”

The believer had a frantic smile, and a trace of black blood kept flowing out of his mouth.


The blood that fell on the ground was extremely corrosive, corroding the ground into numerous holes of various sizes.

Look at this scene in front of you.

Ryuichi frowned slightly. He didn’t think this strange guy was so tricky, or he felt a little disgusting.

When you tap your toes.

Countless mysterious auras slowly surging around him.

Feng Hou Qi-Men unfolded quietly.

“Although I don’t know what you are yelling, but you are too sick, so please leave my sight.”

“Otherwise, I promise, you will be born in this world after meeting.”

Zenin Ryuichi’s eyes had a very obvious hatred.

His iconic smile at the corner of his mouth also constricted secretly. Obviously, he couldn’t bear the disgusting thing that appeared in front of him.

“Haha~ bad habits, how can you be sick~”

“This is the Lord’s gift~”

The white-clothed man raised a hand to himself.


Countless black blood bubbles were on his palm, pouring out like boiling water.

The black blood is like oil stains in the sewer, with a stench that is unbearable for ordinary people, and it is constantly floating in the air.

“Zenin Ryuichi!! The one who killed you is a follower of the Kingdom of God, Kamen!!!”

bass! ! !


Kamen let out a scream, like a cheetah, and killed Ryuichi who looked disgusted.

Without taking a step, the black blood splashing from his body would corrode pits of different sizes on the ground.

Hum! ! !

Just when he was about to touch that Zenin Ryuichi.

An invisible force instantly surged from all directions, and instantly imprisoned him in the air.

The power he enshrined as the grace of God, it was actually difficult to break away from that bondage.

“Dry Words·Space Ban.”

Ryuichi pinched the tactics with one hand, looking at Kamon who was imprisoned in that space, the disgust on his face was even more expressive.

“Sorry, although I am still very interested in your state religion, but…”

“You are so disgusting~”

Peng! ! !

Rumble! ! ! !

As Ryuichi’s voice fell, countless spaces instantly rioted.

In the imprisoned space, Kamon’s body was instantly torn apart by the turbulence of the space.

The body exploded into a black blood mist.

“Not a Jujutsu teacher, but a bit like that guy~”

Ryuichi looked at the endless blood mist, and suddenly thought of the poor guy who had been deceived by a lie.

The hero who claims to be a human, with countless souls who wants to drag Ryuichi into hell [humanity]

“Avid believer, the new power besides the curse power is much more fun than I imagined~”

Ryuichi murmured in a low voice, his eyes were indeed inadvertently looking at a corner of the campus.

It was as if the countless time and space had been cut off and saw the dark figure.

“Try to make an appointment with me~”

“Don’t make me feel bored~”

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be whispering in whose ear.


“Hehe~ Don’t worry, I will bore you this way~”

“The next game has just begun.”

God sat on the seat, with a deep smile at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the void somewhere.

It was as if he had seen that white-clothed, black-haired, deity-like young man.

“It is really unreasonable to let such a low-level trash meet you~ But there is no way, I have to wait, you don’t have to slap your opponent first!!”

God’s voice was indescribably crazy, and a trace of ruddy flashed across his face.

A thick needle tube was connected to his arm, and the other end of the needle tube was connected to the cursed fetus the size of a hill.

A steady stream of dark blood poured into his body.

·· ···Seeking flowers············

The energy that is different from the curse power is becoming more and more tyrannical.

Oh oh oh! !

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! !

In the cursed fetus, the sleeping Cursed Spirit groaned unconsciously, as if feeling some kind of pain.

The curse blood that ordinary people can hardly resist even a trace of blood, he is like a blood pump, hitting into his body.

“Stellar body, Tianyuan, old guy, I didn’t expect that time flies so fast, it’s another five hundred years.”

“Have you not found your true self yet? It’s really sad~”

The priest’s tone was deeply disdainful.

A star pulp appeared in front of him, an image of Riko in the sky.

“No progress at all, only’evolution’ can change everything, you are still as stupid as you were five hundred years ago~”

….. .. …

“Hey~ Forget it, let me solve the trouble. After all, I used to be…”


This long sigh seemed to span a century.

According to legend, the body abandoned by Master Tianyuan of the previous generation is the remains of a believer.

Tian Yuan’s body would be taken away by special personnel for testing, and finally cremated, which has always been the case for thousands of years.

And only the body of the believer disappeared bizarrely after it faded away.

What’s even more bizarre is.

Even Tian Yuan, who had always respected his body, had unexpectedly ordered not to pursue this matter.

The weirdness of the existence of this makes the heart of the Jujutsu community always have a knot. ‘

And just at the moment when everyone is about to forget all of this.

The existence that should have passed away long ago is about to start a new chapter in this world.

One of god’s eyes had a deep meaning that was indescribable.

“Humanity, Cursed Spirit, a new era is coming, Tianyuan, your mistake, I will pay for you!!!”


“Let me tell you, today I saw a handsome guy!! Really super handsome!!”

The girl with a few freckles on her face said to Tian Riko with excitement.

“That appearance is almost a kill to these Fusang stars, especially the pair of eyes, my God!! The moon white is just like an angel!!”

The girl’s eyes seemed to have countless little stars, and the corners of her mouth had a smile like a nympho.


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