Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 109: Life with a Pot

"Okay, let's do it!

The 'Witch Cauldron', which activates for the first time, begins where it creates a pot-shaped foundation with soil and the like. As far as I'm concerned I have some confidence in my mud playing skills thanks to the "dirty mud doll," making the shape of a pot is an easy victory. After making it quickly, carve a spell and magic formation on the bottom of the pan.

"Hmmm...... like this"

I penned the fairy walnut branches and wrote the letters and formations that come to mind on the bottom of the crisp and muddy pan.

Is the letter a so-called ancient language? I'm not sure, it's an alphabetical, kanji, hieroglyphic, or symbolic line of characters that I don't see unity in.

The magic team has a different design than the curse on my palm, and it feels glued like a polar diagram.

After proper writing up, a single spell is activated.

"Open, 'Witch Cauldron'"

Then the effects of chaos, similar to "The Dirty Mud Doll," flooded from the bottom of the pan to a drool - in no time, the inappropriate mud pan had turned into a big black pan.

Touch it, it's not cold, it's not warm, it's metallic, it's ceramic, what an indistinguishable, strange feeling.

It wasn't made of mud, but the lid was also shaped. This one can be removed normally.

On the bottom of the open pan, the shadows of glue and chaos appear to be swirling, like, invisible. A strange feeling I'm not sure if it's an eye illusion. Touching the bottom of the pan did not change the feel in particular.

"So, what the hell can you do with him..."

I hope it came out, but I'm not particularly responsive to this. Sounds like an installation-type spell for now, couldn't move it off the ground.

"In the meantime, why don't you make it from the stuff you're used to"

Because we know the results, we know the changes. First, let's make the wound drug A, which is completely settled as a permanent medicine, in this' witch cauldron '.

"Nicetampopo leaves"

I also found it on the way through the Great Forest Dome, so I have enough. Remove a bunch from the bag and throw it into the pan.

"Fairy Walnut Leaf"


I can procure it locally, so Lem will already take it.

"White Flower Flowers"


He is also locally sourced in the flower garden in Fairy Square, so Arakune took it and gave it to me to just properly chisel the flower part.

I'm happy with Rem's assistant abilities, like the cooking show.

"So, mix this up -"

As usual, it was the next moment when I tried to mix the ingredients in with a branch instead of a breast stick. I wonder if the chaos swirling at the bottom of the pan has increased the gullibility and speed in Russia, and the ingredients of the leaves and flowers sink into the zubuzub.

"Wow, this is it!?

A few seconds later, as the vortex's rotation returned to its original velocity, a familiar green, blue, pasty drool emerged into the pan.

"Maybe you'll complete it automatically!

Wow, that's a great convenience. At last, I got a magical 'smelting' skill for creating easy tines, like a little bird game bird.

"Okay, this, all you have to do is have the material already, and all the magic makes it feel good -"

And I was happy about fifteen minutes ago.

"... ok. All right, Master Ruinhilde."

"Witch's Cauldron": A witch's cauldron is not just something to cook. A vessel of chaos that produces magic, curses and poison. At first glance, it's just a big black pan...... in fact, it's a versatile piece of equipment that can be cooked in a variety of ways in one piece.

If you throw in the ingredients, you can also do wound medicine A in just three seconds. Look, this finish. Trolley, isn't it? Here, the difference is obvious if you compare it to a hand mixed thing! No more troublesome manual work is Osarava. There's power, a hard fairy walnut shell, 'cause if it gets to him, it's gullible! Look, it's crushed in an instant.

It's not just the mixer. Here, I just drew it from the fountain. Cold ah, water. Put this in the pan...... YES! What do you say, it's already boiling. Whoa, it's still early to be surprised, now, one, two, three, yes, it's iced! What a lump of ice in an instant the hot water that was boiling with guts!

Yes, if you put it on this pan, you're free to heat and freeze rapidly.

Additionally, if you fill the pan with smoke, you can smoke it, and if it stays empty, you can dry it quickly!

With this one, bake, simmer, cook, cool, smoke, dry, shredded...... all kinds of cooking are easily and conveniently ready with a little magic consumption! Truly a revolutionary child in the kitchen, "The Witch's Cauldron," one in the family, for cooking. Now, put on another one.

And, well, it turns out from my experimental results that it's a performance like this.

"No, it's awesome, it's an awesome pot, here it is..."

I'll admit it. As long as I have this, the more I feel confident that I can cook on my own, the better the cookware is.

Yes, this was just a cookware, just a magic trick.

"Seriously, 'smell' or something cheesy."

Although it is a convenient and difficult ability in modern science and technology to recreate various cooking methods with magic... I have already seen the power of the 'wise man' to create the things I want, with only one shot of spell and magic. Yes, if it's in the hands of a little bird game bird, if it has demonic material and a weapon to base it, a 'red knife' can be made.

But no matter how I use my "Witch Cauldron," I can't create a magical weapon. I just didn't have to mix the ingredients of the medicine with my hands. Even if all the ingredients were available for that medicine, if the formula is wrong, it can only produce garbage that will not do any good.

If only there was material and magic, then it would be completely automatic for the best results, cheap craft abilities... right, I, the spellman, can't possibly get it...

