Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 113: The Demons

"What, Peach River, was that you!

Do you feel good with victory, Yamada? You bang my back and laugh. It hurts.

"Hey Peach River, what's that monster..."

"Because this is like my demon."

"So Peach River's vocation is to be a demon or something like that?

"Wow, it's Arakune after all. Does this mean you can use it, maybe Peach River is pretty strong?

For one thing, he succeeded in making good first contact with the four by supporting the defeat of the Goma Squadron. When you look at my face, and you don't come at me without a question, the least you can do is clear things like that.

"In the meantime, I'm glad we're all okay"

"Whoa, well, thanks for the help. Because there were so many boulders this time...... no, are you alone?

The upper middle and lower trio was a little distant about the rarity of Rem and Arakune that I could obey, and it was fussy and exuberant. Nature and the conversation will be with Yamada alone.

"Hey, accidents are way off with my buddies. You're alone now."

"Well, then let's go with us. There's a lot of Goma nests around here, and there's a lot more Goves. It was tough to move on."

I wonder what Gove is. Well, good, later.

It's more convenient than that to be asked to be one of us from the other side. Though my consciousness was all about how to successfully sell myself as a 'spellman' where I am the weakest vocation... since I already showed my strength to just save a pinch, you mean my value is so conveyed that I don't have to bother telling it in words?

I think I'm stronger too. [M] Well, the bulk of the power is owed to Rem and Arakune. Limiting it to me personally, I guess it's getting a little better than before, and so on.

"Is Yamada okay with the policy that we're all aiming at a dungeon offense?

"You bet, you can't go to a wack where classmates kill each other. And now... well, more than that, what about Peach River"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Of course, you'll be one of us. I was anxious to be alone, too, and I wanted to join everyone soon."

"Okay, that's settled!

Surprisingly, I decided to join my party. [M]

"Oh, Peach River, I knew it was for my people"

"Because you're a demon, you can expect that, right?

"Now Goma's fort is an offense too!

The top, middle, and bottom trios were happy to admit to my party.

It's always easier if you decide so much. With that in mind, I was in the middle of a welcome handshake with the four of them.


Suddenly, without any context, too abruptly, the scream of a tall girl echoed. Soon, I think, my gaze turns reflexively to the source of the scream.

So now I'm about to scream.

"Become, why..."

There you are, little girl, like any man would want to protect you. With a large grain of tears at the edge of my eyes, crying out in fear is a super beautiful girl like an antique doll with blonde blue eyes.

Yes, it was indisputably Leia Ardelheid Ayase who looked at me and screamed.

"Oh, no! Demons, demons! Help me, En!


This is the second time I've heard that roar. But this was the first time I had ever seen an appearance scene.

A large circular magic formation emerges in the hollow, as if it were to unleash even attack magic. The magic formations I've seen so far were just glowing, but all the shapes and letters that Colle paints formations were painted with melameras and burning flame lines.

Is this the magical formation that calls the Spiritual Beast of Fire, held by 'Spiritualist' Raina?

And from the other side of the magic line of burning flames, a lion of flames, called 'Enchan', popped up, as if to show off even on a fire wheel dive in a circus.


And it was me and four of the men who raised their surprises. But I'm the only one who seems to be in a pinch.

"Hey, wait a minute!?

Rayna's appearance doesn't make any sense at all, but still, from her screaming and En's summoning instructions, she misidentifies him as the demon who has attacked Rem and Arakune.

From the soothing atmosphere we're talking about, you'll see in one shot that we're not enemies, you dumb bastard! And I couldn't afford to curse, and I stayed to throw words of restraint.

And I regret the common sense response to try to solve that misunderstanding shortly afterwards.


Leaving behind a fierce roar, En, the spirit beast of fire, was flying to Arakune.


Avoid a tremendous jump in momentum. But Arakune just avoided it and wasn't trying to throw up yarn.

