Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 125: Goma's Fort and Strategy (3)


He shouted a loud roar and Bosgoma began to storm.


"Damn, it's dangerous!

Gogma gently adorned Yamada and Ueda, who were about to cut right now, waving a giant cutlass and a blasting wand, breaking through at once. Just straight up, the boss approaches me as if he had seen his parents' revenge.

"Hey, why not!

and screaming at the actions of the irrational boss, but if you look from the side, you will know that the commander of this party is me who flies instructions greatly, and most importantly... only one person is riding the raptor.

It's unclear how far Goma understands about human culture, but if only one of us is still on the ride and shouting orders at the guys around us, it's up to us to figure out in one shot that Soytz is the head.

I mean, my failure was too conspicuous.

"Run, Raptor Ahhhhh!

Regret and reflection are all behind me, and I strike an immediate escape. Squeeze the reins and cling desperately to avoid being shaken off the rapidly inverting and rushing raptor.

"Also, Peach River!

"Hey, what's up, here!

"I'll draw the boss, so leave Gove alone!

I don't mean to be a jerk at all, but there's more to it than being locked on by the boss.

As a result, I don't know if everyone has shown an understanding of the sudden operational changes. The raptor, who has already started running, leaves the main gate of the tower, invisible to everyone. This is on the property of a fort surrounded by fences, and the gate hasn't even been opened, so you can't escape outside. I just have to keep going around with the glue, like running a course on a racetrack.

"Dagoaaa! Ugo, ngaaaaa!

And from behind, Gogma chases him hard as he raises his vague ambition. My legs are so fast that I can't be pulled apart by a walking raptor because I'm in the shape of a leprechaun. Probably using a martial arts technique that enhances the speed of movement like 'Disease Drive'.

With an unusual speed and lightness not commensurate with the giant, the boss unleashes magic on my back running away. I saw the red treasure balls violently and brightly extinguished with Vikabika, forming a volleyball large fireball.

"I'm gonna shoot you! Three, two, one - now!


Observe his wand with the intention of dying, identify the timing of the firing, and tell the raptor. The lem in the contents is a smart kid, so if you just tell him this, he'll use the physical abilities of the raptor well to avoid it.

Believe me, I caught a red tail and saw a fireball burst up close.

"- Oh, my God, oh, my God!

Shaken by a severe blast and tremor, it's going to blow away now. But being able to scream vigorously in this way means, for one thing, that the evasion was a success.

Pushing through the black smoke we were able to get in, we were just a little coaly and we could confirm that we were still running.

All right, his fireball attacks are not enough to be avoided. With the explosive power there, single shot. There is no continuous fire or induction performance. To such an extent as being able to shoot a bit of powerful fire attribute attack magic.

"But if you fly in here again and again, you suck..."

Next time it may fail to dodge. Whether you're spared a direct hit or if the blast stirs me up and I fall, there's a dead end.

It's not a good idea to keep being unilaterally attacked. Whether it works or not, we have to respond in order to disrupt a magical attack.

"'Rotten Marsh'!

For one thing, spread the 'Rotten Swamp' released backwards all over your eyes. Gogmas that follow us right behind the poisonous marshes that are spreading rapidly onto the ground, can't afford to run straight into them, but...


The boss comes through the poison swamp with momentum, even as he raises the juju, the sound and the smoke. The acid poison is working, but it doesn't seem to be causing much damage. You'll have to sink it for a while to kill it off with this. Regardless, I don't have enough power to keep him tied to me for such a long time. I'm ready for a basilisk battle.

"Yeah," Spider Nest Involvement "!

Next, eject 'Spider Nest Involvement' braided as hard as you can. Goma gets trapped like a netted fish if he gets hit by it,


With a flash of cutlass, it is unlikely to be mutilated.

Can't you just throw it at me and intertwine the netting? Even if it did, the power of Koitz would keep pulling and cutting a thousand and running.

"Then how about this one!

Let the red knife in your right hand, the iron dagger in your left hand, and about five other knives grip you into a black-haired tie, and beat them all together.

My flying blade attack, which doesn't have much appearance, can be skipped not only with my hands if I work hard, but also with multiple other dark-haired tentacles. It takes a lot of concentration, but in this situation, where the boss comes after us on the raptor, it's practically, one-on-one. If this is the case, it should be okay to concentrate solely on the attack on the boss.