"No, that's okay... mud dolls automatically take the ingredients in a good way... even this pot should be able to make drugs and poisons as long as we can establish the method of making them..."

Still, it took a little while for my tension to undo when I expected it to be easy to smell and then sink.

"Whoa, good smell!

Taking the black lid of the accessory, Mois sprays up the hot air. In the pan, the thin, brown, cloudy soup boiled gutsy, and the aroma of appetizing oil slightly irritated my nose.

You can do this already.

I shrugged the hot pot until I combined the tree-like vessel in Goma's possession with the branches to create it.

"- Yeah, yummy. This one might taste better than cooked as is."

That's what I think of the first big pig peony pan I've ever made.

I made it for today's meal because there is a universal cookware called "The Witch's Cauldron" in the corner. Being able to cook in a pan, I explored the forest dome to find out if there were any edible ingredients. As a result, what was obtained was a mushroom like a big shimeji and, for once, seemingly edible wild grass.

That's how the dungeon peony pan, of the big pig, the mysterious mushroom and the grass, was completed.

If the ingredients are suspicious, even if I make them without the knowledge or skill of cooking, they are as tasty as they seem to be, so I still think that if May had made them... or that this' witch cauldron 'was the skill she needed.

"It's so convenient to freeze it if you have too much."

Even though I made it into a small eye pan, I would never empty a cup of pan with a snack from the beginning. After about half of it, if you keep it in frozen mode, it will cool on its own. The set temperature is at zero degrees. There is no thermometer, so it was adjusted for temperatures around which the water is critical and not frozen.

Heating and freezing, though using magic, is not a great consumption. Besides, if you put some magic into it, the effect will be maintained even if you don't remember it all the time. So as long as the magic lasts, it keeps me cold.

"All right, then... poison, why don't you try"

More than three days have passed since we reached this fairy square. I spent so much time experimenting with the Witch's Cauldron because I was able to experiment with so many different methods. For one thing, I'm going to be based here and ready to move on.

So exploring the Great Forest Dome, which extends in front of and behind this square, we are also fully engaged in gathering materials from hunting for miscellaneous fish monsters and collecting herbal poisonous herbs. I'm tough on my own no matter how much time I have, but with Rem and Arakune, I can make quite a bit of progress hunting and collecting demons.

Especially with the Arakune yarn, it's incredibly convenient because you can capture your prey alive.


"Ah, welcome back"

Just when Arakune came back from the hunt. Finishes well. There are three cocoons of spider yarn that are dragged down with cheats. From one of them, I could see Goma's black feet sticking out.

"Good, you seem to have caught me well"


Good boy, I stroked him, and Arakune roared feeling unsure if he was happy or intimidated. By the way, the place I stroked it was Arakune's man-shaped, swollen chest like a tit, but I knew it was covered in a hard outer skin, so it wasn't soft or anything. It's not sexual harassment, it's purely academic exploration.

"Welcome, Goma, to the magician's secret laboratory..."

Hmm, and with a dark grin, I was unnecessarily caught and told a cheerful goma that was even in the cocoon.

In the first phase of the day, the prototype poison is complete. Even so, like wound pills, it's just an easy thing to mix.

There are three prepared.

"Arakune poison": poison secreted from Arakune's fangs. It doesn't make sense to me, but it has the effect of paralysis to catch prey.

"Yellow Frog Poison": Probably the same paralysis poison that Yokoichi used. It was a yellow frog, just like him, and the tip of his well-stretched tongue had a lizard on it, from which the venom was stained.

"Spider Frog Poison": Arakune and yellow frog, just a mixture of venom collected from both.

For one thing, I'm going to try these three on Goma opponents. Should I use it alone, or does it work somewhat more, even if it doesn't have to be doubled when mixed? Although there are many things I would like to try, such as combining it with other ingredients, heating or cooling, how it changes, etc., let's just use this first.

"Nevertheless, this is a human experiment..."

Just outside the square, I'm letting Arakune build a giant spider's nest wall among the great trees to stake out a pathetic experimental animal here.

First of all, Goma, a monumental experiment number one, is tied up with her hands, feet, and head, in big letters. Mugamuga, groaning at himself, but with just about Goma's arm strength, there's no way he can break Arakune's restraint or anything.

It also makes me feel a little pathetic to watch... well, even you guys will try to kill me as soon as you find me, and since you've already killed and eaten your classmates, it will be each other who's doing terrible things. Unfortunately, our humanity will never make peace with the savage and filthy Goma.

Now, there can't be any hesitation with Goma opponents. With this wax, I solemnly began a human wind experiment to verify the effects of this paralysis.

Easy way to do it. Simply put the collected venom on the blade tip of a small knife and cut it gently. Observe how much paralysis you see with this degree of contact. Now all you have to do is pick things that seem immediate and improve them.

Please, I hope it works. Praying so, I crisp Goma's arm.

"Mugg, gummy, gummy, gummy. -"

Then another three days passed.

"... for one thing, I guess this is it"

I finally succeeded in purifying the paralytic venom that was as immediate as it could withstand in action. Even so, the monster poison was powerful from the beginning, though I only meant to apply a few hands later.

