Chapter 264

Ryuichi kept walking, and soon came to the door of the laboratory.

There is no one here, and the researcher who had passed out hasn’t woken up yet.

The guard who was supposed to handle the door, after hearing the sirens, followed the troops to intercept Ryuichi.

It should be decorated on the wall of a certain floor now.

Ryuichi pushed the door and entered the laboratory,

The inside has been cleaned, and the experimental information is in those specially customized encrypted cabinets.

As for the password, only god and the head of the laboratory-know.

But obviously neither of them is there.

Ryuichi didn’t scroll through the data, but clicked on the screen.

Watching the video of the experiment that has not been deleted.

The three-hour video was watched by him at 30 times the speed.

It records in detail the entire process of the fake from selection to release.

Even when it appeared, the deaths of several passersby were recorded.

It seems that their success is not accidental.

Ryuichi waved his hand, and those customized password boxes opened automatically, sending him the relevant information that belonged to Yaki Orochi.

Forbid him to watch carefully,

There was a sudden roar from the ceiling.

It seemed that a heavy object was breaking through from above.

boom! !

Speaking of it.

The ceiling of the laboratory burst in an instant, and the twisted steel bars of the broken cement carrier spread out like grenades, smashing all the objects in the laboratory.

“Ahaha!! Zenin Ryuichi!!!”

“Unexpectedly, your arrival turned out to be an opportunity for my successful integration!!!”

“So, I give you a chance to surrender to me!!”

“Furthermore, I will still grant you evolution and give you the opportunity to touch the realm of God!!!”

The voice sounded, it was difficult to distinguish between male and female, and it only made people feel that the scalp was numb, and I couldn’t help but want to buckle the wall.

God put his hands on his chest, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and arrogantly extended an invitation to Zenin Ryuichi.

He believed that the man in front of him would immediately agree to his invitation when he saw his current state.

His tall body, strong muscles, and unparalleled strength made him feel better than ever before.

Because his previous identity was just the remains of a slightly savvy Tian Yuan.

Even if his body blended with each other through the surviving minds of Tianyuan.

But his soul will always be missing one piece, and it will not be repaired by the body.

Therefore, his soul had infinite imaginations about the form of Tianyuan’s evolved form, and had an uncontrollable desire.

He believed that the appearance of Tianyuan after evolution was his true appearance.

It is also what the gods should have.

After he successfully escaped, he began to wander in the world, looking for a way to fill the vacancy in his soul.

It was not successful until the emergence of Kamo Xianlun, the one in the Jujutsu world who had the shame of Big Three Sorcerer Families, to break the deadlock.

Kamo Xianlun glanced at him and knew where his frustration was, told him the solution, and personally helped him build the injection machine.

“As long as you find the Cursed Spirit that brings together human beliefs, capture and absorb it, your broken soul will be made up for.”

“At that time you will also have power that no one can match!”

After speaking, he left a pile of test materials on Cursed Spirit and left.


he made it!

He feels that he is now the only true god in the world!

He has one more thing to do before spreading the doctrine to the world.

That is to subdue or kill Zenin Ryuichi!

When the dust settles, the smoke clears.

Zenin Ryuichi’s moon-white eyes stared at the information in his hand, as if he was the only one in the world, and everything around him had nothing to do with him.

God grinned and slammed his fist toward Zenin Ryuichi like a warhammer. The place where the fist went was like a twisted space, and everything around him was approaching him.

With a loud bang, my fist hit a light blue wall.

Looking at this wall of air, God’s originally ugly face wrinkled into a purple-red chrysanthemum.

My full blow didn’t even destroy his defense? ! !

The current situation made him unacceptable.

He uttered a word of silence in order to become the ideal god, but reality always joked with him.

“I don’t believe it!!! I am a god!!! I am the greatest god in the world!!!”

“I don’t believe it!! I must kill you!!”

Boom boom boom! ~

Boom boom boom! ~

The collision between the fist and the air wall became more frequent, and the entire tower began to slowly collapse because it could not withstand the confrontation between the two.

Click! ~

At a certain moment, he finally smashed a crack on the light blue wall.

·· ···Seeking flowers············

God took a look, a good opportunity!

With endless power on his fist, he slammed into the crack again.

Click! ~

With a crisp sound, the air wall was finally broken by him.

Just when God was happily preparing to attack Ryuichi.

Another light blue block between the two, this time even with seven layers.

God looked at the wall of air like a matryoshka, directly igniting his inner tyranny.

“Ah!!! Shameless!! Shameless!”

“I want you to die!! You must die!!”

“Strength!! I want more strength!!! Give me strength!!”

God can’t bear to become a god but he is so weak.

….. … …

He began to shout loudly, wanting to sacrifice all the living people in the tower, and use their enthusiasm to increase their strength.

Half a minute passed.

No one in the entire Kingdom of God responded to his call.

“Where are the people?!!! Where are they all dead?!!!”

The endless anger, like gasoline, raised his power again a lot, the original purple-red skin turned gray at this moment, and the whole body looked like an artistic statue.

It’s just that the appearance is not so beautiful.

God was excited about the increase in strength and directly hit Ryuichi with a series of fists.

Ryuichi just finished reading the material at this moment, and this material is a toy manual for him.

He has countless ways to create an imaginary Cursed Spirit that humans can see.

Just making them does not improve any combat power for the current Ryuichi.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, I accidentally saw a group of dark shadows beating at me.

Although this fist didn’t cause any harm to him, he didn’t like the feeling of standing here and being beaten.


Ryuichi’s figure disappeared in place.

God smashed into the air with a fist, feeling the slight coolness behind him, and instantly turned his body.

Ryuichi looked at the body as gray as the Hulk, and felt the energy exploding from his body.

A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, can this guy’s power be increased infinitely?

“The innate leads the week and the sky, covers the change of the week and the sky, and turns me into a king. I am the ruler and I am the only one!”

In an instant, a light blue light covered the entire room. earth.

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