"Gabrah, bughahahahahahaha!

But he comes in front of several blades that strike, without dodging or defense, and he sticks in and takes it all and stands. The chest, the shoulders, the belly, the red knife, even though it hit my head - no, it's not scratched at all!

"Damn, how hard are you, Coz! Is it 'Heavy Warrior'?!?

Thick and hard looking skin like a tire, it would be more defensive than human skin. But taking a blade of that quality straight from the front and playing it all without a scratch means you may have the same 'iron skin' or 'steel body' as Yamada, or both.

"Go, 'Reverse Dance Walnut'!

Even if it looks intact, it should actually be able to inflict some suffering here, if it is also suffering from a cassling wound. I mean, please, it works!

"Buhahaha, haha!!

"Shit, it's not even stopping me!

Again, even in front of the glowing butterfly that arrives, Gogma goes in without hesitation and makes a breakthrough as it is. Again, without those hand wounds, it would be impossible to do damage that inverted the resilience of wound drug A in 'Reverse Behaviour Walnut'.

But if I did, I wouldn't have chosen to take the magic of the dubious glowing butterfly in front of me for the first time. Try to be a little more troubled. How confident are you in your own flesh?

Anyway, now we're stuck early.

That's why I've told you so many times that I don't like straight guys like this!

Regrettably, this gogma is pretty strong. Excellent power speed, not to mention a stiff defense, and exercising magic, even though he is not in his position. Top notch strength among bosses I've ever dealt with. Now, you have a good balance of abilities.

That's why I'm not going to lose a lot here. Even for me, I still have one or two in my hand...

"At least if you can scratch one"

Open the Live Path, there's no first hand. It would have been nice if the two Yamada and Ueda had knocked in martial arts and injured them, but under this circumstance we can't expect the support of our people. With May's lined power, you'd be able to break in and stop him forcefully in front of the boss, but they're the ones who get jumped.

So you have to break his steel skin with my hands... but the poison from 'Rotten Swamp' was ineffective and couldn't stick with the firepower and cleavage of the red knife.

If I had any more offense...

"Yes, if it's him."

I stuck my hand in my pocket, and what I took out was a single butterfly knife. When I open it with a slightly obnoxious hand, I see a strangely giddy blade on the knife's crotch.

Yes, he is the butterfly knife he always used. I recovered it as at least a loot, but it was likely to bring back unpleasant memories and I didn't actively use it.

"If it tastes like a slice of him!

Cut and tear the gogma. Strange, so sure.

Replace the dagger on your left hand with a butterfly knife and set your aim. Perhaps only the first chance. If you find out I have a weapon that crosses his defense, you'll be on guard. If they slash the tentacle part holding the knife, they lose their weapon.

So be careful if you're after it. and it is preferable to cleave as large as possible.

"- Whoa whoa whoa!?

Again, the fireball landed. Once again, they even shake their bodies big, but they endure it somehow.

After all, I can't even afford to be attacked any more. Now we decide!

"Come on, let's go - 'brunette tied' eh!

Much like earlier, I unleash a flying blade attack. I let you play everything with your proud defense earlier on, so you'll think you can always play it next time. Now, you're not gonna copycat avoidance, are you?


If they do, does it look like I'm fighting a painfully pointless counterattack when I'm cornered by a fireball attack? I don't know about Goma's complexion, but it seemed strange and he was laughing with certainty of victory.

Hmm, you idiot. Even if the figure is big and strong, is it Goma? For the first time, I am saved. [M]

"Right there!

Exquisite tentacle operation. Quiet, quick, and precise, like a bandit's hyde attack.

Oh, well. Mouth, you must have stabbed people like this.

With a strange sense of empathy, I stabbed a butterfly knife in the back of a goma.


The boss's scream of agony rises along with the feeling of cleaving hard skin and meat.

All right, I'm through!

There are seven flying blades released in total. The red knife aimed near his head, while scattering sparks and blinding him. The other five appropriately discredit and mislead the aim.

Wherever he's after, he's completely alert because he's absolutely defensive. So he didn't care at all if the butterfly knife he flew on his destiny took a big detour and aimed behind his back.

This is the result.


"Bugovo, mugaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Even as Pa blew the blood splash out of his back, the boss finally raised his anger ambition and approached me.

