Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 111: Two Scales

Soyts accidentally appeared to us when we defeated the Army of Boss Monkeys with an easy win, as if we were going to put it on Ichamon to not get on track.

"Wow, he sucks..."

At a glance, I realize we can't win right now.

The figure is a hairy rhino. And it's big. Originally, rhinos are big animals, but more than twice as tall and wide as rhinos I've seen in the zoo. Its size far exceeds the size of the giant pig I cooked in a delicious pan.

I've been able to fight there using a spell that's become quite diverse... oh no, I'm so vulnerable to these straight, big, strong, power-type enemies anyway.


The giant rhinoceros demon looks as rough as that big pig. Anyway, I can't help but punch a full thrust at us right in front of me, and it conveys an atmosphere like this. I mean, I'm already on the ground with gussies on my front leg, like I'm prepping for a ramp.


"No, Rem. Concentrate on avoiding"

I appreciate Lem's loyalty in shielding myself and standing to shelter me, but with this stupid big rhino advance, it won't make a difference whether Lem becomes a shield or not. It's a useless sacrifice like an example.

Now we are sophisticated at breaking down that big pig's rampage. If that's a giant body that seems to be nearly double his size, he won't have his hands or legs at the earliest.

Or so, it's decided that just diving left and right to the full is inevitable, and, well, turning your back and escaping is even more unlikely to be an option. If there is no escape on the side or behind... we have to go up there.

Fortunately, we have a pretty fine big tree standing over our heads, spreading thick branches all over our eyes to form a green ceiling. With my dark hair and arachne spider thread, I grab a lem and escape onto the tree. This Oki is likely to take a bullet or so in a rhino rush.

Ahead - yeah, avoid it first, then think!

"I'm here!

"Bull, bugoaaaaaaa!

And finally, with intimidation like a large dump car, a giant rhino runs out. Shit, I'm so scared, you know, fast. It's such a silly big figure, and it's too fast to get on top speed.

Shit, could this possibly hit you in the middle of a tentacle up there? Just dressed like that bullshit pierced my body like this.

"Wow, oh, no! Dark-haired tying. No!

The worst future ever came through my brain, and I did my best to release a rope of brunette bondage, that's when.

Whoa, whoa!

My body was blown away like a leaf as my ear was crushed by a loud explosion with a torn eardrum.

Oh, this is dead. I mean, are you dead yet?

"Wow! Hey, what - it hurt!?

Shortly after a fuzzy floating sensation, a strong impact hitting the whole body. Jinjin and dull pain rush through but... still alive.

Or it's not even a major injury. Was it a good beating, and I got up quickly without any noticeable trauma.

Nevertheless, if you got that giant rhino thrust, you can't possibly do this kind of damage.

Such questions are resolved immediately.

"Been, ah, ah, are you..."

Sole, it was too huge. Even compared to rhinoceros demons like dump cars, still, huge. Different stature. As a demon, no, not as a creature.

I even remember a kind of emotion through fear in its grand, too strong and successful appearance. Because that was what I thought I deserved for the "strongest" image.

"... Dragon"

Crimson, shining scales. Strong winged wings. Sleek, long tail. And a sharp two-horned, fierce head had a flaming exhale leaking out of its mouth.

Fire Dragon Salamander.

I could only call it that, well seen in games and cartoons, it was the figure of a fire-blowing dragon itself with wings.

"Wow, wow..."

Such a salamander as you can imagine, it makes me look so wild everywhere in this other world.

Apparently, Salamander plunged out of the air and captured a rhino that was in the middle of a rush towards me. It seems that the clashes between the demons, which are so enormous, caused me to be blown away by the aftermath of being nothing but a little human.

It was the decisive moment of predation that I could not see, but now I see a rhinoceros being grabbed with his back leg nails protruding deep into his torso.

They jumped out of the air at such a huge salamander proximity that they couldn't even notice. I must have had enough shock to crush my gut just because I was kicked in that leg. On top of that, a rhino almost fatally wounded with a firm, sharp nail pierced.

BULL, and a rhinoceros raising his distressed voice and turning himself around, but when Salamander chewed his neck muscle with a mouth where the fire powder leaked - for a moment from the rhinoceros' mouth and nose, the flame leaked out, and it stirred, and even Pickle stopped moving.

After biting his neck, he must have thrown up a flame and burned his head from the inside out. It is too vivid todome.

I think Salamander, who cried out to rejoice in the success of the hunt, let the big red wings feather powerfully while grabbing the captured prey, rise again to the sky, as

Unexpectedly, Salamander turned to me.


Noticed. Now they've noticed?!?

The mood is right, a frog stared at by snakes. No, with me and the dragon, I guess there's more to it than that. 'Cause he's a creature on top of the food chain pyramid that preys on rhinos that can kill me lightly.

"No, you don't..."

Does Salamander have it in the heart of a lion who hunts and does everything in his power to hunt a raven, or he opens his mouth to the presence of me so tiny that he lights a blazing bright red flame in it.

Whatever you're looking at from anywhere, that's a preliminary action for firebrace firing. I understand.

Idiot, overkill is a good place too. I'm going to suck in as much breath as I want and throw up a brace that I'm going to blow up at me as a little animal that just kicks me in the toes of my feet and dies instantly.

Perhaps, no, no doubt, if I am let go, I will be a charcoal extinguisher.

Stop, rethink, shoot me and you'll burn yourself to death in 'Pain Return'. I know you're a very strong salamander for fire, but you're gonna burn to death. I feel sorry for your companion. It's like he's gonna laugh. It's best for each other to walk away from something we didn't see about miscellaneous fish like me here - what a negotiation doesn't work for wild dragons, does it?

Huuuuuuuu - Bo!