"Paralysis venom of spider frogs": based on the venom of arachne and yellow frogs, mixed with basilisk bone powder, mandragola powder and pine light oil and added a little of my blood. If you're Goma, peel off your white eyes and faint with a stab of this paralyzed poisoned needle.

Although it takes a lot of material and effort to make, I still think I have a pretty powerful paralysis poison.

Cut with a knife applied to him, even just a few cuts, or a miscellaneous fish monster like Goma or Red Dog, he's paralyzed in one shot. Paralysis, or cramping your body, peeling off your white eyes and fainting, so it looks pretty effective.

Even that big pig, if he has the paralysis poison of a spider frog, falls even in the middle of a rush and stops moving. If this is the case, you can expect it to work for your basilisk boss.

Nevertheless, Mandragola and my blood are a versatile material that works when it comes to mud dolls. Is his blood fundamental to every spell? As for Mandragola, well, because boulders are just famous. Again, there was no harm in keeping it collected.

"I guess it's time to leave here too"

If I noticed, I'd been caged in here for nearly a week. I went to the woods to collect materials, and for poison refining, I had to prepare vessels and other accessories, and there was as much to do. Once you start something like this, you get enthusiastic about it.

This time a definitive achievement was achieved that a splendid poison was completed, and I think it was worth the week.

"Thanks to Arakune, my brunette bondage grew."

I reach for Goma, an experimental organism in cramps as she is stung by a spider's nest and vicumbiculated by the paralysis poison of a spider frog.

"Ripped -" Silver Hair Cut Off ""

A gleaming line in the hollow. That's a beautiful silver long hair that looks like it just fell out of one and hit the wind, but when the sole tangles into Goma's neck - butcher, making a sound of tearing meat, dodgy and black blood coming from his neck.

Tentacles like hard steel wire, released from the flat of my hand, that's Silver Hair Cut. A new derivative of "Black-haired Ties," created by imitating the sole, carefully observing the steel wire that is Arakune's special move, sometimes cutting his fingertips.

Its power is as you can see. Just one like thin hair, give me your neck and I'll tear the meat apart easily. If you can do more magic... even the bones of the cockroach and the thick neck, try to cut them off.

Its quality is exceptionally high compared to previous tentacles. That's all, though it takes time to activate, and even one bottle drains quite a bit of magic. If you use it around here, you'll be fine because it's a problem you can solve.

Of course, he also mastered "Spider Yarn Tie", which reproduces the adhesive yarn with this and the set. The magic consumption over here is more than dark hair, less than red hair, etc. It takes little time to activate, it's a convenient spell. Combined with "Spider's Nest Involvement," even soon, it will be able to be put into action.

Tips for knitting derivative moves for "Black Hair Tied" can be found in "The Witch's Cauldron". Actually, if you squirm around in the cauldron, it works. That is, it is easy to change the quality of the dark hair you have grown, and it is easy to feel the change accurately.

Thus, is there simply a trait change occurring under magical influence, or are scientific changes such as altering the sequence of molecules being performed? I don't know that much, but I'm pretty sure I can successfully achieve the change in direction I seek by using the 'Witch Cauldron'.

In a way, it could also be called a means of modifying spells. I don't know, "Witch Cauldron" seems like a lot of possibilities.

"All I can do, I should have done it"

Medicine, poison, equipment, spells. Even if I stay on the spot any longer, there's nothing I can possibly improve on. With all due respect, the time has come to leave...

"Let's take a bath before then, after bed"

It's important to provide for your English chi.

It was the night of the second day of square life that I realized that if I used the 'Witch's Cauldron', which easily boils water, I would take a bath. I use a little magic, but if I create a mud mould big enough for my whole body to get in, it will form as a pan in the same size.

Water, of course, draws from the fountain. Fortunately, the water is gushing out of the high position at the foot of the fairy statue, so if you stick a hose in here, you can automatically draw the water into the tub in the low position you have on the ground, using the Siphon principle.

What, where did you bring the hose from? There is no such thing as replacing "brunette tie" with a hose that doesn't leak water. I finished it in about two hours. Trial and error, while concentration and magic, drained me considerably.

"Ah, come back to life."

Sinking into a pan full of bare, zaburn and hot water, "The Witch's Water," you can already feel heaven while in the dungeon. I knew the Japanese would have to take a bath.

"Uh, already, if I put May and Mr. Langdon in there, it's seriously super fun pure earth,"

Good thing I don't have him on the spot. I'm a desire. A leaky attitude. At times like this, I can really relax when I'm alone.

Finally, the "spider yarn tie" can produce a soft quality yarn, so the sole is used to make hammocks as well. It is, in a sense, a soft bunk, more important than a bath.

I kind of admired hammocks, didn't I? At first, if you strain it appropriately with an ambiguous image, grumble the moment you jump on it! It's just me and Rem's secret that we fell in a spin, isn't it?

Anyway, thanks to The Witch's Cauldron, I can live a civilized life in the dungeon at once... but I'm still sorry to live in this place for the rest of my life.

Come on, let's start tomorrow and try our life-threatening dungeon offense.

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