Chapter 256

Secret Chamber of Tokyo Jujutsu Association.

The sealed room couldn’t let in a trace of light, only the faint candlelight burned in the room, trying to illuminate the whole room.

“Hehehe~ Zenin Ryuichi still absorbed the origin of Yaki Orochi~

It will no longer pose any threat to us, and this world will no longer exist…

Yaqi Orochi! ! ”

The speaker became more excited as he spoke, and his tongue licked his lips frequently, as if Zenin Ryuichi had become a meat on the table, a Chinese meal, and he could not help but prepare to set his chopsticks.

“But it’s just an outcast from the Zenin family, and he wants to challenge the entire Jujutsu world, huh! I don’t know how high it is!”

“You can’t say that, the Zenin family is very close to him now, and they change their tricks to give him things and get a good impression~!”

“Just like a dog!”

“Jiangjin, if you say so, if the Zenin family knows, the consequences…”

“Oh, a family that has given up Jujutsu’s pride, what is there to be afraid of.”

These people were discussing the sudden appearance of the Yachi Orochi in the business district.

However, this topic has always been around Zenin Ryuichi, and this shows how deeply they are taboo against this name.

23  “Quiet!”

“This is not a vegetable market, talk about it, what do you like!”

The old man sitting at the head of the long table slowly spoke, with a solemn and solemn voice, but the invisible smile at the corner of his mouth really betrayed his mood.

“Now what we have to solve is not Zenin Ryuichi, but Yachi Orochi!”

“I have asked Yaga to send all Jujutsu personnel to the commercial street to kill them reasonably, but…their group obviously does not have this ability. What we have to do is to take the Gojo kid to the commercial area as quickly as possible. Use his hands to get rid of the Yaqi Orochi!”

He finally couldn’t help his inner excitement. Originally, there was a little madness in Gu Bo Wuhen’s eyes, and his hands were also patted on the table when he said the word “祓 Chu”.

“That kid from Gojo? Gojo Satoru?! Haha, you really are there!”

“Killing Zhuxin! Killing Zhuxin! I like it~”

“However, do you want to report this matter to Master Tianyuan?”

As soon as the word Tianyuan came out, as if touching a certain taboo, everyone present trembled, and the original lively atmosphere instantly calmed down.

When the speaker saw the manners of the people, he knew that he had said the wrong thing, and he quickly lowered his eyes and lowered his head, relieved his breathing, and suppressed his own existence to the lowest level.

The few people who discussed the most lively just now stared wide-eyed, and none of them spoke.

Master Tianyuan can be said to be the person who has contributed the most to the Jujutsu world.

If it weren’t for him to try his best to maintain the barrier, the Jujutsu masters could have a shelter where they could rest at ease.

Then, the number of Jujutsu divisions, who are already scarce, will be greatly reduced.


For their own power, these people eroded the power that originally belonged to Tianyuan.

The haze and treacherousness in this.

Everyone is tacitly aware, no one will put this kind of scandal on the table, after all, everyone is a face.

The result was a dumbfounded point out.

“Ahem, Master Tianyuan is currently in an important stage of fusion of the stellar plasma. For the sake of stability and peace in the Jujutsu world, I propose…”

“When the incident is over, we will report the matter to Master Tianyuan!”



“This is currently the best choice~”


Since someone proposed, no one of you in the room refutes with his head, even the person who originally said the word Tianyuan can only second it.

“If you object, immediately notify the Jujutsu teacher near Gojo Satoru. No matter what method you use, you must send Gojo Satoru to Yaki Oro as soon as possible.”

“The meeting is over!”

Everyone immediately left their positions and immediately contacted the Jujutsu division in the area. When they saw Gojo Satoru, they were immediately sent to the Tokyo business district.

The old man in the main seat didn’t move. After everyone left, he folded his hands and pressed against the lower handle, looking at the candlelight swaying on the tabletop.

I can’t help but feel a bit of doubt: This big snake seems to be not as simple as Cursed Spirit.

Divine State Religion Underground Laboratory.

“God!! We made it!! The Yachi Orochi was really made by us!!!”

“God! We really created God!!!”

“They should be honored to be chosen by us as sacrifices to God!!!”

“I can’t believe that this great object was made by my hands, and now I find it incredible!!”

God stood in front of an LCD monitor and looked at the Yaki Orochi that was about to appear on the screen.

A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but he immediately replaced it with enthusiasm. Looking at the researchers around him celebrating, he raised his arms and shouted.

“We are Lord! We are God! We are the forerunners of this world!!!”

“This world has evolved because of our research!! We are the Almighty Creator!!!”

When these researchers heard these encouragements, their originally excited faces revealed endless madness.

These words made them more sinking than allowing them to directly gain superhuman abilities.

They study science, don’t they just hope that one day, human beings can break through the limits and become the real creator? !

It’s just that their research is not recognized by the world, and they have become obscure devotees in the previous countless years.

Although they are also serving humanity, those are not their goals.

Until one day I met god.

Leading them out of the white cage gave them more freedom to develop.

Financial support is even more unconditional.

It also allows them to see the products of human evolution.

Such an intoxicating research environment is exactly the world in their dreams.

The oldest research institute among them was even given the position of the cardinal master.

It is the life goal of each of them.

“God, Almighty Lord, my god, we will always be loyal to you.”

“You are the eternal faith in our hearts!”

At this moment, all personnel knelt down on one knee, stroked their chest with their right hand and stroked their forehead with their left hand, swearing an oath to the man in front of them in a strange posture.

Expressing his loyalty.

“The Yachi Orochi project is temporarily completed, leaving two people staring at the screen to record the data, and the rest will start the next research.”

“Strive to be able to summon Susanoo successfully by the end of next year.”

After closing the door, God heard the excitement of discussion outside the door.

They have been studying the Yaki Orochi project for nearly thirty years, and they have provided the power to extract the beliefs of the following fanatics.

Integrating the power of the cursed fetus in the nutrition warehouse, through countless experiments, tens of thousands of lives were lost, and this finally managed to succeed once.

Although it is only a fake, its power is not inferior to any hypothetical Cursed Spirit.

“Hahaha! Hey hahaha!!!”

The gloomy color on his face dissipated and was replaced by twisted madness.

On the screen before, I saw a figure flashing in the image, and others might not have an impression of this figure.

But he will never forget it!

The pair of moon-white eyes.

“Zenin Ryuichi, I hope this gift did not disappoint you!”.

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