It wasn't super fast enough to react. If Arakune's performance, he could just throw up and tow even one of the spider threads - the opponent is not a wild demon, but a spiritual beast rolled out by his classmates. And from the current course of the story, Arakune, precisely Rem, who commands the will, could not define the impending En as a clear enemy and hesitated to attack.

In other words, rather than defending myself, I thought about my position as Lord.

Shit. I didn't expect the development of intelligence to lead you astray from judgment at a time like this.

No, you're not.

I should have seen Rayna panic and noticed. Either that's acting, or it's real natural, he's a woman who doesn't skip my own safety, which is fine and the same classmate, and who traverses the metamagic formation to escape just himself.

So when I said, "Wait," she couldn't have ears to listen to.

I'm sure I'm worthless to Rayna. Instead of just being a classmate, I don't like it or dislike it, I'm not interested in it in the first place, I don't recognize the existence of it. You may think of me only to the extent of the stone on the side of the road.

In short, I misjudged. The first thing I should have done was to restrain Rayna with or without brunette ties the moment I saw her.

"Rem! Don't worry, cover Arakune -"

I instantly switch my thoughts and skip directions while cursing my breadth... but I lost it late.


While En was a lion-sized giant, he was swiftly turning himself around like a cat or tapping into Arakune fleeing his red-burning nail tip.

"Shh, aah!

I was forced to twist the upper body of the human body, but inevitably my right arm was choosen shoulder-to-shoulder. How powerful. Even Arakune said he had a thick crust that should be on a large insect, but he was smashing his arms apart without even such armor or anything.

En just stroked it, like this. Fighting head-on, there's no winning chance.

"Stop it, Raina! Yamada, anyone can stop her, please! I'm not the enemy!

With my scream, you finally swallowed things up, like Ha, Yamada or less, the upper middle and lower trio said, "Raina! I called...

"Yikes! Scared, get rid of it! Ram-kun!"

Fellows, maybe, but there was a hell of a thunderbolt, as if to kick your call.

That means the advent of a second spiritual beast.


It was a large purple eagle that jumped out of the dazzling, glowing magic of thunderlights. The bright purple feathers are wrapped with bees and violet electricity.

Lamb-kun, who was called, is in charge of lightning attributes, no matter what you think.

"Damn it, Lem, Arakune! Run anyway!"

Even En can't see winning. Lamb should also be considered equivalent to En. Even though I couldn't win, my enemies doubled their power.

There is no other way for Rem and Arakune to survive than to flee.

You would have guessed my intentions no further. Arakune retreated abruptly as he rose and sprinkled the warm spider yarn from his safe head and ass. Rem was also throwing a knife and sword as he retired, wondering if he would be somewhat restrained.

"Do it, En! Ram-kun!"

But with one such childish hanging, the fiery lion and the great eagle of thunder emitted awesome signs from themselves, as if they were finally serious.

Shit, the feeling of tingling on this skin. It is a sign of great magic, felt by each of us when Yudo Aoshi unleashed the sword of light and when Ryuichi Tendo burned the tower.


En and ram, from a wide open mouth, a swirling flame and a flashing thunderbolt of brace, all I could say was mighty attack magic, as to undo my cry.

Rem and Arakune, who can only flee at first sight towards the dense forest, were swallowed up by that huge double helix of flames and thunder - without a trace, extinguished.

"Ah, ah, ah... Lem... my, Lem..."

He was a lem with the best performance ever. Heavenly Tao, this dish is made with your demonic ingredients at all costs. It would be impossible for me alone to collect that quality of material anymore.

Even Arakune is like a critical, time-to-help lem decided to strike and miraculously defeat him. Again, it's pretty hard to find him and tell him if he can take him down.

It was the best power a spellman could get me in line with the status quo. Rem and Arakune, we had them both, so I could have gotten here solo.

I... lost both of them because of such a nasty misunderstanding!

"Phew, good, thanks, En, Ram-kun"



Raina was stroking Nico's smile at the two servants who rushed over, giving her a melting sweet voice. En and Lamb, who were supposed to be powerful monsters that would let go of that amazing brace, had their eyes narrowed with comfort and a sweet voice whenever they were stroked with the hands of Raina, the Lord.

