Chapter 277

With a breeze blowing by.

The big tengu’s figure instantly appeared behind An Bai Hairen.

Two swords, they are out of their body at this moment.

This knife, unpretentious, but deadly.

[Tengu draws the sword, retreat from good and evil! 】


Xuanwu still guarded Anbehairen at the last moment.

The looming shield seems to explain the ruthless damage just now!

“It’s not over yet!”

The big tengu hit by one blow swung the knife again.

The action that was too fast had left shadows in the eyes of Xuanwu!

The black sword energy is attached to the blade (Japanese sword), like a black crescent, looking fiercely on the tortoise shield in front of you!

The powerful blade was chopped out countless times in a blink of an eye, and the powerful air current connected all the surrounding auxiliary halls to be cut off!

The Onmyoji who followed did not have the blessing of Xuanwu, and instantly died under the wind of the sword.

This is just a situation where the big tengu is unwilling to resolve the battle immediately.

“Seaman, if you can survive, don’t be so reckless!”

Xuanwu felt the damage caused by the blade, and his body had begun to fade.

Sure enough, he still couldn’t let go of his master’s blood.

Even if it is dead!

Send him away too! !

In an instant, Xuanwu’s eyes burst out with a strong light.

Numerous incomprehensible formations appeared on its body.

“It’s this opportunity, hurry up!!!”

An Bei Hairen looked at the situation tremblingly.

He has forgotten his ambitions now.

My heart is full of longing for life.

After hearing the words of Xuanwu.

The whole body instantly rushed to the formation!

“You! There is nothing you can do after all!”

A ridicule appeared in Xuanwu’s ears.

The iconic face of the big tengu appeared in front of Xuanwu’s eyes.

“Go away!!!”

There were blue veins on the child-like face, and endless rays of light burst out of the Qiqiao.

The big tengu watched this situation, so he didn’t bother.

Jump back.

In the end, light is only light.

It… is exhausted.

The figure of Anbei Hairen has disappeared in place.

Looking at the corpse of Xuanwu that was about to dissipate, the big tengu had a trace of sadness in his heart?

“Since you like him so much, then I will personally send him to accompany you on the road.”

The voice was low, as if to tell the grief in his heart.

Looking around, the credential temple has been razed to the ground.

It’s even a lot lower than the surrounding ground.

The big tengu looked up at the sky.

The enchantment surrounding the temple has not disappeared.

Slowly return the double knives to the orifice.

Stretching out his right hand, a tin stick appeared in its hand.

Just when it is ready to jump up.

An orderly applause interrupted its movements.

“There is anyone else?!!!”

The big tengu looked around suspiciously.

The entire temple was turned into ruins under its attack just now, and a living mouth would not appear under his perception.

Where did this applause come from?

Xiufu Throne climbed beside Zenin Ryuichi.

The eyes that were forced open told of the fear in his heart.

He was blown away by the strong hurricane when the big tengu was out of trouble.

It happened to fall beside Zenin Ryuichi.

What happened next was beyond his knowledge.

The applause just now came from the one next to him.

In terms of speed, I should be in a good mood.

‘Should you tell him what the relic has been absorbed? ’

Xiufu Throne was full of entanglement, he was very afraid that the news would make him lose this chance to survive.

But the long-term accumulation of professionalism still made him speak out.

“Mr. Ryuichi, the two relics I promised at the time have now been absorbed by the Tengu.”

“Now the monastery is dilapidated, if…”

The implication is very obvious, that is, he is now unable to pay.

Ryuichi did not look at him, but stared at the big tengu in the center of the clearing.

“This guy has good things!”

According to rumors, the feather ball fan of the Great Tengu possesses a variety of spells, which can be triggered at will.

No need to make a special seal.

There are also those two samurai swords, which are also excellent to store.

Zenin Ryuichi appeared directly in front of the big tengu in this way.

There are countless speculations about the identity of the Great Tengu, and one of them is the most talked about.

It is Fuso’s ancient generation of emperors, who turned into grievances after death.

Regardless of whether this speculation is true or not.

All show the nobility of its identity.

The big tengu looked down at the visitor.

No trace of curse power can be felt from him.

How did this person survive the battle just now?

“Mortal, how dare you look at me directly like this!”

As a super virtual Cursed Spirit, it has its own pride.

Not to mention that it itself is synonymous with pride!

A black figure suddenly appeared in front of Ryuichi, and the tin rod in his hand struggling from top to bottom.

Ryuichi leaped back, and the tin rod’s attack instantly hit the ground.

The huge impact smashed the broken blue bricks on the ground into powder.

A trace of excitement appeared in the eyes of the big tengu!

This guy is not easy!

It’s been a long time since I met a strong man who could fight it.

At this moment, its heart is full of fighting spirit.

Without stopping, the feather ball fan instantly appeared on his left hand.

Flicked hard in the direction of Ryuichi’s back jump.

“¨々Leifa! Thunder and fire together!!”

A huge pillar of fire spewed out, listen carefully, and there was a strong electric current around the pillar of fire.

The high temperature evaporates all the water on the way, and the turquoise land turns into scorched yellow at this moment.

Ryuichi didn’t panic at all watching the roaring pillar of fire.

Raise your hands to block.

At this moment, the big tengu’s impression of him was much lower.

How to pick up my thunder method empty-handed like this!

court death! ! !

In an instant, the pillar of thunder and fire roared along with the billowing heat.

A scornful smile appeared at the corner of Ryuichi’s mouth.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Behind the big tengu instantly appeared, and punched the big tengu’s face.

The big tengu was casting a spell and had no time to evade, so he took the punch abruptly.

The entire head was instantly blown by this heavy punch.

The whole body is like a puppet that has lost the line, kneeling directly on the spot.

“That’s it?”

Originally (Li Ma’s) was such an unusually powerful monster in the legend. After becoming a Cursed Spirit, it turned out to be such a weak chicken.

The voice did not fall.

The broken head was healed at this moment.

The big tengu stood up instantly.

Keep the distance between the two.

If it weren’t for the previous relic, it is now gone.

Unexpectedly, this human being is so powerful.

The Great Tengu calmly analyzed the situation in front of him, and what it should do now is…

escape! ! !

The body jumped up instantly, trying to smash this enchantment altar.

“Hey! Let me see who this is!!”

The original barrier suddenly disappeared.

A pair of blue eyes appeared in front of it instantly.

Don’t wait for it to react.

A beautiful air turned around and kicked it back.

The big tengu’s body smashed into the ground like a cannonball.

At this moment, the huge roar attracted people in the street to watch.

“Why are you so free for a few days?”

“It’s not a coincidence!”.

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