And the fiery fire of the Red Lotus could be bounced.


Soon as I think about it, a scorching ball of fire looms right in front of me. The ball brace of fire emitted from Salamander's mouth should be flying in at a hell of a speed, but on the verge of death I could see it slowly, clearly with wonder, thanks to phenomena like that.

The fire spraying demon has been around since Ortros, but it makes me understand that his attack was just a game of fire. This is the real brace. I see, Heavenly Door, it's the same flaming magic that you wiped out Zira's masses with one blow, no, it's more powerful than that.

Salamander's fireball, bigger than my body, is not only a sphere of fire, but I feel huge amounts of heat being compressed there. If this bursts, it will surely also explode like a missile, and if it strikes straight, it will disappear without any dust, and even if it is nearby, it will be able to burn or explode at its leisure.

And there's no way I can do that with my hand.


And the unintentionally shouted voice was cancelled by the loud explosion that struck shortly afterwards.

Even as my ears became keen on that loud volume, exposed to the blowing heat waves, my body rolled two to three turns and rolled down the ground, hitting Dawn and the roots of the tree and finally stopped. Ouch.

"Yes, he's alive..."

Shake your head, get up.

Why am I alive? [M] Did you take it off? No, the dragon doesn't have such a no-con wack.

That fireball went a few meters over my head and burst into the back of the dense forest behind me.

I mean, Salamander wasn't after me from the start, he attacked another opponent.

I don't know who that is - if you turn around, I'll be breathtaking about that giant demon figure three times.

"This time it's Tyrannosaurus!?

When I was a kid, I saw him again and again in the dinosaur atlas, right in front of me.

The comparable body of the salamander stands by a successful two-legged. Front legs like hands are small, long tails and large heads horizontal bodies are in the same shape as the carnivorous dinosaurs themselves as Gore.

But the force is different digits because he is far above the human-sized gore, the figure of the ancient large carnivorous dinosaur itself imagined by mankind. When the hell did such a big guy show up? I didn't even notice.

Black monochrome from the head of the nose to the tip of the tail. Covered in a large, thick black scale that seemed solid to see, hosting a metallic glow, I see, I thought this black iron giant would withstand a direct hit by a salamander's brace. And as a matter of fact, he endured. So I'm still standing.


All in return, Tyranno barks, while opening a giant agate - what a scatter of bees and sparks. No way, can he shoot thunder braces!?

Make a burst of noise and a bright purple glowing line emerges on the black giant. Sole was a phenomenon as if the rear shining from the back to the tail was shining particularly hard and squeezing power from the entire body.

And the next moment, more than an open mouth full of eyes, there was a dazzling thunder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Also, the brace attack of a giant monster bursting close to me. The explosion and blast flirt with me and hit another tree again.

"Yes, it hurt, oh, wow!

I was about to get up and I immediately crawled to the ground with my head pulled in.

Shortly after releasing the thunderbraces, Tirano raised his ambition and began his progression. Tyrannosaurus was presumed to run at about 50 km/h, but obviously it's going to dash at such a tremendous rate that it's over 100 km/h!

Oh, now you're dead from being hit, the moment I thought, an incredibly big jump from that heavy giant. Tirano jumped over my far head, laying unnecessarily low, shaking the earth and landing under the rhinos that Salamander had planted.

Overlapping, dragon and dinosaur roar.

Seeing, Salamander stood at a distance away from the rhinos, either because he dodged the thunderbraces. And Tirano, who jumped into a remote gap, clung to the rhinoceros' body.

Salamander gives an angry voice against Tirano, who tries to embezzle his prey.

"Wow! Stop it, stop it!

My cry of tears and so on could not have arrived, and a fierce battle for prey by two large monsters began.

All I could do was squat small on the spot already and wait for the storm to leave.

I don't know what's going on anymore. It's just that I can somehow feel the horrible roar and tremor and the intense battle going on.

And I finally realized after a while that the sound was only going far away.

"Ha ha... Yay, thanks for the help..."

I don't know how many times since I've been in this dungeon, but I'll bite the raw joy.

The surrounding trees are almost swept down, leaving vivid signs of giant demons contending. It's a miracle I'm safe.

If you look closely, like a large beast path, there are places where fallen trees follow in one direction, and apparently the two bodies have left in that direction. Clear my ears, I felt like I could hear a fierce dragon roar on the wind.

"I'm glad Lem and Arakune are safe"



After I lifted my head, I finally realized the presence of Rem and Arakune, who were protecting me from covering me. Seriously, I am so loyal that I cry. Thank you, Rem. Even though a healthy guard was a utterly pointless level of battle, it's still true what you want to be.

So miraculously, we all survived the storm safely.

Nevertheless, I didn't expect to be involved in such a non-standard monster battle...... Again, I thought of the power of demons from different worlds. After all, goma, dogs and monkeys are nothing but miscellaneous fish, and they are far up there.

"Oh, please, may he not be in the boss's room next..."

I'm getting anxious to get ahead as soon as possible.

But there were good things.

"Oh, Ko, this is... salamander and the scales of Tirano!

Because of the rivalry between monsters of the same size, it must have been enough battle to peel off strong scales as well. If you look closely, there were several sheets, crimson scales and pitch-black scales falling around there. It's not very pretty, it's a broken fragment, but it's a thankful harvest for me.

"Fire Dragon Scales": Fire Dragon Scale Shards. A young individual who has just become an adult but has sufficient hardness and fire resistance.

"Large Grounddragon Scales": Black Scale Shards of Large Grounddragons. A young individual who has just become an adult but has sufficient hardness and lightning resistance.

Comparing the two scales, 'Intuitive Pharmacy' taught me that.

"Are they still going to grow from then on..."

And I was terrified of the future of those two.

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