"Damn... Raina..."

The unconscious winner and the loser of all losses. It was something I knew, but again, I felt like I was being made to look different.

Without any guilt, without even malice like a mouthful, my anger at Raina for her irrational manipulation of me. And the despair that instantly lost its greatest power of war.

My intestines are now boiling back with anger and remorse, so much so that even tears of blood seem to flow.

"Hmm? Ah, Mr. Peach River! Hey, what's the matter, why is Takagawa here?

It was a word, as if Rayna would kick the lid of her heart that was holding that anger back with a mixed nose.

I felt that way. But does he really mean that he didn't recognize that I was here until now?

You didn't realize, so you think it would be innocent (Chara) to have erased Rem and Arakune by treating them like demons?

"Don't be ridiculous! Raina, it's your fault. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I had forgotten my own weakness and grabbed onto Rayna A. Ayase with a pungent face.

"Career ah!?


But as a matter of course, before I grab her chest barn, I can be seized by En, who is still summoned. This is the second time I've been pressured against him.

Damn, it hurts...... but it doesn't look like there's any damage to En because of this amount of pain, no scratches that clearly involve bleeding. Maybe you think it's physically invalid because it's a spirit?

"Ah, shit, let go!

"No! What, I'm scared! En!"

Rayna screams even more at my reaction, even if my body is held back, that doesn't hold my anger. And the pressure on my back increased dramatically to end the unsuccessful man who made my adorable husband cry.

"Gu, but ah..."

Oh, shit, so much pain is bringing my sanity back around here.

What a stupid thing you did, the regret is not that you decided to be magical about Raina, a weak girl, but simply that you forgot and grabbed your weakness as well. If I was to be angry, I would have to do anything but sue with my fists. [M]

I can't even act like a big pig peony pot and serve rhino mushroom poison, or do it that way, to the detriment of Rayna, who is protected by a strong and loyal bodyguard.

But I forgot everything and tried to beat him up, and my anger was real again. He can't be an adult enough to still contain his emotions.

But if that immature price is this humiliating restraint and pain, it won't be much. Oh, shit, seriously, it hurts, it's time for his toenails to start eating into his back.

"Stop, Ayase! If you do any more, Takawa, you will die!

The words of arbitration that sounded abrupt were those of Yamada, neither yours, nor anyone in the Upper Middle and Lower Trio, another boy's voice. Oh, my God, there's still someone out there.

"No, no! 'Cause I was scared!

Raina screaming in tears. No, why are you attacking me? You're crying more.

"Calm down, Ayase. Your powers are so powerful, you can easily kill people if you misadd or subtract them. If Ayase let her classmate die despite the accident, Ayama will be very saddened!

"Ah, Yu-kun... well, you do..."

"Yes, I am. It's okay, come on, Peach River, let him go."

"Yeah...... go back, En"

In one word, suddenly the back pressure and sharp nail pain disappear.

"Yamada, everyone, I want you to take Ayase back to the square first. You seem a little shocked, so we all need to comfort and calm down."

"Whoa, right. All right, if that's the case, I'll take care of it! Rayna, come on, let's go!

So, like a knight who cares about a leaning princess, no, you're such a superior. Anyway, with an impossibly sweet voice and somewhat gentle words, the Yamada Four Men left into the tower.

"Are you okay, Takagawa? Immediately, I will perform healing magic - 'Minimal Healing (Lesser Heel)'"

Oh, my back is bonkers warm, it feels good. Surely this feeling is a healing magic sole.

First of all, Rayna, the eye of the typhoon, was gone, and the pain in my back was relieved at once, so that I could finally face the fifth man.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, Yamajun"

"No, I'm the one who would have stopped me sooner, for such an important matter... I'm sorry, Mr. Takagawa"

As such, Junichiro Yamagawa is the boy student who apologizes from the bottom of his heart. He was a strangely charming man, commonly called Yamajun by his straightforward hatred, who should also be known as the conscience of seven groups for two years.

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