I could have slit my back wide into one letter, but not fatally at all. I seem to have felt some pain, but I never fell or stopped my legs with it. As for the damage, it is very small and has no effect on the continuation of the fight.

But that's enough.

"By the time you get one scratch on me, you're done - shoot me, Rem."

Wind incisions that cleave the dark night. A flying arrow stood on Gogma's back.

"Ngah!? Gu, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

With just one arrow, the boss fell hard as the momentum remained, with legs running so fast.

"Whoa, what the fuck!?

"Seriously, you did it, Peach River!

My first chase with the boss, I just came around the fort. Yamada and the others, who continued to fight with the Gove troops in front of the main gate of the tower, were shouting surprises when they saw the gogma stumble in abundance.

"The boss knocked it down! Secure the entrance to the tower!

"Seriously, Peach River is awesome!?

"You're lying, Oi..."

"But now we can get out of here!

To be precise, Gogma is not dead yet. But it doesn't matter, because he's dead already. In my declaration of victory, the members are enlivened and bounce off the coming govs one after the other.

Gove, on the other hand, was clearly unable to hide his upset with the fall of a boss he could rely too much on. Morale and circumstance are all reversals at once.

"Ha...... nonetheless, I'm glad it worked"

It felt like an easy win, but this was the result of all my maneuvers being successful in one shot. You can call it just luck.

The archer of the arrow that had the gogma on him was, of course, a lem that kept forming on top of him. From the top, he would have seen me and his chase.

With more bow arms up than expected in dense forest tower defense practice, Lem's hitting accuracy of the arrows he unleashes is pretty good if he's within range and doesn't have a shield or jam. Believing in that skill, I had entrusted Rem with a special weapon.

That's the poison arrow that painted "The Paralysis Poison of the Spider Frog".

After repeated human experiments with Goma opponents, this is the first in a series of my poisons to be commemorated, but anyway, the amount is not so much. The only thing that could be extracted was a small amount that would quickly be consumed even when used for miscellaneous fish.

But just a drop on the skin has the dramatic effect of general paralysis while Goma freaks out and cramps.

High power but small amount. Then naturally, it will be decided to stick with the awesome boss.

If I had a boss here, I would have won with this paralyzed poison arrow from the start. If I can seal my movements with paralysis, I don't care what happens later.

And it was this gogma that appeared. If you are of the same race as Goma, it is very likely that the paralytic venom of spider frogs will pass. Honestly, when Gogma came out, who was just a Goma boss, I thought, I won.

Well, it was unexpected to launch me into a one-point, focused action.

Anyway, if you pass paralysis on the boss, this one wins. I wanted to cleave thick skin at all costs to make sure he ate paralysis poison. Maybe the skin alone will play the paralysis poison.

So I wanted a wound to get poison to my body. Hopefully, a large wound is desirable so that it is easy to hit the poison arrow.

And just in case the effect of the paralysis poison increases, I also put on the "reverse mood butterfly" released with the poison. The butterfly of the wound medicine A is more about hiding the poisoned butterfly than about aiming for damage. Well, it was a feint that didn't make much sense to the Gogma opponent who was spared.

No, really, I'm glad it went well. Without a knife in his mouth, he'd have packed it, and if Rem couldn't handle the bow and arrow, he wouldn't have delivered the paralysis poison.

"So for once, I'll thank you, Mutsuko. This knife is so sharp!

With a butterfly knife in my hand, I slammed my blade all I could towards the flank of the boss, who was falling into depression and roaring picnicely. And cleave into one horizontal letter.

Even I, the powerless, tear the boss of texture like a crisp and a rubber tire, so it's really a hell of a cut. In fact, we should consider this butterfly knife to be a benefit of some sort of magical enhancement rather than an awesome product.

No way, you don't have bees and grudges or anything, do you?

I concentrate on the work in front of me so I can shake off some scary thoughts. Remove the core, not the boss.

"Are we good around here?


The raptor stuck his head in the wound on my belly that I cut open. Eat meat with sharp fangs, chop it up, eat it up into your guts, scratch your cheats and intestines - finally, a blood-coated core appears.

"All right, I got the core! Hurry to the tower!

We rushed to the main entrance at first sight after being fished in the intestines alive and leaving a gogma that we didn't know was still alive or dead.

Now finally, farewell from the jungle of Goma!

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